The Result of Indolent Parenting

When you have the responsibility of raising a child, you must not raise him or her to be a child but to be a responsible adult.

Although this is obvious and has been obvious for thousands of years, it seems to have become lost due to the current practice of indolent parenting.

Parents who do not set limits, do not discipline, and allow the child to do what he pleases, does not raise a person.  They do not raise anything.  They spew another useless brat into the world.

A brat will have a rude awakening when he goes into the world.

I am using an example to clarify.

Dave was fired.

He found it amazing.

Nothing like this had ever happened to him before.

Yes, he had been warned, but it was the first time a warning actually had consequences.

All his life he never had to pay attention to warnings.  Sure Mommy said if he didn’t make his bed he wouldn’t go to the movies.  But he threw a tantrum.

He went to the movies.

His whole life had been a do what he pleased and ignore warnings.  This is because Dave was  born in 1990. This is when parents ceased to raise children and adopted the feral style, that is, allowing kids to do whatever they please.

No attempts to toilet train, so Dave wore diapers until he was six.  No limitations, so Dave often fell asleep on the floor in front of the television or wherever he happened to be as he had no ‘bed time’.

And of course, Dave was never disciplined.

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When he was old enough, Dave attended one of those schools where no one fails and no child feels left behind.

Dave thought the real world was just as accommodating.

It wasn’t.

Dave is going to have a difficult time getting another job. He can never use this company as a reference.

This is a  strange awakening for Dave. He’s accustomed to the politically correct euphemisms and for ‘the world’ striving to please him.

At his playschool, an autistic child was described as; “She doesn’t like to share.”

In primary school, a bully was described as; “has challenges interacting with others”.

Dave, who was lazy and disinterested did, however, have a few bursts of genius. His teachers described him as; “Shows great promise.”

Dave is astounded anyone could write;

“Is consistently late, does not obey instructions, has been warned not to conduct personal business on the phones and computers, but seems incapable of recognising authority.”

About him.

Dave thinks he can sue the company for some sort of ‘libel’ because they didn’t say nice things about him.

The Tragedy for Dave, and those like him, is that having been kept in a protective womb all their lives  they are eventually excreted into a world where saying No to an Ape is standard.

Dave, jobless, goes home to live off of Mommy and Daddy, and will continue to be supported by them until Daddy gets him another job, or Daddy dies and he gets the Insurance money.

It would be interesting if Dave was an exception, but he, as others who were left to grow up by indolent parents who never hit him, never prevented him doing what he pleased, believes the world is to do the same.

  • kaylar

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    • We have many such parents who indulge in all these acts and when their child is not wanting to study or not showing any interest. The come running to us to teach them saying they are finding it difficult to read and finish studies and the portion is too much for the dear child.

      One more dialogue which we constantly hear from parents is that we have given our child to you now you please teach them like he is your child and make him into a genius. When told even they have to do certain thing for him to achieve success they say we do not have time as both of us are working that is why we are seeking your help to teach him. The thing is they do not want to do parenting but like to bear a child. Who will become future Dave's at our place.

    • There are many different styles of raising children, all of which have differing effects on how they develop psychologically. It is important to be an authoritative parent, enforcing rules and expectations so that the child grows up with a learned sense of morality. However, parents who take their authority to an extreme level, expecting unquestioned obedience from their child, are known as authoritarian parents. This parenting style has negative effects of the social and cognitive development of children.

      Authoritarian parenting is often characterized by strict rules and harsh punishments. These parents often shame their children and display a withdrawal of love and affection, as a form of punishment. The harsh, cold environment of fearful compliance that exists within authoritarian households, has many disadvantages on the development of children and adolescents.

      Children raised by strict, authoritarian parents are more likely to have little self esteem and self-management when they reach adulthood. This is because blind obedience does not leave room for that child to learn how to self-regulate. They are more likely become depressed and show signs of anger outside the home. Also, for kids raised this way, juvenile delinquency is a common way of exercising their independence. Authoritarian parenting often teaches the child to only do what is right when a figure of authority is around, and it also teaches them to become excellent liars.

    • Strict parenting is typically referred to as the authoritarian parenting style because strict parents tend to impose a rigid structure of rules upon their children.

      In a strict home, parents expect children to follow rules without question. While parents must be strict sometimes, particularly when it comes to issues like your child’s safety, using this style of parenting in every aspect of your child’s life can cause problems.

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