Our body is alike a machine.
You will need to maintain your body well in order to live well and age well.
A human body that is nurtured, protected and used properly, it will function efficiently alike a working machine that purrs quietly.
Your body will perform well by keeping it in good shape and providing with well balanced diet daily.
Avoiding stress and physical activities are additional reasons to maintain a healthy body.
“If you are what you eat, you are what you see and hear.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly
Generally, a balance diet means to consume:
By consuming a well balance healthy diet, it is essential to include a wide range of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and reduce sodium, sugar.
This diet helps to provide sufficient vitamins, minerals and energy for your body to function the organs well.
Imbalance diet will lead to high chances of obesity, overweight problems, heart disease, diabetes, strokes and organ cancers which are some of the top 5 high risk illness.
Your best bet is to follow the food pyramid that shows the right proportion of the main food groups that you should consume daily.
the Food Pyramid by wikipedia
Here is the Food Pyramid rules
climbing up the stairs by pixabay
Exercise doesn’t mean that you have to work out in the gym a few hours daily.
There are a few simple exercises that you DO everyday even without knowing it.
Everyday physical activities such as :
As long as these activities d not show any signs of tiredness, breathlessness and distress, you are working on the right path to exercise for your healthy body.
Exercise 20 minutes per day is all you need.
It helps your heart to pump 25% more blood with each beat to the vessels compare to those people who are always at “rest mode”.
A regular exercise is the perfect way to keep fit daily and an insurance for your better health in many years ahead.
You should start at early age, encourage your kids and family members to join in with you.
Copyright allrights reserved by peachpurple
Photo belonged to peachpurple
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To keep body healthy is not easy in this modern age where every one is running after money. Happy are those who pay attention to their health. Our life is a simple biological cycle which depends on what we eat to survive.
A strong mind and healthy body makes a complete person. Our health can be easily maintained by our food habits and daily. It might sound silly to take care of health while we have lot of wealth to treat our sickness or diseases.
A wise man would definitely realize that health is more important to survive; not wealth. We should never forget the saying “Prevention is better Than Cure”. If we, ourselves, maintain our health there would be no necessity of treatments in future. So, we should learn that “Health is Wealth”
Remembering these thoughts would definitely give you ideas on how to keep yourself healthy. Keep yourself engaged with healthy thoughts; regular exercises and walk would help for sure. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of health. One who follows these and gains a healthy life is a wealthy person. Just before running after money compromising your health, time and happiness, remind yourself
Want to become a very healthy person? It's all about making gradual changes.
In order to be a very healthy person, you need to consistently get enough sleep. That means 7-9 hours per night for adults, 8-10 hours for teenagers, and 9-11 hours for children. This keeps you awake and alert, so you don't have to drink caffeine and sugar-loaded energy drinks. Sleep is also when most of the body and mind's healing and detoxifying takes place. If you are a kid and have early school times, go to sleep earlier on school nights.
Don't overdo it, though. Sleeping too much can be as bad as not sleeping enough. If you miss some sleep one night, you can sleep longer another night to make up for that. But in general, try to stay within the right range for your age.
Other thing is that we should eat an appropriate, healthy balanced diet containing all the nutrients your body requires. A proper diet contains the right balance of carbohydrates, protein, fruits and vegetables, and fat. For carbohydrates, try to eat whole grains. Lean meat, fish, eggs, and nuts are some of the best sources of protein. Try to get at least 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. A certain amount of fat is also needed to keep your body functioning smoothly; fish oil, olive oil, and coconut oil are some particularly beneficial fats.
Drink water. It is key in making you run throughout the day. Try drinking 8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day. It helps you re-energize and keep going. Not drinking enough fresh water can lead to acne, headaches, and even dehydration. Do this, and you'll become a very healthy person.
For someone who is busy, get some exercise every day, even just a little. This will not only make you feel better, and make you look better, but help you to get through the day. Research has proven that exercising regularly helps you feel better because endorphins released by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus during exercise produce a feeling of happiness and well being. Walking is a great exercise. Walk to work or school if you can. If you can't walk the whole way, try parking farther away from your destination so you can walk a least part of the way. You can get of the bus or train a stop earlier if you don't drive.