Categories: Dining Out

Family day weekend: Wigwam

The weekend is our family day. And no matter how busy our weekdays are, my husband and I try to make time so we can spend the entire day with each others’ company while strolling the city center – especially these days while the weather is really nice and warm. Well, we don’t simply spend the day idly during both days of the weekend since I need to run some errands such as grocery shopping and cook our food for the entire week during weekends, too. But we make sure to allocate at least one day so we can take our son out since he loves to go to the city center and play!

Well, it is tiring to run after a toddler – no doubt about it. Especially with my son having so much energy flowing through his body, my husband and I are already knackered but my son simply wants more, more, MORE! That’s why after the “running after session” with my son, my husband and I take a break to have some snacks and coffee in the city center to catch our breath! We try our best to stop by a cafe or a restaurant for some snacks as my son takes his nap in his pram so we can leisurely eat our food and drink. During these “quiet moments”, one of our favorite spots to visit is a trendy cafe called Wigwam.

Wigwam was previously known as Twisted Pepper. Not sure why the name change but since rebranding, I noticed that apart from their famously good cup of coffee, they also offer a nice selection of cocktails and finger foods, too. Apart from that, they also have sandwiches and soups for lunch. We frequently visit this place because we like the ambiance (really cool and trendy) and the coffee is always impeccable.

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It’s been a while since I visited the cafe and was pleasantly surprised when I saw they are also offering food for a change. We went there while a friend from California dropped by to visit and since we wanted to find shelter from the very rare hot weather in Dublin, we thought we’d order a few small bites to eat. My husband ordered his usual cup of coffee for the afternoon but I skipped mine since I thought it’s too warm. Instead, I ordered some mojito. I also bought these really tasty nibbles to share.

The finger foods served in Wigwam has a Portuguese/Brazilian flair to it. The round “balls” are the Brazilian “cheese bread” called Pao de Queijo, which was served really warm so the cheese was gooey and melty. The “meat” on skewers were BBQed chicken hearts served with a nice and fresh salsa. And the bowl of “chips” are not made from potatoes but with cassava!

I was impressed with the high-quality of food served in Wigwam but found it takes a long time to serve the food. Maybe because they are making the cheese bread from scratch as you order but I still find 40 minutes waiting time a tad bit too long. I hope that as they progress, they find a more efficient way of working around the kitchen, too!

Wigwam is still a top place for me in the city center. Apart from the cup of coffee I enjoy, I love the food and hope they get better, too!

  • cessy08

    View Comments

    • It matters little what one eats but eating together in a new ambiance is of the essence here. Not many give value to this family bonding.

      • This is so true. Of course, we try to go to various places but there are times even a fastfood meal is enough so long as we enjoy the day with each other :)

    • Weekend is most important for family and family members because the best day hovering two holidays to enjoy weekend with family and friends.

      I consider myself to have a pretty close relationship with my own family, but they live in another state, and I really don’t require seeing them more than once every 6 weeks or even being in touch more than every couple of days.

      Not only is it a long commute to my boyfriend’s family’s place, but it’s also starting to get expensive paying for the commuter train both ways (we split expenses pretty evenly even though I make significantly less).

      If you do not want to enjoy weekend just tell him you’re staying home this weekend. And next weekend. Tell him you’re staying home three weekends out of four (which is completely reasonable) and he’s welcome to stay with you or he’s free to go see his parents, but you live in the city because you like the urban life and the weekend is your time to enjoy that life.

    • A lot of great ideas we should try to enjoy with your family on weekend. This article would be a huge help. Thanks for sharing this one out.

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