Categories: Entertainment & Music

Television Programs You Must Watch – Breaking Bad

Considered one of the best television series of all times, Breaking Bad is, in some respects, an uncomfortable viewing.  It is very well acted, very well written, but the plot is rather unsavoury, and the characters not particularly attractive.

The basic plot is that a high school chemistry teacher named Walter White is not doing very well.  Then, he is  is diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.

His brother in law, who is a Drug Enforcement Agent, takes him on a drive and Walter White sees an old student of his fleeing what turns out to be a Meth Lab.

He learns how profitable such a drug production laboratory is, and considering that he’s dying, he needs to leave his family some money, he decides to cross the line.

First he contacts his old student, Jesse, who knows about the drug trade.    Walter White, with the assistance of Jesse creates a plan to  manufacture (Walter) and distribute (Jesse) the drug called Meth; methamphetamine.

As  Walter is a first class chemist, his product is superior.

Being intelligent, Walter decides to ‘cook’ his meth way out in the desert using what is called a recreational vehicle; a trailer, where he and Jesse can live for a few days.

Due to various legal issues, they get a lawyer called  Saul who links them with a dealer who pays them a great deal of money.

Over the seasons, Walter White moves from being the dull chemistry teacher into something else; something cold and hard and evil.

The show focuses on the changes in Walter, on the drug production scene.

Breaking Bad received many awards, including a Primetime Emmy, being an Outstanding Drama,   Peabody awards,  and Outstanding Acting awards for Bryan Cranston who played Walter White.

If you haven’t seen the series, do so.

Unlike other American programmes, this one is NOT episodic.  You must watch each episode in sequence as it is like a novel.

  • Tags: Breaking Bad

    View Comments

    • I liked this series so much, that I ended up watching it twice. You never knew what to expect from one episode to another.

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