Categories: Society & Culture

Do we need guns for self defence?

Arms control opponents argue that a ban on arms and ammunition is a conspiracy, and their allegation they base on the fact that the most vicious dictators and countries before bringing in a tyranny, first of all disarmed civilians. This made a Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Muammar al Gaddafi, Kim Jong-un, and others. In many countries, including my country,, it is allowed to have a gun for self-defense, but there are a lot of restrictions and difficulties in acquiring them.

Switzerland, one of the most developed countries, has a direct democracy and the lowest level of crimes. And how it does not seem strange, it is one of the most armed countries, where people are allowed to have combat automatic guns. In the Switzerland is compulsory military training and weapons possession, the government issued bullets for the training, thus, in this country people are well prepared for dangerous situations. It allows them to save; the maintenance of the professional army and officers is costly.

Armed and drunk, mostly minor scares the population. True, our attacks are still below the US teen-scale crimes. Disappointed and angry minors, with combat arms killing classmates and teachers, have become the United States routines. In my country, among the teens are more popular gas guns. Many of them acquire for the self-defense, but some pulls a gun while being drunk, performing small robberies or just to show up.

The gas guns – it is guns, revolvers and gas dispensers. Gas pistols and revolvers belong to firearms. These weapons are not registered and you do not need to declare them. Gas pistols for the self-defense can turn into deadly weapons. From a combat weapon, they differ in that the pipe has a partition. However, self-taught masters know how to make combat guns from the gas pistols. Such weapons are dangerous not only to others but also to its owners.

The number of weapons to be purchased is increasing every year in our country. I think that in other countries is increasing as well. Entrepreneurs who carry on a large amounts of cash, or for a granges population weapon is partly a necessity. And for any honest person, who wants to defend himself.

After each tragedy, especially in the US, where even the children shoot at schools to their classmates, innocent children, each time there is bidding to prohibit or otherwise restrict the right to a gun in the press and the Internet space.

Basic principles, or from where comes a need to arm yourself. Gun owners are realistic. They realize that bad things happen even for a good people. After all, every time you put a safety belt sitting getting into your car, after all, even if you do not plan to strike directly to the next tree, but you understand such a threat as possible. So, the same people fasten the gun to their pants. They know they do live in a utopian world and they are surrounded by a lot of unhealthy, bad wishing people. The need for the weapon comes from the sober assessment of the global realities. Moreover, not one of us are repeatedly frustrated by the defensive monopoly authorities – police, and do not feel safe letting to care about ourselves only to the state.

Weapon owners are aware that can come such a day when there will be no time for calling to police, and takes responsibility for their family’s safety, their actions and the most important asset – life. They are moving through life with courage and are ensured that not only will not become victims, but also if have the opportunity, will save others. They understand that the murderer best stops not discussions on arms control, but the bullet in the forehead, at the same time they do not justify mindless violence and aggression.

If the killers do not care about the law (the murder is against the law), so why they should care about arms restrictive laws? The only thing that really arms ban would ensure – the message sending to all madmen, that from now on people cannot defend themselves. After the ban of the arms in Australia, they got never unprecedented attacks – home invasion.

Any prohibition takes away the rights only of honest and decent citizens, because as we know, the criminals ignore laws and prohibitions and exactly they would become the side which have the weapons, while there will be not left the right of the defense for the law-abiding victims. Where from we know that criminals would still have weapons? Just look at the drug problem – the drugs are illegal drugs, and how many we have drug addicts?

The weapon, although developed for the military industry needs, in responsible civilian hands is not a tool. What a person does with a weapon is a matter of responsibility and competence, and these principles are ensured by the law of weapon purchase.

The person changes after gun purchase. He will never can be as he was before – after all, now in his hands is a tool that can potentially take away another person’s life and this understanding chase him every day, every minute. It is needed soberly realize what the consequences you will face if improper use a weapon.

You must to avoid any conflict, to avoid ungrounded actions and be polite as always, because always you can lead to potentially tragic situations.

Personal protection is a valuable thing and one of the natural human rights. Why weapon is presented as the guarantor? The weapon requires a minimum of effort: you do not need a lot of training, long years of experience and substantial investment. In addition, even women can effective use a weapon of self-defense, and its daily wearing not causes additional problems for compactness, if to talk about the pistols.

Due to increased violence with the gun case, began to blame the games, movies, popular culture, and of course weapons. I think many of us have seen and “Terminator” and every violence-promoting films, but did not run to school to shoot children. As for the weapons as the causer, it leads to the conclusion that they itself came in and started to shoot. When the time will come to blame the murderer, who pushed the trigger? Weapons itself is not a problem; they do not move and do not think. Sick perverts is a problem in our society and they, unfortunately, are stopped only by good people with weapons.

Read, think and perceive, speak and understand that the rights, which are not used and are not actively managed, sooner or later will go out, and release of innate freedom to self-defense does not make us safer.


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  • Fortune

    View Comments

    • I'm 60+ years old. Never owned a gun. Don't like guns. Don't want to even look at a gun. I even get nervous when police officers get too close to me with a gun. How do I know it won't accidentally go off? Whatever!

      There are others who are 60+ years old or younger and feel the need to own a gun. Fine. Whatever!

      If guns were needed for self-defense, the good Lord would have probably created them for all mankind. But He didn't! So explain to me how one person can live their entire life and never need a gun, yet have managed to defend themselves if became necessary. But another person can live their life and because they felt the need for a gun ended up shooting someone – accidentally or intentionally. WHY? They shot them because they had a gun!

      Once watched a movie and here is a line that made me laugh and think seriously at the same time.

      “Give a man one gun and he thinks he's invincible.
      Give him two guns and he thinks he's GOD!!”

      Sorry. Though many may argue how important guns are for their protection, I say that's crap! They just want a gun because they think it will give them the “advantage” and it makes them feel like they got power! Folks these days are way too trigger-happy!

    • In my opinion, I do understand the importance of owning a gun. Yes, we do need guns for self defense. There are a number of concerns, when a gun is used for the wrong reason. It is better to be able to own a gun. This is our right! Some people are not eligible to have that privilege because of being incarcerated. Some how, guns are becoming more easy for people to purchase off of the streets. When you make that decision of purchasing a gun off the street, this will not be a good thing to do. My reasons for saying this is because of the laws that are put in place to be able to not only take the gun, but also may cause an arrest on your behalf.

      Truly, if one is paying attention...there are a great amount of African-American in the prison system, more so than any other race. This is just my opinion! I am concerned of the many people who have access to a gun, does not make proper decisions, based on the usage of a gun. Innocent children and civilians are targeted, either by accident or on purpose! So many innocent civilians have died to gun violence.

      This is not only meant towards the People. I have become very disappointed in our police force all over the United States! The police are supposed to be protecting us! How are we being protected when the laws seem like they protect the police for any wrong that they do to us.
      Innocent women and men have been killed from the police because they own or have access to a gun! There might be some good police out there, but it is hard for civilians to trust police with everything that has happened in the past and going on right now, pertaining to gun violence. I feel that this particular topic of having a gun for self defense is awareness of your surroundings.

      The decision for having a gun for self defense is not a crime. Women have always been targeted until now. Having a gun allows women to be able to fight back, for protection. I don't think that there is nothing wrong with having a gun for self defense.

      Imagine, with all of the crime that goes on, on a daily basis, a gun will properly be needed, for your protection....This is your right as an American Citizen. Be careful of the choices that you make, pertaining to the usage of a gun, in your possession. Study the laws of having a gun.

      Everyone has a right to protect themselves from harm. The laws were designed or put in place for a reason. Therefore, abide by the laws so there will be less crime, when owning or having a gun in your possession.

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