Categories: Politics & Government

Why Donald Trump Win, This Is My Opinion

So everybody now have their own opinion and speculation on the runaway winning of presumptive President Donald Trump of the United States of America. Or shall I say why Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the race with all the opinions and speculations (also) that she is the runaway winner of the race.

It’s the upset victory of the businessman Trump of the Republicans who earns the popularity and unpopularity in his vocally conservative program and proposal of the current situations in the country.

So, as a human being with the right to express the opinion, here is also my hypothesis to the surprise event of the century.

Over-expose Trump do good to him. Let’s accept it, negative issues or positive issues are all publicity. So when the mainstream media keep on talking on the negative side of Trump, they are really helping to the name-recall strategy of election campaign. Trump is over heard, over-expose and over word—and when the voters went to the voting place, they cannot forget the name of this blonde man.

Patriotism And Nationalism. Americans are the voters and outside the country are not. So, when you lay down you platforms it should involve on Americans and not that the benefits of people outside the country. When he said sending away the illegal immigrants and over staying non-Americans who are still working and enjoying the lifestyle of the country, it goes to the heart of the true Americans. When he said making America Great Again, it goes to their heart. When is he said to build border, the Americans can relate for their safety.

Non Trapos. In our country we have the slang word Trapos or traditional politician. Traditional politicians are often connected to politicking, not sincere, broken promises, just words and no action—in short, the loss of reputation because of these cliché. Look around the world, people are sick to traditional politics: Guatemala president, Brexit, President Rody Duterte and many more who are shifting to the new face of government.

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People love underdog. Come on guys, people love underdog. Boxing, basketball and other competition and we picked the underdog not because we want them but because we just want to be different from the majority.

Or Hillary Clinton was not just destined to become a president. He lost to Barack Obama, and won over to the not so then popular Bernie Sanders and now lost to non-politician Trump. She has mainstream media, Hollywood, world leaders, Wall street.  Maybe, there are no lining of stars for her to be the first woman in the US to become president.

Barack Obama is no good kingmaker. Obama endorses Clinton and the later lost. Which means his magic is not really good for the woman who served him as the Secretary of State. What if he didn’t stand and endorses, would Clinton win the race? I don’t know, maybe not—because as I have said, its not in the stars of Clinton to sit in the White House.

Email controversy is more dreadful than the issues of non-tax payment issues and women scandal issues.

We can find many reasons to tell why Donald Trump will not suppose to lead the most powerful and the richest country that every people wanted to be in. But maybe, Trump is just too good and smart that it’s not only business he can win but also the highest and most powerful position of the world.

Oh come on, stop the protest, give Trump a chance.###

  • SuperD

    View Comments

    • On my own contribution, Trump win the because american knows that they suffering under president barak Obama they have been praying to God very big expectation from God and now is that time they are looking for, america is under bondage for many years ago. Am every sure with the massive vote the citizens voted Trump in means they want a real the Democrat in that country america, am sure he will do well and restored the lost glory of America,

      • I don't believe United States has lost its glory up to this time. You see, America is still the most powerful nation in the whole world. Not even Russia and China can deny that. America is still the strongest economy. US is still the most favorable country that everyone wants to stay or go to. So, when Trump said he wants America to be great again, I don't get what he means. Maybe he think America is beaten by Russia or China. Lets see.

    • You're entitled to your opinion.

      Um? Does anybody want to address the possibility that the election might have been rigged? LOL. LOL. LOL. It could have been done by Russian hackers. After all, Putin called and congratulated him after the win and the Russians were partying in the streets of Moscow. I'm sorry! It's funny but it's also suspicious. I would not have thought about it were it not for the fact that Trump is the one who mentioned it!

      One of my brothers used to say: “You know sometimes when people accuse others of doing something, it's cause they did it! They're just checking to see if you know that's what they did! In other words: They want to see if they did it and got away with doing it?” LOL. LOL. LOL. Sorry. The more I think about it, the more hilarious it sounds and the more it seems to be a very real possibility the election was rigged.

      Anyway ... America will be America for the next 4 to 8 years and Que sera sera! Whatever will be, will be. :)

      • I don't know, but if Russia can manipulate the election of United States, that is the time I believe Trump's words that he will be making America great again. But what I know, only the photos and videos of the Hollywood's Jennifer Lawrence et al were hack by hackers and not election because they have the most secured anti-virus program. Trump win because America wants him to lead the country and not Hillary.

        • Yeah well. It sure would be nice if somebody finally led the country forward, upward and onward. Cause for the past several years I feel like the US has either been standing still or going backwards! What do I know? I have poor vision. :(

      • Is this what Nostradamus foresee, he he. I remember that even Pope Benedict has this kind of news when he was chosen as the new Pope. Funny we have heard many of this kind of end of days story.

    • Every body should keep in mind that in every country election is won on the ground of greed, dishonesty and wealth spending on the voters underground. There is no example of fair election in any country because gentle men neither can run country nor save country from enemies external and internal.

      Corrupt people run the country and save country. Think for a while to save country what the politicians do a gentle man cannot do or a religious man cannot do as well.

      Voters are befooled in the name of democracy because democracy is fraud. Think, what any politician does becomes the public decision?
      I think as It is a tribute to the designers of the US Constitution that the Electoral College mechanism still exists. It’s almost as if though they might also have already suspected long ago that there could be illicit efforts in the future to change an election outcome simply by stuffing the ballots in a few locations.

      The indirect US electoral system has saved the country from a big crisis brought on by election fraud. Instead of changing the Constitution future election reforms should focus on making vote fraud impossible or extremely difficult to carry out.

    • Yes. Finally, it has to be accepted that the reasons for Donald's winning the elections are many.

      Anti-propaganda or negative propaganda by whatever name we call it has fetched him a lot.

      Mr. Donald was abused and his followers were amused. Even wearing the T-shirts by his supporters was amused and pointed out as weird and mentioned as 'never-heard-of' method in any U.S Elections.

      The media outrightly supported Mrs. Clinton. Her statements became sweet and that of Mr. Donald were 'soar'. Totally biased blogs, articles, and writing became the day of events and found a place in the Newspapers and Magazines.

      The Moderates abused him as 'lunatic', 'crack', 'negative minded', 'mad' and what not. Every word of abuse was used against him. Vulgarity became routine Time and again the Tax-evasion became a topic of debate as if the Moderates were the only sacred and prompt on the planet Earth.

      When Mr. Donald said that he would make the U.S great he actually mean it. Neither the China nor the Russia needs to invade it or occupy it. Whatever bad had to occur had already occurred to the U.S.

      It should be remembered that the US owes more debts to the China and Japan The debts of the U.S to China is running in billion dollars

      China owns $1.2237 trillion worth of U.S Government securities and Japan this figure stands at $1.2244 trillion. The U.S trade in goods with China since the year 2011 to 2015 do not exhibit any improvement towards reducing the imports which are always on the increasing side

      In the above context, the statement of Mr. Donald was hailed by the U.S citizen. They accepted him . They welcomed him to be their President instead of welcoming a candidate involved in more dangerous email scandal.

      His winning the election is not by chance or by any lines of fate.

      Mrs. Clinton was supported from nook and corner of the globe. Everybody including the leaders of the other countries wished for her victory.

      Mr. Obama endorsed Mrs. Clinton openly for the best reasons of QUID-PRO-QUO . The media supported her. Mr. Donald was made single to fight the Elections. He had no support of his own party members. Every- one tried to off their face from him.

      But, Mr. Donald was never disappointed.
      The people of U.S were always with him though the whole world stood against him.

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