Why Do We Fall In Love?

Love means so many different things to so many people. Just try and ask them and they will define and explain to you what love is depending upon their personal experience of love or lack of experience of love.

There’s no doubt that love is among the most powerful of human emotions. Not only that, love is among the most potent force in the world.

The subject of love continues to interest and fascinates us human beings. Why? Simply because it is a topic or subject that is so very near and close to our hearts. It is part of our over-all human experiences in life.

Love As Among The Human Needs

   The need to love and be love is as human as it could be. It is innate and is part of our human nature. It is part of our human needs. Everyone body wants to be love right? And almost every one also needs to love somebody, right again?

Just look around us and for sure we human beings never ever get tired of talking about love. Love is among the constant theme in books, articles, essays, news, talk show, columns and even blogs.

Ask anyone who have felt the “magic of love” and they are going to tell you how it’s really like to love somebody. Love makes us feel more alive. Love makes our life exciting, interesting, colorful and full of joy and laughter.

On the other side of the equation, loves sometimes hurt. Take the case of unrequited love or the case of one-sided love affair or a case of love triangle for that matter. These types of situations may produce so many heartaches and headaches.

While there is the down side of loving and being in love, we humans are sometimes really blind and we cannot see the pretty follies we make just to paraphrase Shakespeare.

What Is There In Love?

   The lyrics of the song “What’s Love Got To Do With It” by Tina Turner ask the question about love and at the same time gives it an answer: “What’s love but a second hand emotions”.

While I do not agree with the statement that love is a second hand emotions (is there such a thing as first hand emotion in the first place, could anyone please tell me?), to a certain extent, there’s a bit of mystery why we fall in love in the first place.

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Is there really such a thing as love at first sight or is it merely physical attraction at first sight? Why do we have these soft and tender feelings for a person even though we only see that person for the first time in our life?

Is it our mind playing tricks on us or is just our eye that’s playing the tricks on us?

They say that love moves in a very mysterious ways and that love comes in the most unexpected of places. If such is the case then I want to fall in love all over again.

For sure there will be two less lonely people in this world tonight.


Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_(TV_series)







  • Arnold Cruz

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      • Hi Albena,

        Thank you for your reply. Yes you are correct indeed that sometimes love is indeed so strange a thing.

        Let’s focus on the word “strange”. Yes, falling in love is strange and mysterious as if we are hit by something from nowhere. It’s like being hit by the arrows of Cupid.

        Maybe the mythological character of Cupid with his arrows and that he randomly shot anyone in his or her heart has a deep and hidden symbolism or meaning that it seek to conveys.

        Love especially for young love is really full of emotions as if you are on a roller-coaster ride. Sometimes you reach the height of ecstasy but sometimes you reach the lowest ebb of despair.

        No wonder that wise men said that it is only fools that rush in to love. Maybe that’s why we have the term or phrase “madly in love” since a person who is in love seems to be beyond his or her normal self.

        Base on one’s experience a person who is in love is always subject to the interplay of emotions if not day-dreaming and state of fantasy every now and then.

        Yes, we fall in love sometimes and what a strange a feeling love really is.

    • For me, love conquers all! I mean, in this world which is full of suffering the only thing we can hold on in life is love. First, we must love God as our creator of our being and the rest of the beautiful things around us. Second, before we love someone we must loved our self first as a symbol of self respect. Third, we must be grateful for all the person who always stay with us in our trials, in our happiness, sadness, loneliness, and success. The one we treasure most in this world is our family, friends and of course our so called significant other who bring a ray of sunshine in our gloomy life. No matter how successful you are in life you should always left your feet on the ground and stay humble at all times and never let anyone to control you. We should not treat each others as competitors but as brothers and sisters even great ocean seperate us, love will always unite us.

      • Hi ailema,

        Thank you so much for your very meaningful and insightful reply. Yes love could indeed conquer all. As they say it in Latin “Amores vincit omnia”, which translated in English simply means “love conquers all”.

        Yes, we human beings are governed by the Law of Love as summarized by the Great Rabbi in the Gospel: Love of God and Love of Neighbor which is the summary of the whole law in the Holy Scriptures. I think it is also known as the Golden Rule.

        Thou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength and with all your spirit and you shall love your neighbor as you love yourself. Who can opposed or object to these salutary commandments by our Lord?

        It’s maybe the reason why our Lord Jesus Christ in the many Christian Art or Paintings is always pointing to His Heart which signifies Love above anything else.

        I personally believe that the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity or Love are the three most important virtues any man or woman could ever have and developed.

        In closing, I remember the words of the Little Prince in the book with the same title, “It is only with the heart the one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

    • I think I forgot the feeling of being in love with someone. As far as I can remember, Mr. Cupid usually strikes the heart of two people. And they will fell in love and live together for a lifetime. Forever is not real. It is better to say for a lifetime.

      I do believe that "falling in love" is the best thing for the person to experience. Humans need to know or discover the real meaning of love. During the old days, most people are being influenced by being in love and not the brain itself. Through the years, brain and heart are the perfect combinations to fall in love with someone.

    • @Arnold Cruz!
      You said it all!
      To explain more further there are many kinds of love which some of us know

      First, THE LOVE OF GOD which is called "DIVINE LOVE!" It it the kind of love which God have to all of his children which is unfathomable and unmeasurable.

      A love that shows care, comfort, and guidance in our every walking hours. Who can forget our very own mothers loving touch.

      Third. THE LOVE THAT YOU HAVE TO YOUR FRIENDS OR RELATIVES is called "PLATONIC LOVE." Truly, a friend is like a pillow the one you can hug when you're in sorrow or just somethings to hold when you're feeling cold.

      Most people often fall for romantic love maybe because due to attraction with a certain traits of a specific person to his or her physical attributes. Romantic Love cannot even stand the test of time. But true love does. What is the course of love? Basically, its all about communication, sharing and openness. A love which has the essence of maturity and unity will last forever.

    • Love is a strange thing and individual to everyone who feels it. I'm a romance writer and I look into the many different types of romantic love everyday. From the perfect love that lets us live happily ever after to the dysfunctional love that some of us are better off avoiding. Most humans have a drive for the romantic love, but it can be hard to find a perfect match. Beyond the love there must be compromise, understanding and communication for any type of love to flourish.

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