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Possible U.S. Military Strikes Against Syria?

Will the United States under President Donald Trump considers any possible United States military or aerial strikes against Syria to teach it a lesson due to its recent chemical attack against the civilian populations?

If the news is to be believed that indeed President Donald is considering such a move then the situation in Syria might further escalate into a full blown war.

The question is will such military solution possibly end the current civil war in Syria?

Thinking military action is one thing and actually doing it is another thing. Any possible military action against Syria must be carefully thought out especially the end game.

It has been observed that the United States has no interest to protect in Syria so why conduct a military action in the first place?

But if and when President Donald Trump is indeed contemplating a military action against Syria, how will it proceed?

For how long is this military action? And how much will be the financial costs for the United States to launch such a military operation?

Will such move be effective to further deter the use of chemical warfare?

 Success Of Military Action A Litmus-Test For Mr. Trump

   The success or failure of any military action against Syria if ever such course of action will be pursued by Mr. Donald Trump will be a baptism of fire for the new president and the image of the United States as superpowers in the eyes of the world as well.

Another question to be well considered is the role of Russia in the on-going conflict in Syria. Will Russia intervene or just stay in the sideline if and when the United States takes a military action?

If Russia intervenes and comes to the aid of the Assad regime in case of any military action by the United States then there could be a military complication that might lead to a further global war.

Diplomatic Solution Must First Be Exhausted 

   All possible channels and avenues for any diplomatic and peaceful solution must be pursued first before considering any possible military strikes against Syria.

It must be noted that the United Nation Security Council has set a meeting last Wednesday (April 5) to tackle the chemical attack on Syria.

There must be coordination between any United Nations actions on Syria side by side with any solution that the United States is thinking. Additionally, there must be an international coalition that should intervene so that any possible or potential chemical attack will not happen again.

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Other than military solution, further economic sanctions must be imposed on the Assad regime. Its chemical weapons capability or any of its factory or installation for that matter must be immediately destroyed.

In a changing world it is hard to think that the modern history of the world is still being written by blood by using chemical weapons on innocent civilians.

However, in the final analysis the question of government change i.e. that of changing the Assad regime is all addressed to the Syrian People themselves under their right to self-determination.

The rest of the world could only help them in any possible way it could to a certain extent.













  • Arnold Cruz

    View Comments

    • The Syrian problem is confined not only to their own regime but is spreading to other countries. Instead of taking place in the four corners of a room it is spreading like wildfire engulfing other Nations towards its own personal problem.
      Is U.S really interested in the Syrian Affair?
      The answer will be quite simple. What interest has the ISIS got in the E.U. Nations and U.S to take up terrorist activities? Are they not spreading unrest in other countries which are not concerned with their problem? The problem is leading to so many complex problems.

      Their activities forced Mr. Donald Trump finally after becoming the President issued the ban order against the entry of the Muslims of other countries entering into U.S. They are making a hue and cry over it. The correct step would have been to join hands together and fight against ISIS which they are unable to do. The Syrian forces are stooping down to a mean level of using Gas weapons which resulted in wiping out total families. But, how many families can they wipe out and for how long? If no one remains to be ruled what hell of business the Ruler/Government will have when everything becomes empty?

      As a superpower, Russia is maintaining silence when it should not for its selfishness. The U.S is not having proper support from other countries as some of them are in the hands of Russia. A joint meeting of Russia and U.S should take place to find out a solution. If possible a repatriate meeting including the ISIS also may yield some good result.

      Mr. Ban ki-Moon during the last term of his office had called for a joint meeting first between Russia and U.S. Noting materialized as the proposal was for a joint Military Action against ISIS. The question of ISIS participation in such meeting does not arise at all.

      Mr. Trump after studying the entire situation had issued the ban order, but it was undone by the opponents and other vested interests functioning within U.S (I do not know how to view the functioning of the JUDICIAL Department in U.S for their zest grounds in setting aside the ban order of Mr. Trump). The Syrian forces are now resorted to ending the rebels using chemical gas weapons which are likely to become a bad precedent for other countries to follow.

      The U.N. has become spineless now. The only alternative left to the U.S after seeing the use of Chemical Gas Weapons against the rebels and civilians in Syria might have come to the decision of taking an Unilateral Action against the Syrian Government without the support of Russia.

      Can there be any other alternative that may surface to be taken up?

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