cell phone slaves
I was in the hotel lobby awaiting the arrival of a very famous celebrity.
To my right was a young man, banging away on his cell phone.
He didn’t look up.
A naked woman, an elephant or the celebrity could have passed, he wouldn’t have noticed, and didn’t notice.
I rose quietly when the celebrity arrived, and followed to a particular place and we spoke, then I returned to where I had been sitting as I left an umbrella.
As I took the umbrella, the young man glanced up; “Did Celebrity arrive?”
“Yes, Celeb was here and now gone…”
“Where?” he said alarmed.
“He walked right passed you but you were too busy with your phone.” And I walked out.
I marveled, for that was the first time I saw someone so deep into their phone that they were oblivious to real life.
That was the first, it was not the last.
I assume the radiation given off by cell phones microwaves the brains so that once normal people become slaves to their phone.
Any time it rings they must answer. And regardless who or what is before them, the phone takes priority.
There have been fatal accidents on the road due to people talking on their cell phones.
People have fallen into holes, stepped into traffic, yet, they can’t get the phone off their ear.
Some have the head phone or ear piece, and it’s funny to watch them talking to themselves while someone sneaks up behind them and goes off with their wallet or keys.
I find it amazing.
How can anyone postpone real life to some conversation? Face it 99.9999999% of all conversations are about nothing and could be held an hour, a day, a week from now.
These aren’t 911 calls. These aren’t vital to anything or any one. It’s just blah blah.
I once took a lift from this woman who got on the cell as I stepped in and did the one handed drive to my gate. She never shut up. On and on about absolutely nothing.
If it wasn’t night and raining I would have gotten out and walked.
Besides being stupid and dangerous, considering how many people are robbed babbling on a phone while walking on the road, or killed in car accidents, it is incredibly rude.
Imagine sitting with someone who is talking on the cell, not a quick hi/bye but blah blah as if you aren’t alive.
Imagine a room with no one paying any attention to what is happening, but texting on their phones.
Now, as the final insanity comes Pokeman Go. Idiots are running around like chickens without heads chasing imaginary characters on their phone.
To see them is jaw dropping, especially when they are way over twenty years of age.
If you ever doubted that cell phones were created as a form of mind control, don’t.
They are.
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View Comments
Cell phone is like fire which when used rightly could be an asset. My cell phone came in handy when I met with an accident. It is left to the individual to make good use of it but as you have so clearly pointed out most misuse it.
yes, it has a good use.
Now that Pokemon go is trending, I guess we will see more and more people that are hooked up with their phones and only care about their character in the game. phones are of great help for communicating but there are also cons on this
Oh yes. People have already been hurt playing that game, so oblivious to reality.
It is fact that new generation has become the slave of the cell phones in all countries of the world especially women are one step forward than men in this field. It is damaging human potential and by birth traits in men and women.
Although cell phones allow individuals to have unlimited access to information and to connect with others in a way otherwise thought impossible, there are many harmful and disturbing effects of smartphone dependence.
Cell phone addiction, sometimes referred to as problematic mobile phone use, is a behavioral addiction thought to be similar to that of an Internet, gambling, shopping, or video game addiction and leads to severe impairment or distress in one’s life.
Teens are extremely vulnerable to developing a cell phone addiction. The human brain isn’t fully developed until about 25 years of age. Adolescents who become dependent on their smartphones could experience negative alterations in brain development.
There are various types of treatment for those with a cell phone addiction. This could be as simple as making rules for yourself and downloading apps on your phone to cut down usage. Or, for more severe cases, there are different therapy methods and treatment centers available.
The first step is to be aware of it. To be aware that being on the cell phone is NOT living in the present. That is the very first step. Then one has to learn to shut off their phones. You know of phones ringing during funerals, weddings, even court trials. Why? This needs to be addressed.
Very very true and it's unfortunate that we have embracedit as a lifestyle. Everywhere you go you will see some on the phone either just laughing and talking another texting another chatting so it's actually become like a disease. No one wants to let go off their phones. Okay sometimes it's okay when some has to work and they are using their phone's but for Christ sake keep the phones off the roads especially when you are crossing the road or driving it is extremely dangerous. Another thing is phones he e now taken the place of communication in homes. A husband comes home in the evning and the best thing you know after saying hi to the wife, he's on the couch with his phone in hand and the tv remote on his side. And you ask yourself what is so important on that phone then your wife and kids? I sometimes wish there was a law that says that once you get home family is priority and that you should not use your phone will in the house. It would as a very many marriages. Right now it's like a leading cause of divorce and marriages breaking so.athing needs to be done for sure before people decide that are not getting amrried anymore.
Exactly. What is wrong with this person? He is a slave to the cell phone. In your example, he is not there... he has moved into some fantasy world.