Categories: Society & Culture

How to Stay Uplifted and be Happy

Doesn’t take a lot of money to be happy. “Happiness is a choice.” Some may think it’s impossible to be happy or filled with joy if there’s a lot of problems to deal with. Problems will come and go but we must remember that we’re only here one time. There’s no do overs. So might as well find some reasons to be happy. Let the light shine and avoid allowing people to make a day sour. They’ll try of course but it’s up to the individuals whether their actions will get a person down. be good spirits. When it appears as if the whole world has turned their backs, there is always a supporter somewhere, there’s always God and Jesus Christ who never forsake.

Some may think that having lots of wealth creates happiness. Not so. There’s a lot of individuals who are very wealthy and aren’t happy at all. Some may purchase lots of materialistic’s but are trying to hide their true emotions. Happiness should come from within. What creates is staying clear of toxic individuals. Coming in contact with a lot of toxicity can certainly generate a lot of stress and when stressed. All of “the joy” leaves. It’s important to be happy because happiness produces better health.

Some don’t even try to be happy. They’re always in a bad mood. Never displaying kindness and always on the attack. Not caring whether others grow or not but always “thinking” about getting others down. What a way to live. There’s a lot of precious moments wasted. There’s a lot to accomplish and perhaps some may not want to accomplish. We’re certainly capable of doing so. Some are without any hope. Very unfortunate. There’s always a reason to smile. Just think about some happy moments in time.

Too many people are wasting their time on silliness. Not concerned about prosperity and prosperity doesn’t always mean money. There’s many areas of “prosperity.” Perhaps indulging in some inspirational material will help keep one uplifted but being apart a chaotic environment all of the time isn’t fun. There should be laughter and joy being spread around. Not evilness. Of course evil exist but there has to be some good. The world certainly can use more light. There’s some individuals willing to shine their “light.”

Imagine being surrounded by a lot of people who are never upbeat. Always causing havoc. Perhaps they should find some ways to be happy. Stop causing trouble all of the time. It’s pretty sad to see so many very disappointed to see others be apart of growth. Just because some are unwilling to prosper that doesn’t mean that others should follow along. God wants every person to be prosperous. So many heckle at others for having less but are the individuals really satisfied with their wealth. Wealth doesn’t mean much if they’re alone.

There should be more joyfulness. At least some attempts to be joyful. The world is already filled with a lot of issues and it appears as if the compassion has faded. Always some feuds going on. Even when the days seem dull. There should be some thoughts of how to be happy. Happiness certainly feels better than sitting around in a nasty mood all of the time. “Meditation” can help with boosting a mood. Listening to soothing sounds is another way. Rather choose happiness then to be consumed with all of the madness.

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“Joyfulness is Right Inside of Each Person but we Must Seek the Joyfulness.” By: Tanikka Paulk

Photo Credit: Pixabay Free to use Even Commercially



  • Tanikka Paulk

    View Comments

    • Happiness is a state of mind. It's also fleeting. Especially if that happiness requires an external stimulation like material things or is dependent on the approval/disapproval of other people. I would choose contentment over "happiness". The quote, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" is a good attitude to have. It helps remove much of the psychological baggage we carry around that is a hindrance to our emotional well-being and "happiness".

    • It doesn't take much effort to be happy. The simplest things bring genuine happiness to most people.

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