Categories: Society & Culture

Living in a Different World

I live in Jamaica.  If you are not mixed race then a member of your family is, or you marry someone who is.   Many families look like a meeting of the United Nations.

Most of the population is more Black than White so the Prime Minister, almost all Members of Parliament, the Chief Justice, the Commissioner of Police, are Black. Most Police are Black.

This of course does not mean that a Black Civilian isn’t killed every day by the Black Police.   But that is not the point I am going to discuss in this article.

I was writing a piece about a particular 5 Star Hotel and the Front Desk clerk, whom I called ‘Keisha’.

A Black American attacked my article saying that it was racist as “No Black woman would be at the Front Desk of a 5 Star Hotel.”

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Now I don’t know whether I’m supposed to laugh or cry at this woman’s ignorance or her twisted comprehension of the world.   But in my country having a Black Woman at the Front Desk of a 5 Star Hotel is standard.   Who else would be there? A Klingon?

That the American experienced limitations because of where she lives does not mean that limitation is universal.  Does not mean that in every nook and cranny of Planet Earth what she experiences in her part of America is the ‘norm’.

Maya Angelou, in her book; “I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings”  recounted a teacher telling her that the town in which she lived was only one place in a state, and that state was only one place in a country, and that country was only one place in the world.    This was to alert Maya that there was no Universal.   That she was not to internalise the kind of prejudice she experienced and let it bake into her soul.

If one can appreciate that it is not every where in the world that there are these restrictions or those prejudices, and open their minds, they would not be shocked to learn that much of what they know is not universal and just being aware would be of great benefit.

  • kaylar

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    • There are some people who are really narrow-minded.No matter how we explain things to them or read between the line in context.They cannot phantom what's really behind the context.It varies from one country to another about certain topics.I. myself cannot handle the tickle-minded persona.Thus, I just ignore these people.It is useless to explain and there is no need to do it.

      • I recall writing an article, being attacked because the reader thought I was writing from America. You find most Americans assume everyone lives in America. When you say no... it's like you don't know what you are talking about.

    • Living in different world is easy if we all of us have a clear conscious but we have make our minds narrow due to which people are living with too much difficulties all over the wold and we must keep in mind that we all of is for each other on earth. We must live peacefully.

      People from ethnic minorities still face "entrenched" race inequality across many strands of modern life in Britain, according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

      A sweeping review examining areas including education, employment, housing, pay, health and criminal justice painted an "alarming picture
      The commission, which carried out an analysis of existing evidence, found Black people in England are more than three times more likely to be a victim of homicide than those who are white.

      Unemployment rates were "significantly higher" for ethnic minorities and ethnic minority people were more likely to live in poverty than white people.

      Ethnic minorities are still "hugely under-represented" in positions of power - such as judges and police chiefs. Poorer white communities also face "continuing disadvantage

      I think that ‘Living in a different world: A joint review of disability hate crime’ details the findings of a joint inspection by HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate, HMIC and HM Inspectorate of Probation. Inspectors wanted to find out how the police, CPS and probation trusts deal with crimes against disabled people.

      This involved reviewing how the three agencies work and revealed problems in the detection and recording of crimes targeted against people because of their disability.

    • If you realise a site is made up of people from all over the world you can read their items and learn. If you think everyone lives the same life as you do, then you will miss all the interesting facts.

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