Categories: Politics & Government

Isis In Mindanao To Declare A Caliphate?

   The recent remarks of the Australian Foreign Ambassador Julie Bishop in the Sky News Australia to that effect that ISIS might move to Southern Philippines as its base of operation and the possible declaration of a caliphate must be consider and look upon.

Such remark is understandable given the fact that Isis is losing its declared territory both in Iraq and in Syria. This may be coupled by the fact of the two recent terrorist attacks in Paris Orly Airport and in London.

While it is a possibility that Isis may declare a caliphate in Mindanao through its local terrorist contacts or counter-parts—the Abu Sayyaf thru its leader Isnilon Hapilon, the reasonable question to be ask is for what practical end or ends?

There is already a Muslim secessionist movement in the Southern Philippines that is waging war against the Philippine government since the time of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos up to the present?

Any declaration of any caliphate will be nothing new to the Filipino People. Who is afraid of Isis declaring a caliphate in Mindanao in the first place?

No right thinking Filipino is afraid of such possibility. Isis may declare a caliphate in Mindanao for a million times but such act on their part will be merely empty gestures for propaganda purposes.

The Philippine Territory

The Philippines as a State under International Law cannot be dismembered by mere “declaration” of a terrorist organization. Further all the Philippines Constitution from the 1935 Philippine Constitution, 1973 Philippine Constitution and the 1987 Philippine Constitution has declared and delineated its National Territory under Article I of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, to quote:

“The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the sea bed, the sub soil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between and connecting the islands

of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.”

Any declaration or statement declaring Mindanao to be part of the caliphate of Isis would be null and void and has no force and effect in the Philippines. It will be contrary to International Law and the Philippine Constitution and other existing Philippine laws.

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Will the people of Mindanao allow themselves to be a caliphate of the terrorist group Isis or Isil? I don’t think so. The Filipino People and the People of Mindanao are far wiser enough not to be used as part of the Isis propaganda.

On the tactical and operational level, Isis has no capability on the grounds such as tanks and armor personnel carrier or air power such as fighter plane and helicopter in Mindanao to defend whatever caliphate it wants to declare.

Any declaration of a caliphate in Mindanao will be a purely terroristic propaganda, nothing more nothing less. The whole Armed Forces of the Philippines for sure will crush to the ground any caliphate that Isis wants to declare.

Isis can’t even maintained and defend its robbed territory in Iraq and Syria, and it has the guts to declare a caliphate in Mindanao? Only in Isis dreams.

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  • Arnold Cruz

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    • I hope no such thing ever happens in the Philippines. It would be very sad but I don't think the government and people will allow for such a thing to happen. These terrorists are really ruining the state of affairs all around the world!

    • Hi t z,

      Thank you so much for your reply. May God in His Infinite Wisdom do not allow such thing to happen to our beloved country.

      I think the Filipino People are politically matured enough not to allow such thing to happen. We cannot allow and afford Mindanao to become the training and breeding grounds for future and potential terrorist that will bring havoc not only to our country but to other country as well.

      With this in mind, it is clear that Isis as a terrorist organization is losing its foothold in the Middle East that’s why they are considering to relocates or spread their own imaginary caliphate.

      The Philippines is a Republican and a Democratic State. As such we don’t recognize any monarchy, much less any caliph or caliphate. A caliphate is not part of our history, culture and tradition. It is against our Constitution and existing laws.

      Thus, those jihadist or Islamist terrorist must better think twice. If they declare a caliphate, I think there will be an all-out war between their local contact in Mindanao the Abu Sayyaf and the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

      As I mentioned in my blog, the Filipino People are far wiser than they could ever think. Maybe Isis is under estimating our resolve. To do so is very dangerous.

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