Why new generation don’t want to be get married

I love you so much, that I am going to get the government involved so that the you can not leave. That is how the younger generation cynically refer to the marriage today.

AndThe difference in attitude, between my generation and the current one is mind boggling when it comes to the dating, the love and the marriage.

And We grew up on unhealthy doses of Mills and the Boons and the fantasies about the kind of love and the romance, that are well. And its found mostly in books and the movies. We could not wait to meet the prince charming and to have a fairy tale wedding and a life.

Nowadays, it is seems no wants to get married.And Not the younger generation, and not those that are out of the bad marriages and once bitten, and twice shy.and not those who say that they escaped ever being married and the now seem to enjoy the company of the younger girls in their mid life crisis way too much to the ever think of getting married. And why get married?and seems to be the new debate. If it is the about money,and the women and the men now work and the earn equally, there is no need to marry for reasons of the dependency. If it is about sex, it is freely available and the taboos on premarital sex are ha e been rapidly done away with those . If it is about the need for the children, they say,we can have them without getting married, even get surrogate if we are too consumed with our work, or simply to adopt.

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They see legality of marriage as “trap to commit and stay forever unhappy if it doesn’t work, because divorce is the expensive, painful and familial and legal nightmare.

In our generation, we to bought homes and the furniture to last many generations, now they buy furniture to last as long as the their home rentals.

And The same headspace of buy into vs rent clearly holds good even for relationships today. And I guess every generation to marches to the beat of its own drummer, and perhaps it is time to either review the institution of marriage or and revise the court systems so that it allows to couples to divorce without dragging them the decades of court dates and an expensive lawyers. It was an once said that the one and only reason for divorce, was marriage.

Now it seems it is the reason for no marriage at all. Me? Now Call me old fashioned or out of touch with changing realities, but I am just a hopeless romantic. And I still believe in happily ever after, and to walking hand in hand into my sunset years with the someone who will be always happy to share his rocking chair with me. I may not to have got it wrong the first time, but I am not going to let the government to scare me into not taking second chances. And Some dreams are worth the risk.

  • Tags: Lovemarriage

    View Comments

    • Nobody wants to get married? That's not true. People must want to get married! They must because my son-in-law once had a steady photography business doing wedding photos.

      The correct statement is: People don't want to STAY MARRIED!

      Why? Most of the time the reasoning is selfish. They just didn't want to fully commit to another person – for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, 'til death do us part. What! Supposed you take 80 years to die and I get bored with you??!!!

      If people didn't want to get married, why would there be so much debate and discussion about “same-sex marriage”? Never mind. That's a completely different topic. :)

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