
What is the Meaning of Pleasing Personality?

Most of us misinterpret the meaning or the definition of pleasing personality to a handsome man and a beautiful woman.… Read More

7 years ago

Not fear your weaknesses, but understand them.

I like to understand my weaknesses. To understand so clear and understand so strong that it would even raise laughter.… Read More

7 years ago

The love and hate relations

I am in a mood to write something although I have nothing to write. However, it dawned on me suddenly… Read More

7 years ago

We don’t all believe what you believe.

God day to you one and all. I hope you're doing well this evening. I am also hoping you were… Read More

8 years ago

Trust in God: What is your definition?

Do you believe in God. If yes then how do you define your belief? Well I am a strong believer… Read More

8 years ago

Keeping The Faith During Time Of Calamity

Keeping The Faith If there is one good thing that the super typhoon Haima brought to me—and other fellow non-prayerful… Read More

8 years ago