Standing up is the right then to do. Image Credit:
Who do we turn to when the nation needs to address social issues and more? Some may turn to activists and some may look at the President in hopes that some of the problematic issues will be addressed. Even if citizens address some of the issues and are heard. Things will be better. Too many are afraid to speak up and out. Some in fear of losing a fan base and others afraid of a decreased income. Racism is a problem. There’s groups of people that are continuously being discriminated against and something needs to be done about these growing issues.
Not too many people are willing to address these sensitive topics. There’s children and adults dying in the streets and of course some may say it’s at their own hands. Not all of the deaths in the streets were created by people in the communities. Some have occurred through the quick actions of the very people who are suppose to “protect and serve.” It’s unfortunate because the circumstances put those law enforcement officers who are dedicated and care about the people within their communities in bad positions. If one stands up against the abuse that’s taking place that doesn’t mean that they’re going against the very ones who are trained to protect “the people.” Someone has to be willing to address these issues. Fear shouldn’t be within us. If people continue to remain silent then the problems will continue to escalate. There shouldn’t be any abuse of power.
Shouldn’t everyone want a safe America? Issues related to youth violence is swept under the rug. It’s the youth who are our future. They’re the ones who will have to care for the aged. Standing by and allowing these problems to grow will only create a more fearful society. Fear generates a lot of things and most of the time they’re not good. More law enforcement officers should be building relationships within their communities. By doing so they’ll put the people more at ease. Perhaps sensitivity training would help. Some may be having issues that hasn’t been addressed and not everyone knows how to turn off those problems before they head into work.
There’s way too many senseless deaths. There’s instances where the shootings are justified and others times they’re not justified. We certainly can’t feel safe with trigger happy policing. There needs to be more focus on the issues related to racial profiling. All groups of people should have the same rights. There’s claims of a free country but where’s the “freedom.” There’s freedom of expression but when people are threatening certain groups of people and then nothing is said then we have a problem. Protecting and serving doesn’t mean trying to create a disconnection. It means keeping people safe and policing the right way.
Too many shootings and some cases we may not know anything about. There’s cases of hangings and African Americans being dragged to death. Slavery already occurred. Could we be going back in time? No one should be a slave to anyone. Citizens civil rights are being violated and when someone brings attention to the violations. They’re being perceived as a menace. Speaking up and out shouldn’t incur abuse. Everyone has a right to speak about the growing problems that we’re facing in America. The strong activists were assassinated because of their strong views. For instance: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was very serious about activism, he suffered through being attacked, and his family was threatened. He carried on until his death on April 4, 1968.
There needs to be more “activism” taking place. Fear needs to be removed and courage should have its place within society. For all those mothers who have lost their children to violence. They’re should be voices raised for mothers and not only mothers but the fathers as well. How long have we been singing “We Shall Overcome?” We can overcome and as soon as there’s “movement.” Some want us to be at the bottom and aren’t considering that all people can rise up. “People are People.” No human being should be treated like a caged animal. No animal should be receive cruelty. Until we try to rectify the issues that take place within society. We’ll continue to see a decline.
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View Comments
Wow I just love what I have read, and if this piece would be read by all politicians or people who are in the government then for sure we would not have to worry about the many atrocities that are taking place within our countries, people will be more willing to take care of issues that affect them and get help, there will be no murders taking place between communities because of lack of understanding, the youth will be more willing to take up responsibilities and work for their futures. I applaud this article and I wish everyone of us would step up and do what is right in their lives because it all begins with me.
There's a lot of social issues that need to be addressed and hopefully some of these issues will gain the attention from those who are positions to make a difference. Too many fearful people. To afraid to speak up because of fear or some sort of retaliation for doing so. If everyone stood for something that can create a better world then we all would be in better positions. Silence doesn't get anyone anywhere. There's times to be silent but not when it comes to people's lives. Thanks for your comment. Have a blessed day. It all begins with everyone. Too many people are afraid to address these issues. Tanikka Paulk will continue to stand for people's "rights."
Social issues are common in every society and in the government sectors also. I think social issues are self created not imposed by God and any other creature. the main cause of social issue is greed and jealousy and nothing else.
I think these are htt social issues...
Abortion. What is your stance on abortion? ...
Gay Marriage. Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage? ...
LGBT Adoption Rights. ...
Planned Parenthood Funding. ...
Safe Spaces. ...
Religious Freedom Act. ...
Government Mandates. ...
Marital Rape.Abortion
Affirmative Action
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Ageism / Age Discrimination
Airport Screening Procedures
Airport Security
Animal Rights
Anorexia Nervosa
Anti-Muslim Discrimination
Binge Drinking
Birth Control
Bulimia Nervosa
Campus Crime
It is most difficult to deal with all of them because the government does not want to solve these issues because on these issues they make politics in all countries of the world.