drawn by peachpurple
Lately, there are many new writing online sites
where you can express yourself freely.
However, there are certain sites where the admin
would personally email to you his opinion if your
posts may had hit the borderline.
So, is Literacybase a great place for you to
express yourself?
My Opinion
Personally, I am happy to say that Literacybase is
a great site where I could express myself into my
baking and cooking passion.
I don’t write my personal affairs for my articles as
other writers do but I do enjoy reading any writers
expression in writings with amazement.
So far, I had participated Hubpages and Blogger dot
com, which had also given me the space to expand
my wings as Literacybase did.
Until now, Literacybase had not let me down yet.
Literacybase had allowed me to express my opinions
and thoughts freely in any topics without any limits
As long as I do not touch on taboo or sensitive topics
, I am sure any writer would be able to express
himself well too.
#1- Write your post with your own words
Writing your post doesn’t have to be in an essay
Treat writing as if you are writing a journal or diary
, you speak in written format instead of verbally.
However, ensure that you proof read your blog post
before publishing it.
Look out for spelling errors where misspell words
are underline in red color ( example: writting)
#2- Refrain from using harsh words
Although Literacybase is a social blogging site, it is
best for writers to keep away from harsh words or
insulting posts that may “damage” the site
One may feel unfairness or injustice over certain
topics or problems arise without any explanation.
We can write out our dissatisfaction in blog post but
put it in a amicable approach instead of blaming on
the site.
Offer advice or tips in order for the site to improve
and excel to a higher page rank, increase external
Avoid throwing a wet blanket over the
Nobody likes to be “corrected” over mistakes, right?
#3- Express your thoughts and sincere opinion
Some writers at LitearcyBase are good with sharing
their feelings by expressing their sincere opinion and
thoughts in a positive way instead of negatively.
Use your creativity ideas to help other writers
instead of bashing or hurling humiliation.
We are here to help each other.
#4 – Rant Post
Another popular way to express yourself is to write a rant post
about your frustration, woes or boredom.
However, rant posts do not help you to earn good pay rate due to
lack of keywords and not well sought in SEO sites.
Surprisingly, many readers prefer to read rant posts which are
much entertaining and related to themselves too.
Everyone love to share his own personal experiences through
leaving comments.
Honestly, I found that rant posts with lower pay rates garner more
comments than tips and how-to articles.
So, how to do express yourself at LiteracyBase?
Do you find that LiteracyBase is the right site to express yourself?
Do share your comments below.
Copyright allrights reserved by peachpurple
Photo belonged to peachpurple
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View Comments
Wow, this is quite good tips for us writers. Actually, I am so hard up in expressing myself the first time I joined literacybase. I felt so empty like I don't have ideas in mind. That is why I only join into the forum discussions with fewer words to say. I always think that old members are all professional and me a newbie writer is not that good. However, upon reading some of the blogs and other topics created by other writers, I noticed that as you have said, it is written in the way the want. Not all is written in an essay way. That is why it gives me confident to do the way they do.
I express myself naturally. I used simple words now, unlike the past first month here in LB where I always try to look into my dictionary to add up more words that is not usually used.