image by RobertChlopas/Pixabay/Public Domain
There is a saying that states everything that goes up must come down. When there is a beginning there is an end. In short, everything comes to an end. This is the situation I am facing at this moment. It is just a matter of 43 days to go before I leave my job in the Department of Education here in our place in the Philippines. It’s a faithful service of 25 years and 103 days to be exact as a teacher and a school head respectively.
Thinking that day to come has made me emotional. I would be missing those wonderful kids in my humble elementary school in the remote community. I would also be missing the cooperative and helpful parents of the children. I would be missing the ever supportive head of the community where my school is located. And of course, I would be missing my competent teachers in my school. They have sacrificed a lot for the welfare and academic performance of their pupils.
It would be a new horizon if I am going to retire on the designated day. It would be a change of routine of what I am doing during the school days. I would no longer be checking the lesson plans of my teachers. I would no longer be supervising the pupils on their pursuit of gainful and useful knowledge. I would no longer give instructions to my teachers and I would no longer be receiving updates from the Division Office and no training, seminar or workshops to attend.
Everything would be different. Now, I am facing the wall of uncertainty on what to do when I retire, when I am home as a private person. What would be best for me so that I wouldn’t be stagnant or be idle while I am at home? What would a 65-year old man do in his retirement period? Is business feasible for me to invest with? What business, I may ask?
My wife would be saying in that momentous day from the lyrics of popular song:
“welcome to my world…
step into my heart…
leave your cares behind…
I’ll be waiting there…”
with my arms unfurled“
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I think you'll be looking forward to a vry nice retirement. Adventures await!
You have time to do some thinking on how you would want to spend your retirement. I wrote a poem for my husband when he was about to retire.
@susan51, I hope it would a great adventure of the private life. For more than 25 years, I have spent serving the public particular the teachers and the community as a whole. As an educator, it is too difficult to make the students learn when their parents aren't cooperating. They just delegate their responsibility of parenting their children. Teachers are commissioned to do their best to make their students learned. They do their best in molding them to patriotic, law-abiding citizen of the country.
And you know what's the outcome? Those school children became the liability of the society. The community is blaming the school for such kind of individual, irresponsible, delinquent, and truant student. The community hasn't found or realized the efforts which the teachers have done. As a school principal then, I was blamed for I have failed.
In the development of a child, there are great influencing factors. First is the family. Second is the Church or the community where the child is living. And third is the school. If this three fails, a truant child, a problematic child comes to being.
These are some of the challenging parts in my life that I have overcome. I would be leaving these things and living a private life. Nevertheless, I would be affected as a former teacher and a school principal.
@bestwriter that is the very kind of you to honor your retiring hubby. I would say that is a true love expression of one's important person in your life. I would guess that you had done your best and your hubby was happy about it. He wouldn't be carried with the loneliness that is brought by leaving his job, his associates, his boss in the company he worked on. What he gives you in return? Did he welcome it and treasure what you have written about his retirement?
In my case, I don't know what my wife is planning to do when my retirement comes. I have learned from the faculty president of my school that his co-teachers are going to throw me a despida party, a parting party with a short program and lots of surprises. I am excited to know what's it all about. The cluster head of our school also told me that his fellow school heads are planning to give me another party. They're going to grill me and do some fun of what I have achieved during my stint as a school administrator.
The members of my family haven't obvious plan yet for my retirement. I know my wife has a secret plan for that. I would rather take it as a surprise. My grandchildren do the same. They haven't made it known yet. Anyway, whatever it is, I am just around the corner waiting for such surprises they may tender me. I am hoping and praying what God has prepared for me for that momentous day of my retirement.
Well one thing you can do is write and write. Your English is excellent so you can use it well on any writing site. You could maybe start writing for an academic writing site such as Uvocorp or EssayShark though you, as a former teacher, might be repelled by this idea.. But it is a suggestion that I do not make likely. These type of sites have given me some liberty to refine my writing skills, research subjects and write essays for students. I thoroughly enjoy writing for these types of assignments. Of course you might always look and write on more SEO type of sites such as Hire Writers, Zerys or Zemandi. Anyway good luck and enjoy your well deserved retirement.
You've done your part in the development of the country. I exalt you. I hope you get a good retirement. Please, try to enjoy your life a little bit. You've earned it.
It has never been easy for someone to finally say goodbye to a job that they have loved and have been committed to for so long. But as you say what goes up must come down that's the hard truth. Now I know you ask emotional right now not knowing what is going to happen once you leave but God knows what your about to go throuh and he knows what will happen at that particular time. So just relax and embrace the idea am sure there is something ahead that will suit you just fine. So don't be afraid of facing what is not known. It shall be well there are people who have retired in life and have not made it through the first year of retirement because they have retired with the thought in their mind that they will not be take heart and move forward.