Categories: Dining Out

First-timers: Taste of Brazil

My son has a nanny that comes in the morning and stays until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon to mind my son. Not sure if purely by coincidence, but so far, we have employed Brazilians to take care of him. I didn’t do it intentionally, as I even tried to find somebody coming from the same nationality as us, but no luck!

We are truly blessed to have found fantastic girls minding him so far. And because there are times I try to share a chit chat with them when not overly busy, it made me a bit curious about their culture, too. Some girls were kind enough to bring us homemade Brazilian food to share with us as well.

I am not overly familiar with Brazilian/Portuguese cuisine apart from the shared food items given to us and our recent snacking at Wigwam. But last weekend, my husband and I decided to dine at Taste of Brazil for lunch. If I am not mistaken, it is the only Brazilian restaurant within Dublin city center as well.

We went to the restaurant immediately after lunch and because it was a Sunday, shops open late. But we were lucky that Taste of Brazil is one of those restaurants serving lunch at 12. We arrived just in time – I believe the restaurant just opened. And because of that, the place is practically empty.

We were greeted by a really cheerful lady, even chatting with my son. I guess my son took the “vibe” that the lady is alike her nannies so he responded really well and smiled back.

We were promptly seated and given the menu. It took a bit of time and effort for us to choose which food to eat. We asked for additional time since we don’t know the things written on the menu and had to read through the entire description to know what the food is. Luckily, they are offering “budget set meals” so our selection narrowed down. I thought we’ll start with that and if the dining experience is good, we can go for the ala carte menu.

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The budget set meals come with a choice of starter and mains. To start, I ordered their version of sausage pie. It almost looks (and tastes) exactly like a common sausage pie but instead of potatoes, it is topped with Brazilian cheese and cassava for me. My starter was a bit cold and since it was the first time I am having it, I was a bit hesitant to complain because I wasn’t sure whether it should be served cold. But taste-wise, I am quite pleased with it.

My food experience didn’t start out great so I did not expect much from the mains – but I was extremely pleased when it arrived. Apart from the generous portions, my food was hot and really tasty! The black beans were cooked well and the flavor from the chorizo and meat pieces were thoroughly incorporated to the broth. Apart from that, the farofa (cassava flour), offers a nice crunch to every mouthful, too! It was superb!

I was really full but wanted to sample a Brazilian dessert so we ordered one to share. I ordered a flan and was really surprised it tasted (and looked) exactly the same as our local version of this dish. The dessert was not sickeningly sweet, rich and creamy. Yum!

Overall, I had a pleasant dining experience here. The staff was really friendly and attentive to us – she even waved goodbye to my son while we were leaving.

  • cessy08

    View Comments

    • Brazilian food is very similar to food I ate when I was growing up - in other words, like my mom's cooking, even though she was American. Brazilian cuisine has similarities to Southern American food, and Cuban food, and Puerto Rican food and Bahamaian food ... :) That's basically what I eat and if the food is like that I know I will enjoy it! The way you described Brazilian food sounds like that. YUM! :)

      • Oh, it is probably a lot similar given that they are Southern American, right? :) I love eating Southern American cuisine like creole. :)

    • Looking at your title I thought your post would talk of your visit to Brazil. Taste of Brazil seems to be the name of the restaurant where you ate. I am told the water does give a dish a different taste. So did the dishes that your babysitter brought tasted different?

      • Oh, sorry about that. I would say I would love to visit Brazil someday but I think it is a bit dangerous now given the Zika virus and all. I don't know whether that's the water since I ate the dish in a restaurant here in Dublin. :) But noticed that they are quite strong using salt because even the rice was salty!

      • Yeah, it was really tasty. My stomach was really full especially after the mains but just wanted to taste a dessert as well. It was a good call for my husband and I to share just one plate. :)

    • I don't think I have ever eaten traditional Brazilian food, but now I want to try. I can't get to Dublin, but a restaurant recently opened here in Oxford (Cosmos) that does food from around the world.

      I visited, but didn't see anything I identified with as Brazilian, but that could be me stuffing my face with the Indian and Chinese!

      • Oh, been to Oxford to visit a friend last year - when did the restaurant open? Is it a buffet? If it's a buffet restaurant, I can understand why you ended up stuffing your face with Chinese food. Those dumplings are really tasty and easy to eat, it is too late to notice you are full!

    • Wow the food looks delicious. I never had a chance to eat Brazilian food. I am more on Italian and Filipino foods. I hope I can try to eat Brazilian foods as well especially the sausage pie and the dessert. Yum it really looks delicious!

    • wow, this looks so nutritious and yummy good for our health.Are you a chef? hehehehe maybe you are for you are a lover of may different kinds of recipes.

    • Been there many times in the last 6 years, they changed owner a few times and I haven't been there this year yet, so far there are other Brazilian restaurants in town and I have had good and bad experiences, more bad than good, like Banana Grill in temple bar is a no no. Taste of Brazil is a good option for average dishes , good quality and the price is fare, now there is Sabor Brazil which is fine dining and although the whole experience was good, tasting menu is not really my thing so I never went back.
      After reading this, I think I will give Taste of Brazil a visit this weekend.

    • Yes, Brazilian foods are tasty I have seen in TV shows but have not eaten yet because there is no friend of mine who lives in Brazil. I will describe Brazilian foods in such a way that One of the few dishes eaten the length and breadth of Brazil, feijoada is a hearty stew of black beans, sausages and cuts of pork of varying quality – traditionally veering towards the lower end, with trotters, and ears all going into the mix.

      Brazil’s hearty, flavorsome cuisine embodies the rich panorama of cultural influences in the South American country. It combines indigenous ingredients with the influence of Portuguese and West African culinary traditions, which account for its unique combination of spice, gusto and depth of flavor.

      Explore what Brazilian food has to offer through the regional varieties of this rich cuisine, and find the best places to experience Brazil’s most famous dishes.

    • During my stay in U.S in the 90s, there were not so many varieties even in the U.S. Whenever, I was visiting a restaurant there was some item or other shown on the menu as a special dish. It does not mean, the list is growing every time, but the particular item was chosen for the day as a special item and concentration were given more on its preparation.This was what I noticed. Even in India also the Hotel industry was not developed as much as it is now. Various dishes, various types of hotels, with various choices God .everything is changed.

      Generally, the Brazilian and Mexican foods will be quite spicy. Especially one should have guts to prefer Mexican dishes keeping a glass of water by the side ready to be taken whenever they are tested. Though they will be spicy, they are tasty also. This is the peculiarity of the Mexican and Brazilian dishes. One should taste them at least once in life to know what spicy means.

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