Look pass the negativity and soar.
There’s no way of getting around not being exposed to some negativity but we certainly don’t need to a be surrounded by toxicity. Those who offer no encouragement, no positivity, and no kindness aren’t the sort of people anyone should want to be surrounded by. Sometimes we’ll come in contact with people who may seem as if they mean well but really aren’t concerned about our well being. Negativity is draining and in order to make any “progress” one must remove those negative people and things.
It’s better to surround ourselves with those who have aspirations to do better. Those who want a brighter future. Blocking out those things that can offer us absolutely to substance is necessary in order to ‘elevate.” Some aren’t in the business to help others succeed or have a care in the world to see others ”
rise up!” Removing the toxins will create a better life. Not everyone wants to be apart of “growth,”
Yes, there’s people out there just waiting to knock someone down, the key is to keep going no matter what. No matter what’s being said and no matter what’s being done. For some they’ll have to fight everyday just to keep what they have. Putting on that armor is necessary when battling darkness. Not everyone is compassionate or has a heart. Some are out to devour anyone trying to progress. That’s why it’s important to surround yourselves around those who are not only successful but who will help uplift those who are trying to “rise.”
There will be those negative vibes who live their lives trying to find a way to get someone down. The key is to find some positivity in it and stay UP! Laugh, smile, and enagage in positive activities. Forget about the negatives and find those positive material, communications, anything that can offer some positivity. The world doesn’t seem too caring and although the world may not seem that way. We can still excel no matter how difficult things become. Evil exist and that’s something we’ll have to deal with but in order to deal with the evil. The “Armor of God” is a must. That’s the only way to win the battle against evil.
Unfortunately when trying to rise up. There will be a lot of envious people. They’ll try just about every tactic to make someone stop getting ahead. Doesn’t seem fair but that’s just how some people think. Instead of trying to rise up themselves. They’ll rather try to kick someone down. Determined people will keep going no matter what’s throw they’re way.
“Evil Never Wins but Love Conquers” (Tanikka Paulk)
Photo Credit: Pixabay Free to use Even Commerically
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View Comments
Overcoming negativity is tough, at times very much tougher if we have lots of such negative people around us, but we can overcome negativity if we are persistent and stick to our paths.
I usually stay away from people who are busy getting jealous to anything.I don't have time to entertain these people.It is definitely a waste of time.You have also mentioned that some people like to pull down others.The insecurity is killing them and wanted to destroy others' lives.
We always experienced this in our working place. Some colleagues find ways to destroy our reputation. Luckily, my colleagues never dare to do it. They knew that it is not acceptable for me. I just do my work and ignore these people who can't control oneself in becoming nibblers.
Always away from negative people who have negative thoughts in the brain such people are avoid of faith in God and his laws. The best took of keeping negativity away from yous is pray to God with sincere heart.
Just as toxic radiation is poison to our health, negative energy is also disastrous to human beings. Don’t be misled into thinking that because bad vibes are invisible or hard to identify at their source that they’re any less deadly to your creative genius than poisonous gas—they aren’t. And don’t be conned into believing that denying or ignoring negativity will protect you from its deadly effects either—it won’t.
how to Avoid Negativity Eight Important Steps to Follow
Run a “vibe check”. Recognize the quality of the energetic atmosphere at work every day. Simply testing the psychic temperature of the workplace will allow you to make the necessary adjustments to keep your own energy intact.
If you sense dissonance, take a deep breath. Get grounded, surround yourself with positive vibes, and resolve that you won’t let anything you encounter throw you off center.
Resolve to let the negativity bounce off you. Don’t take any negativity you run into personally. Commit to focusing only on your goals and intentions for the day.
Acknowledge the bad vibes. Recognize them in some way, if only to yourself—but be discreet and subtle. You don’t need to announce them to the entire office. This will only spread the negativity you want to clear even more.
Be kind, loving, and patient with those around you because they need it. Focus on work, and if negative conversation arises, listen neutrally and compassionately if you can’t gracefully get away.
Observe, don’t absorb what’s going on around you. If you can unobtrusively escape, do so. Your feet are two of your most powerful defenses against negativity. Turn them in the opposite direction of the problem and leave.
If you can’t make a run for it, surrender and accept the situation. Give the bad-vibe dispenser (BVD) your complete attention for a full five minutes. Encourage this person to complain, gossip, attack, and whine to their heart’s content.
Just listen, breathe, and stay neutral—don’t engage, resonate, or rescue. When the five minutes have passed, ask with complete sincerity if there’s anything you can personally do to help right now. If you hear, “Yes, there is,” and you can help, then do so. If you hear, “No, not really,” then say, “I’m sorry. I really hope it works out.” Then go back to work.