A Tribute To My Mother


At the age of 34, my mother gave birth to me, her third and last child. Like me, my mother was the baby of her family, although she was the sixth child in her family. My mother was a homemaker except for the time that she was a lunch mother at the school which my sisters and I attended for the grades 4th through 6th grades. At the time, it seemed like a bad time because some of my classmates would tease me about it. Now that I am older, I find that she did this as a way to be a part of our lives while we were in school and to take an active interest in our schooling.

Knowing this, I feel that my mother’s love for me went beyond what one typically realizes as a child. Having children myself gives me a whole new perspective on the love she gave me and all the things she did for me throughout my life. When I was sick, she would make me soup and Jello to soothe my stomach and to make me feel better. She would rock me on her lap while I would listen to her heartbeat.

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My mother was selfless in what she would do for me and my sisters. We were her world and her every breath. It is funny the little things that we take for granted when we are children. Every kiss on the cheek, every big hug, and every time she said “I love you” was accepted without ever thinking that it would ever be the last time.

What I wouldn’t give to be able to tell her “I love you” or to give her a hug and to tell her “thank you for all you did for me” just one more time. In the time since she has passed, I think of her often and hope that she would be proud of me. I tell those that still have their mother around to appreciate the time they have with her, because one day that time will run out and when it does, there is no way of getting back even one second.

  • morgoodie

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    • I would have to tell my mother too of my success when she is living today. My beloved mother died without seeing me receiving my 4-year degree course in the college. And also she died without enjoying the success I have had today as a classroom teacher and as a school principal after I was promoted. Now I would be retiring from the government service, I would have given her all the things I have had because of her, and because of my father. Mom, I really miss you.

      • @nakitakona13 It is very hard when there are major events in your life and your mother or father are not there to experience them with you. I find it hard to know that they did not get to meet my children and my children did not get the experience of a relationship with them. I know that they would have loved each other very much.

    • This brought a tear to my eye, Sherry! What a lovely reflection on your relationship with your mom :)

      • Thank you, ruby3881. Words cannot really express what my mother meant to me, at least none that really do it justice. I am glad that you enjoyed it and sorry about the tear in your eye. :)

    • such a beautiful post for your mom, I am sure she can hear your words.
      All moms are selfless, pretty in their heart and the heart beat is very comforting.

      My mom who had stroke 2 years ago, couldn't remember at all anything that happened now but she could remember the past very well.

      I do call her every few weeks, to check up on her as I know she missed me as much as I missed her too.

      I am trying my best to be with her.

      • I am sorry that your mother had a stroke and cannot remember the present, but it is good that she remembers the past. I am sure that you are doing the best you can to be with her and I am sure that she appreciates it even if she does not realize what you do for her.

        My mother was selfless and would do anything for my sisters and me. I do miss her every day but I know she is here with me.

    • Sometimes I think that women of that generation really miss out on realizing their potentials.
      They live for their family only, and they do not think about realizing their potentials or pursue their dreams.
      Today the message is different.
      The message is to fulfill our potentials, and live our life to the full, not giving up our dreams for family.

      • I am not sure if she felt that she missed out on her dreams. I think her dreams were to marry and have a family to take care of. That is what women in her generation did. I think she was happy and she loved her family.

        Today, being a stay at home mom is a luxury that most cannot make happen. I have to find work outside of the home to support my two children, but I would love to be like my mom being able to stay at home and be with my children more.

    • Yes, mothers are the paradise of children, support for family, and a beach for husband and the bridge of energy. I am very sad your mama died in early age. May God rest her soul in heaven. And God protect you from all evil eye and jealousy.

      Your relationship with your mama were wonderful and you lost your mother and your mother lost your mother,,,a law of nature a lot of love for your beloved mother.

      A song for you because your mother has left...

      By JH sayyar

      O my mom, I have left all my dolls at your home
      My brothers, sisters, aunts, ankles and friends
      Leaving all behind with sweet sobs and sighs
      I am going all alone with bitter and sweet trends

      My childhood, my sports will never come back
      Till my death, now my frolic youth will die soon
      Falling in the marriage bond far away my town
      Now in dream about my childhood I croon

      O my mom do pray for me for my life ease
      I am a naughty child just in your pretty eyes
      Cannot forget your songs to me in cradle
      All night you awoke listening to my cries

      O cute, cute mom, where are childhood toys?
      Gazing at the sky heart weeps eyes full of tears
      O mom I have lost all joys but all in my brain
      I recall them in winter when heart full of fears

      Now where your are God protect you and your family.

    • One of the most thing on this world that any children could treasure is their very own mother. Since at birth they are the one who take care of us through our infancy, loving us in our youth, our guidance as we grow older, teaching us the important values of life that will mold us into a better character. A mother that love us without condition and selfishness. Like our Father in Heaven, He gave us his begotten son to redeem mankind from the tyranny of Satan and his very own Mother at the foot of the cross saying, "Woman behold thy son'' and uttering this words to apostles."Son, behold thy mother." to be our loving mother, the mother of the human race who wants to lead all of her children in the arms of God. ;)

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