signs that your boyfriend is cheating!!!

how do you know well your boyfriend? do you have any instincts that he might be cheating on you? dont hesitate 99 percent that your instinct is right, im gonna list down all the signs that he might be cheating on you.

  1. He is always busy.
  2. protective to his phone
  3. secretive
  4. lack of interest to have sex
  5. less passionate
  6. irritable whenever he’s with you
  7. he always go home late
  8. he dressed up really nicely
  9. he turns his phone off
  10. he treats you really nicely
  11. when you argue he doesnt pursue you anymore
  12. behavioral changes
  13. he doesnt look you in the eye
  14. he’s not sweet anymore
  15. he is always tired
  16. lots of excuses
  17. he always lies
  18. he asked you to give him space
  19. doesnt save number on his phone
  20. always answer his phone secretly
  21. he doesnt go home

if those signs are showing, make up your mind girl and leave, it’s not worth it.

you deserve someone who can be faithful and loyal, give you the happiness that you deserve, those cheaters dont deserve chances, karma is a bitch so let karma do her work, you’ll be happy with the right guy. so dont let your tears put to waste. you are precious honey. they are garbage. you deserve to have someone who can share your life with, someone that is worth your tears. dont let him destroy you.

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there might be reason why it happened to you, he might be a if those signs show up dont hesitate, be brave enough to tell him, be strong enough to make it, hug the pain, time heals, wounds heal, youll be better, youll have that acceptance that he is not for you, you are not meant to be together. he is just a life lesson.

let yourself feel the pain, accept it. it will be over soon.. dont give up on love cause maybe the right person is just there waiting for you.

  • joanne pauline dalupang

    View Comments

    • Once upon a time, cheating was defined only as a physical affair in which two people engaged in sexual activities outside their primary relationship. Today there are various definitions of cheating, ranging from emotional to physical, and steps in between.

      In some parts of the world (bonjour, France!), having a lover outside your relationship isn't necessarily stigmatized or unusual. A friend in Hungary once said, "I don't know why his wife left him. He didn't love his lover!" when I asked why a common friend's marriage was breaking up.

      In America, becoming intimately involved in a romantic, emotional, and/or physical relationship with another person who is not your significant other is often considered crossing the line into cheating territory. Any time there is betrayal, couples will have to navigate how to repair the trust.

      Here are four definitions of cheating in America today:

      Physical Cheating

      This kind of indiscretion is perhaps the easiest to categorize as "cheating" since it involves sexual or physically intimate acts with someone who is not your significant other.

      Still, is a kiss as much of a betrayal as sex? What really constitutes physical cheating?ˇ

      According to licensed sex therapist and couples counselor Megan Fleming, Ph.D., "Each couple defines this for themselves. Today more than ever, couples are defining their relationships, and new terms pop up all the time—e.g., monogamish."

      Interestingly, some cheaters who engage in sexual behavior outside of their primary relationship avoid kissing the person they are hooking up with since that would be too close to an "intimate" act and not just a sexual one. In other cases, someone may do everything but sex with another person so that she can feel she hasn’t completely crossed the line.

      While the definition of physical cheating varies, the important component is that few of us want to imagine our partner touching or caressing another person on the DL.

      Emotional Cheating

      There's no doubt that emotional cheating has been going on since monogamy was invented, but the term has been part of our lexicon for only a few decades.

      Emotional cheating involves sharing intimate details about your life or marriage with someone you have an attachment and/or attraction to. Sometimes these emotional affairs start off innocently as friendships or coworking relationships and advance into more personal territory.ˇ

      If secrets are exchanged and you're hiding your relationship from your partner and/or lying about it, chances are you are you are involved in an emotional affair.

      While it's not just women who cheat emotionally: Research shows that they are more likely to form these emotional attachments. In many cases, physical cheating follows.

      Fleming says, "Women often find that emotional infidelity is a greater blow to their relationship while it's not uncommon for men to feel it's a physical relationship with another person that feels more threatening." She adds, "I think men are more apt to cheat physically because of their physiology. More specifically, their testosterone levels are higher than women's. Men are also socialized to be strong and dominant, not 'needing' emotional connection in the way women do and yet, we know we are all wired for connection and men too have attachment needs."


      Just like our lives have gone digital, so has cheating.

      E-cheating occurs when people seek out connection and relationships with people they meet or reconnect with over social networks, dating sites, email, or text. Sometimes the nature of these electronic messages are sexual and sometimes they're more subtle but may still be considered intimate.

      It's one thing to catch up with someone from high school on Facebook a couple of times and another to write him every night before bed, sharing personal details about your life. In fact, a recent study showed that one in five people blamed Facebook for the demise of their relationships.

      While we can't blame a social network for the reason our partner strayed, the discreet access to connection makes it easy to cross the line into territory that may make our partners uneasy.

      Since technology and social networks are here to stay, it's wise to figure out how to create boundaries so we don't have to be discreet about our digital lives.

      Mental Cheating

      Actually, mental cheating isn't a thing. In fact, fantasy can be a completely healthy and positive practice in your relationship.

      According to Fleming, "It's about allowing oneself to use fantasy as a means to create novelty and possibility, which could be with one's partner or with another person. Fantasy doesn't equal reality. I like the idea of robbing a bank and never thinking twice about money, but I would never do that in real life. I think it's important to distinguish fantasy and that which turns us on from what would really turn us on and we'd want in reality."

      Our brains work harder to suppress feelings than to accept them. So, don't sweat it if you're daydreaming about the guy at the grocery store or occasionally picture Ryan Gosling in your bed.

      However, you're crossing a line into potentially dangerous fantasy territory if the feelings you have for someone else make it difficult to focus on our current relationship. If this other person consumes your thoughts most of the day and night and you always escape into imagining yourself with them when you're with your significant other, it may be worth paying closer attention. Why are you so eager to escape reality and your relationship?

      While cheating constitutes many things, the common thread is that any time a relationship has secrecy, deception, and betrayal, the relationship needs repair.

    • The 'emotional' or 'e-cheating' has led to divorces. I can recall a situation where a man, as a matter of twist, found his wife's long email relationship with another man, in which she opened to this stranger in ways she'd not opened to him.

      I think your long response should have been another article...

    • A cheating man will always hide his phone. And once it rings for a call, he will excuse himself and do it somewhere where their conversation will not be heard.

      He is cold already and doesn't concern himself with how are you or the stories you are telling him.

      A heart to heart talk should be done if the relationship should never be really given a chance anymore.

    • that is totally cheating, lying is cheating, why would you hide something from your partner, why would you hurt your partner if you truly love them, break up with them instead of hurting them with your lies and infidelity. cheating is wrong. cheating is a choice.

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