Categories: Computers & Internet

Have Computers Helped to Dumb Down the Population?

Way back in the 1950s there were predictions that computers would turn kids into geniuses.   The idea was that ‘home computers’  would put all the information in the world at the finger tips made many reconsider the necessity of schools and the possible curriculum.   Teachers would have to be super geniuses to keep up with their brilliant students.

So many ideas were bubbling, computing seemed so very positive and then…

I was visiting a friend whose son had these video games.  They were so boring  I couldn’t even look at them.  You know, the mindless crap found in the game of ‘Doom’ and it’s phylum.

As I was standing there, this kid from down the block walked in.  He said nothing to us.  I looked at my friend, for I’d never seen this kids before and he looked so mentally challenged  I couldn’t understand how he got out without a nurse.

She made one of those resigned faces and I watched as he walked into her living room and quickly put on this video game, and with drool running down the left side of his mouth, began playing one of these games.

Before I could comment, a young man, one of those computer geniuses came in, greeted us, then went into the living room.  He began playing this game with the kid.

The kid was winning by thousands of points.

I moved to be behind the monitor. Looking into the face of the computer genius (who would soon be abducted by a large American firm and forced to live and work in the United States for money per month than he made per year here) I understood, instantly, why the kid was winning.

The kid couldn’t think.  His eyes were glassy, he was hitting buttons without thought. The genius, who could think, was considering his actions.

It is one of those things I always seem to notice.  Something that occurred to me way back in the revolutionary days of the 60s/70s.

In those days young people knew so much, they had opinions and could back them up with facts.   These were the kids who went to school during the ‘Cold War’ where education and intelligence were important, were schools pushed as hard as they could.

The ‘Establishment’ had created a brilliant cadre of young people.  People who challenged them and their principles and protocols and proved the failings of the ‘system’.

Racism, Sexism, the Vietnam War,  the exploitation of the poorer classes, the various invasions and ‘colonisation’.

In the 1970s once could have conversations in which everyone knew how the United States had invaded the Phillipines,  underthrew Allende in Chile, how after World War II the population of Vietnam would have elected Ho Chi Minh if allowed, on and on, University under grads who had no limits on their minds.

To thwart this, to prevent the next generation from being even more brilliant and radical, the ‘dumbing down’ process began.

From ending ‘streaming’ at schools, to slowing down the curriculum,  and to the twisted use of computers.

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Computers, instead of elevating intellects, has brought them into the toilet. Computers and related technology has so captured and controlled the brains of those connected to them, that those born in the 70s and 80s were far less intelligent than their parents, and their kids are even dumber.

Ten year olds in the 50s/60s/70s even into the early 80s, lived.  They were outside, running up and down, riding bikes, seeing and hearing and experiencing, learning the world first hand.

They would be taken places where they would be exposed to art and science and animals and new environments, first hand.

Kids were curious and parents had to watch them to prevent disaster.

That was then.

Now the ten year old is locked to his computer, playing a mindless game.  He can do this all day, every day.    He’s not interested in anything but the game.   The game doesn’t teach him anything, he doesn’t develop any skills, he just reacts without thinking.

The emphasis is ‘without thinking’ because nothing is more dangerous to the Established order than people who can think.

The kid born in the late 80s  has a limited ability to engage in the ‘real world’.  He texts rather than talks.  He communicates on the cell phone or computer other than in person.   He has no social skills.

Thoughts are in short bytes, he is unable to think in any depth.

Tossing a sound byte at him gets the ‘standard’ response and that’s as far as one needs to go.  This is not a person one can engage in intellectual discussion.  Nothing that takes time and thought and logic has any use.

To prove this; on another site I posted the ‘Five Houses Logic Puzzle’.   Those born before the 80s worked this puzzle using logic.   Whether they had University degrees or High School diplomas, they used logic.  They spent time trying to solve it.

Those born in the late 80s and 90s got a computer to solve the problem for them.

The point of my exercise was to prove the inability of people born at a particular time to think for themselves.

If you play Scrabble online you will meet those who use ‘cheats’.  Some might simply be those which will form the letters into words.  Others will screen capture the game and play for the user.

What is the pleasure of having a computer play the game for you?

This truncation of thought, this proclivity to learn nothing but get the ‘right answer’ is producing a generation of mindless drones who can not connect facts and marvel at those who can.   That is, if they can look up from their keyboard long enough.

  • kaylar

    View Comments

    • It was really indeed that modern technology has its downside. We can refrain from it but to limit oneself. Children are into this but then, bad effects will come along its journey in learning the modernization.

    • Every invention of man has a potential for misuse and abuse by someone. Either use the invention for good and do positive things with it or don't. Computers, televisions, telephones, automobiles, etc.… it's all the same. I remember when accounting spreadsheets were prepared with a calculator, a pencil and an accounting worksheet. I remember when Microsoft Excel was introduced into the workplace to do the same work I had been doing manually. I remember the typewriter and white-out. I remember typewriters with correctable tape. I remember word processors. Got the same job done only with the introduction of certain work tools, got the job done quicker. Computers are no different. Use them for good! Teach kids to use them for good! Human intelligence can never be replaced by a machine.

      • If I had a computer when I was at school, I could have done my research for my topics. I would have learned more. I could have understood why 1492, why Columbus, and tied it into the Bubonic Plague, and understood so much more. But computers weren't invented. They are available now. Kids can have that homework and get online and get so much information.

        But they play mindless games.

    • Computer is the best invention of modern age but there are such people and students who misuse computers. They in stead of learning from computer watch pornography all day sitting at homes with friends is a wrong thinking for the children.

      Computer technology has changed the way we deal with the world, from allowing us to communicate more efficiently to giving us easier access to cat videos. Newer generations are growing up with this technology, and while it does have its benefits, primarily in education and access to information,

      it can also be detrimental to children during a very important time of growth. Too much computer use can affect children's physiological and psychological health as well as social skills.

      Constant computer use can affect a child's attention span and focus. While some computer games have been shown to help a child develop certain cognitive skills, many games and other forms of computer entertainment do nothing to stimulate a child's mind.

      Constant switching between programs, games or videos makes it more difficult to focus on tasks for longer periods of time, and this can affect a student's studies and grades. In more extreme cases, children with computer addiction will fail their classes completely.

      • I agree; computers have a very good upside. But the problem is the way they are used/abused and the fact that these aren't learning games.

    • yes it did that to us and the whold people, computer is good and bad at the same time, the problem is like addition , i remember when i first wanted to use the pc, my friedn told me its addiction, i told her, no its not i can leave it any second i want, but now i agree she is right, i can not really leave it though it is making me laz

      • If people logged on to read educational things, or do something of value, it would be different. But playing mindless games, living on Facebook... not positive

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