Dining Out


Do you like to eat only home cooked food or prefer dining out? Well as far s I'm concerned me… Read More

7 years ago

Books You Must Read – Slaughterhouse-Five

Kurt Vonnegut is an American author who wrote a number of books and short stories.  Slaughterhouse-Five is simply the most… Read More

7 years ago

You Got What You Wanted, Now You Don’t Want What You Got

We were sitting in a posh restaurant,  having a happy conversation, deciding on what we would order.   There was… Read More

8 years ago

Do You Choose What To Eat?

A Colorful Table The table hajs been neatly arranged with all the delicacies that your best chef only knows how.… Read More

8 years ago

Restaurant Experiences: Sure Signs You’re Addicted to Chinese Food

How do you know you're addicted to Chinese food? * * *   Hmmm? Well if you're married to a… Read More

8 years ago

Unexpected afternoon at Chez Max

Did you ever experience planning to do something relaxing while your little one takes his nap when all of a… Read More

8 years ago

Jamie Oliver’s Italian: Dining in Jamie’s Italian

Jamie Oliver is a well-known British chef over here. I am not sure if you are familiar about him but… Read More

8 years ago

First-timers: Taste of Brazil

My son has a nanny that comes in the morning and stays until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon… Read More

8 years ago

Another Italian Place to Visit in Dublin: Paulie’s Pizza

A friend from California arrived a couple of weeks ago to visit. On that day, it was a gloriously hot… Read More

8 years ago

Family day weekend: Wigwam

The weekend is our family day. And no matter how busy our weekdays are, my husband and I try to… Read More

8 years ago