Short Story : Love Is Like Magic

The boy got red handedly caught by his girlfriend escorting another girl. That was the start of a life living like in hell for the boy,  who lately realized that how he deeply loved his girlfriend. That infidelity caused so much pain to the heart of Yolly, Zans girlfriend.

It was late in the evening Zans still waited for Yolly to their usual rendezvous. Then Yolly came with her lips full of sweet smiles. Her eyes glittered with joy upon seeing her love.

Zans said, “Hi honey?” Their eyes met and they talk about promises and plans for their future.

“Tomorrow I cannot come here.” “It is my dad’s birthday.” “birthday will be celebrated in beach.” “But  which? I do not know.  My dad would choose.” ” I know you cannot go with us because it is also your mom’s birthday party.”

” How I wished to go with you but my parents want me to be with them as my dad would leave for Germany to work there.”

” But I promised my love that I will always send you my text messages to always inspire our love.” “I love you so much.” “There is no other girl in my life I will love till our hair turns gray.”

Yolly was so contented and felt in depth how she also loved Zans.

The next day, Yolly and her parents and some of her relatives went to Lovers Beach one of the famous beaches in the entire island of 20 million population.

They were so excited .Yolly and Zans always exchanged messages. Yolly was always inspired. She would turn 18, three days after her dad’s birthday. She also thought about her dad’s preparation for her debut.

Yolly was on her deep thinking when she realized that Zans no longer replied her. She tried to call but Zans mobile phone was put off. She was so sad. And then she asked permission to her dad and mom to have a few minutes swim with her cousin.

Yolly was about to swim when far from her, she saw someone of Zans height and way of walking. Her heart throbbed so fast. She told her cousin she would go ahead to swim. She did not swim but she kept on watching the person she thought to be her boyfriend Zans. The guy had with him a girl. They were so sweet. They hold hands while walking. The two were almost near where she soaked herself in water. She pretended to wash her face with salty water so she will not be recognized.

Yolly felt the world getting smaller and her heart squeezed with pain when she saw Zans with another girl. She suspected that girl as Zans other girlfriend.

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Yolly wanted to kill herself instantly. She cannot describe her feeling. How she wanted to slap the girl who was with her boyfriend Zans. But her mind stopped her. Yolly was in extreme anger. She did  not know what to do on that moment seeing her boyfriend with another girl.

She wanted to end her suffering. She shouted and sobbed so loud. She shouted to Zans.” You are a liar.” “You cheated me.” Zans recognized Yolly’s voice. He turned back. He saw many people near the place where the sound originated. People shouted for help for they cannot control Yolly drowning herself. She swam to the deep sea. She wanted to end her life.

The cousin of Yolly went to the cottage to tell Yolly’s parents that Yolly wanted to get drowned. Her family was so terrified. They asked why. Yolly’s cousin also did  not know the reason.

On the other hand, Zans learned that Yolly’s dad celebrated his birthday there on that Lovers Beach. He also concluded that Yolly saw him with Bebs his other girlfriend. He did not know what to do. He was so afraid that Yolly might  die in the sea drowning herself. She is not a good swimmer. His other girlfriend told him to proceed to their cottage. She also wondered why Zans acted differently.

There were many people gathered around to know who was drowned. Nobody helped. There was no rescue team in the beach. Yolly’s parents shouted for help. They were extremely terrified.

One man swam so fast to save Yolly. Nobody knew that guy. He just appeared so suddenly. Yolly’s parents were so desperate. The party turned bitter due to Zans infidelity.

Yolly was saved by the guy Norman. He just arrived in the beach alone to relax and inhale some fresh air. He heard what people talked about and he immediately proceeded to save Yolly.

Yolly was brought to a nearby hospital. She was asked why wanted to end her life. She told her parents about what she saw on that instance. The parents of Yolly disliked Zans even before for their daughter. They did not trust Zans.

Yolly learned from her parents about Norman who saved her life. One day, Norman visited her in the hospital. She was so thankful to Norman. Yolly learned that Norman also studied in the university where she and Zans enrolled. They became good friends. Little by little, Yolly healed her broken heart. She felt her heart light with Norman. She told herself that Norman is so nice, caring and thoughtful.

One day, Norman told Yolly. “Yolly, I love you.” “I want you to know that I had a crush on you long time ago and I always feel sick every time I see you.” ” Could you give me the chance to prove to you how much I love you and how much happiness you would have with me as long as we live?”

” Yolly said a very big YES to Norman. She told,” Yes, Norman, I want to give myself another chance to fall in love again.” ” If I fail in my first love, I do not believe that I will fail again in the second love with you.” “If you were able to save my life at the most crucial circumstance, then how much more if I will entrust to you my whole heart and love.”  Norman & Yolly were so happy. They promised to be true to their words and promises.
Zans stopped his schooling after having been scolded by his parents. Zans told a lie to Yolly. On that day, it was not the birthday of his dad. It was only his defense mechanism to have freedom with his other girlfriend. He also asked forgiveness to Yolly and wanted to reconcile their love. But Yolly strongly refused. She told him that she has found a man who would not cheat her. He also told him that Norman saved her life in the sea. Zans cried but too late. Yolly is so firmed in her decision.

Yolly told Zans…” I no more love you.” “I remember you, but I no longer remember the feeling for you anymore.” “Goodbye.”

Moral of the story: Be faithful to the person you love.Don’t hurt someone’s feeling for it will also go back to you, the KARMA.

Image credit: Pixabay


  • cely

    View Comments

    • It is too bad. It really hurts. I have to share the same situation of what I have experience, but the ending is different. My high friend who I was courting had said seriously about me. And I was trembling observing her gesture which seems unfavorable. She told me directly, that we were no longer friends, but we are lovers.

      • Ha? So fresh then. Thanks for visiting friend. This is Mely @swertiez in BJ. Nice meet you here.Also share that story here. I am glad my blog about a short story is published.

      • Love seems taken for granted by some young lovers this time.They are exploited by what they see in movie, YouTube and many other sources.

    • So sad how some do not value the relationship they have. Trust is just so hard to give to someone who has broken our hearts.

      • @Jentleheart,There are so many this time who no longer value a relationship. Many want to play love.They are not affected by the pains and heartaches of their love.

      • @Rapid_Blue, You are right, so many are they this time just pretending their love is pure, and late to know by the victim of love.

      • @Rapid_Blue, You are right, so many are they this time just pretending their love is pure, and late to know by the victim of love.

        We need to be extra careful this time for cheaters are just around the corner.

      • @Rapid Blue, You are right, so many are they this time just pretending their love is pure, and late to know by the victim of love.

        We need to be extra careful this time for cheaters are just around the corner.

    • A very well-written story with a valuable lesson. Trust once broken is hard to regain. Trust is like a mirror which once broken cannot be repaired.

    • Thank you guys, we have many unfaithful husbands and wives this time the more to just bf-gf relationships.It is hard to deal a broken heart.

    • There is always another great chance created for you when the one you hoped ame looked forward to breaks up. Every cloud has a silver lining

      • @stbrians, So true, not all the time that we will allow others to cheat us and in case being cheated we have to rise where we fall and move on.This is life we have to fight.

    • Infidelity is the common cause of break-up and broken families. I know a lot of couples who will never give up on other problems such as financial. But when it comes to infidelity, it's like a bomb blown in your face. The broken trust is hard to fixed. Relationships will never be the same. Where there is trust, love follows. When there is love, there is trust.

    • @Rachz, You are right sis, we have to settle problems in a right way. There is no problem that cannot be solved.Infidelity is fatal and whoever is the victim would either resort to killing the self or killing the accuse, then when everything is calm down regret follows. It is not advisable to immediately follow the call of our anger for repentance always comes at the end.

    • @Rachz, That is true sis, infidelity is a very deadly crime. It kills hopes, dreams and true love.It is like a disease hard to cure.Infidelity is anywhere in the world, and rich or poor is a victim of this cruel deception.

    • I remember when I realized that my ex boyfriend is cheating on me. It felt like I can hardly breathe and the world stopped turning. But then again, everything happens for a reason. And maybe the reason why that happened to me is to find the person who will love me unconditionally. I already found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Lesson learned? Trust God. He has his plans for everyone of us.

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