I am a positive thinker. When I failed over a plan, I still would have plan B and plan C. And when all else fails, I pray and leave it to God to do the rest. I always just would think that it’s not what God wants me to have.
In this regard, I would like to share some tips about positive thinking which I have read in the booklet in the picture.
1. Medical study of patients in the hospital discovered that those patients who are positive that they will do well after a surgery actually did.
However, for those patients who are pessimistic and thought that they cannot recover fast , really did have a difficulty in their healing process after the surgery . It is also said that doctors who help their patients having negative attitudes before surgery , by assuring them that everything will be okay as long as they too will think positively and will have a happy disposition to it will have a faster recovery after the surgery. Even the families, having a positive outlook about the surgery can also help the patient to think positively.
2. Some habits reveals worry or anxiety .
2.a. Foot jiggling – It shows impatience. The person would like a direct to the point talk, no flowery words nor beating around the bush before the main issued is talked about.
2.b. Jaw Clenching – obviously , the person is experiencing stress.
2.c. Teeth grinding – this also shows stress and it may be indicate fear or failure.
2.d. Doodling – This shows that the person is bored and have a feeling that he is much better than other people in the group and would be needing more challenges. Well, actually sometimes I doodle and that is when I don’t have anything to do at that instant and would like to make my signature maybe a bit nicer.
2.e. Throat Clearing – You seem to want to say something , although there is trepidation on your part because you aren’t sure of what exactly would you like to say or is hesitant that it might be not given attention.
2.f Hair twirling – This is actually one way of flirting specially for the girls or wanting to attract attention , but is not sure how the person she may be wanting attention will react.
3. How to Make Yourself Stop Worrying
3.a Focus on the connection of your brain to your body.
When you have some thoughts that are distressing or saw pictures that are frightening it gives makes the brain active to sensing an perceived trouble. Your heart will beat faster and wildly that it could make you perspire. If this happens think of happy thoughts or happy memories. Inhale and exhale deeply and relax.
3.b Remember that worry comes from your own imagination. So stop imagining things that can trouble your mind and think of happy thoughts instead or better still listen to happy music. Most people will pray. Some would talk to a friend who can comfort them or assure them that everything will be alright. Or you can share it to your family who can console you and help you to overcome such unwarranted worry.
3.c. Remind yourself that being troubled of what stresses you is just but a natural reaction and it is what makes everyone do their best to achieve a happier state in life.
All these things sums up that if we always think positively, worry will be far from our mind. Thus, we can always sleep fitfully , because worry is what makes one primarily not able to sleep well.
Though I may not be able to sleep well, but at least gets 6 hours of it, I am still a positive thinker. 🙂
Credit : Eat To Beat the Top 27 Health Problems
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View Comments
I agree with you, one needs to be a positive thinker so it can attract positive things happening in his life. Blessings will come naturally and unexpectedly if a person thinks of good things about himself and of other people around him.
I also learned from my experience that when we do things, we should always have a plan A and B and even C. That's how positive we should be.
Although, when everything fails, I always think that God has something nicer in store for me. That being so, I don't get depressed whenever I fail.