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Numerology Versus Human Life in Practical Field

Numerology Versus Human Life

Numerology is the study of the numbers to determine their influence on one’s life. Numbers have a very important place in our life. Be it the number of your mobile phone, your social security, your credit card, your license, your ATM or your employee card. All these numbers are really important for you and if you lost any of them you’ll find yourself in a deep trouble. In fact the world will come to a halt if it forgets the use of numbers. No calculation will be possible in the absence of numbers.

However, apart from these physical numbers (like that of your mobile phone) there are other numbers too which play an important role in your life. They start producing their influence on your life right from the moment of your birth. And they will continue to influence you till you die.  Numerology is the study of these numbers.

So I’ll not waste your time in explaining the history, background or origin of numerology as I feel it has very little relevance. I have kept myself within the boundaries of pure Numerology only – the basic art of numbers which is essential for an average person. Though there are infinite numbers in Universe, they all are composed of 10 basic numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9). Although Zero (0) is a very important number from mathematical point of view, it is not considered a number which can influence life.

Therefore, it is not studied as a separate number in Numerology. However, it (zero) is considered as the symbol of eternity in occult science and it is used as a compound numbers in some numerological calculations (particularly those related to Name Numerology) The entire science of (if I may call a disciplined study of numbers as science) Numerology revolved around the influence of these 9 basic numbers (1 to 9) on human life. This study is a very interesting study and may be of immense help to us in our future life.

Numerology – Of the metaphysical sciences – Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry and other spiritually relevant studies – Numerology is the least known or understood, yet the most accessible. In looking to the answers to questions numerology generates, you can find your self and your path. Numerology is the study of numbers, and the

 occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. You need the birth date of an individual and the complete name as inputs to unlock all of the secrets that the numbers hold. Each alphabetical letter has been assigned a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration.

Thus larger numbers that occur from adding the numbers in the complete birth date or from the values assigned to each name are reduced by adding the digits together until the sum achieved is one of the core numbers.  The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. These numbers had made numerology which specializes in names (baby names, domain names, individual names, business names, etc)

All knowledge of numerology is derived from astrology as we see No-1 stands for the sun, No-2 stands for the moon, No-3 stands for Jupiter, No-4 stands for Uranus, No-5 stands for Mercury, No-6 stands for Venus, No-7 stands for Neptune, No-8 stands for Saturn and No-9 stands for Mars. In numerology astrological property is not written with number but just the numbers are written to show the traits of the numbers.

Numbers in someone’s life follows us as we follow our nose not reason in practical field. So for as my knowledge is concerned about numerology and astrology I think all men are puppets in the hands of number that compel someone to do something what the number influence puts in someone’s mind to which we call our reasonable use.

There are many schools of thought of numerology but the most correct and famous system is of Chaldean that produces correct results while calculating numbers for someone. Cheiro the world-wide famous numerologist followed Chaldean system of numbers while calculating numbers for someone and with the help of this he sued to make unforgettable predictions.

There are two kinds of numbers: one is negative and the other is positive. All negative numbers expose mental side of someone and all positive numbers debunk material side of someone.

Cheiro: 20th Century Teacher of Numerology

The only person who is responsible for the fast spread of numerology during the last century is William John Warner, better known as Cheiro, who also went by the name of Count Louis Hamon. One of the most famous and colorful occult figures of the early 20th century, Cheiro was a clairvoyant who used palmistry, astrology, and numerology to make accurate predictions and who inspired hundreds of numerologists and astrologers the world over. He was the inspiration yesterday, is the inspiration today and will be the inspiration tomorrow. I am proud to announce, in all humility, that I have developed this course drawing inspiration from Cheiro, the Master of the Masters. Born at 10:53 LMT on November 1, 1866 in Dublin, Ireland, Cheiro had a vast following of famous European and American clients such as

Mark Twain, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari, Oscar Wilde, Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, the Prince of Wales, General Kitchener, William Gladstone, and Joseph Chamberlain. He spent his final years in Hollywood working for movies until his death on October 8, 1936.

The Power and Influence of Numbers

Numbers are in fact used every day, and they are absolutely indispensable in our lives! Can you imagine any activity or situation that is not related to numbers? Buy a book in a shop! Look at your watch to know the time! Go to a bank to draw or deposit cash! Buy a ticket to travel! You do anything in your life; it has got something to do with numbers in one way or the other.

The knowledge of numerology is like an ocean but as easy to understand as you drink a glass of water. When properly understood and appropriately applied, it can be an instrument to avoid major disasters. For instance, advanced numerology clearly says that the double digit number 17 has something of spirituality and immortality in it. But the science also says that the number, when associated with the numbers 4 and 8, creates havoc. When these numbers work in tandem, it results in tragic accidents and loss of precious life.

The Tragic Death of a Talented Actress

You will be surprised to know the power of numerology if you assess the tragic and untimely death of Ms. Soundarya, the famous South Indian multi-lingual young actress, who became a victim of these numbers. On April 17, 2004, she took off for a small town in Andhra Pradesh via Hyderabad from a Bangalore based airport, in a 49, a nine year old American made mini plane, along with three others including the pilot. The day was a Saturday. The plane took off at 11.05 a.m. and it came down crashing and exploding at 11.08 a.m., killing all the four occupants. Let us explore the power of fours and eights which caused the plane crash:

  1. The number of the date was 8 (17=1+7=8)
  2. The number of people aboard was 4.
  3. The age number of the aircraft was 4 (49 years=4+9=13=1+3=4)
  4. The month number was 4 (if you count from January, April becomes 4)
  5. The year number was 4 in the century.
  6. The age number of the actress was 4 (it was revealed later that she was 31 when she died in the crash; 3+1=4)
  7. The numerical value of the day – Saturday – was 8 (Saturday represents 8 in numerology)
  8. The plane crashed exactly at the eighth minute of the hour.

Here the double digit number 17 came in contact with fours and eights repeatedly and it resulted in the tragic death of the heartthrob of millions of Indian cinema goers. It is not without significance that the Director General of Civil aviation, Government of India, declared after a thorough investigation into the crash, that the crash would not have taken place had only three persons (including the pilot) taken off in the ill fated plane. He cited the reason that the plane’s capacity was only four people but it carried more weight than the permitted one as it carried a drum of fuel in addition to the four victims. There is no reason to suspect that the Government Officer was equipped with the knowledge of numerology but certainly his argument carries weight as the influence of fours and eights could have been reduced drastically had there been only three persons in the plane.

Quotations from the Holy Koran

I have already said that astrological symbols have been converted into numbers and the ancient peoples call it Numerology in their own language that is present still in the present age in their original shapes. I recite here some verses from the holy Koran in which we are instructed to ponder over the Universe to get true knowledge of things created by God for men. Read the examples and cogitate over them.

“Say (O Muhammad): Behold what is in the heaven and the earth! But revelations and warnings avail not folk who will not perceive.” (Surah Yunus: verse 101).

“Say (O Muhammad): Travel in the land and see how he originated creation, so will Allah produce a later creation, for Allah has power

over all things.” (Surah Al-Ankabut: verse 20).

“Do they not reflect in their own minds? Allah created not the heaven and the earth, and that is between them, save with truth and for a destined end; you are there truly many among men who deny the meeting with their Lord (At the Resurrection)! (Surah Al-Rum : verse 8). “And verily in the heaven we have set mansions of the stars and we have beautified it for beholders.” (Surah Al-Hijri; verse 16).

“And he hath constrained the night and the day and the sun and Moon to be services unto you, and the stars are made subservient by His command. Lo! herein indeed are portents for people who sense.” (Surah Al-Nahi: verse 12).

“I have created buruj (Zodiac signs) on the sky and decorated them for viewers and I have also protected them from evils…” (16th line of Surah Hizr)

“How great he is, who has created zodiac signs in the sky and placed the Sun and shining Moon over there…” (61st line of Surah Furkan)

The Cow

[2.189] they ask you concerning the new moon. Say: They are times appointed for (the benefit of) men, and (for) the pilgrimage; and it is not righteousness that you should enter the houses at their backs, but righteousness is this that one should guard (against evil); and go into the houses by their doors and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, that you may be successful.

[2.164] Most surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that run in the sea with that which profits men, and the water that Allah sends down from the cloud, then gives life with it to the earth after its death and spreads in it all (kinds of) animals, and the changing of the winds and the clouds made subservient between the heaven and the earth, there are signs for a people who understand.

Al-Anaam – Cattle [6.76] so when the night over-shadowed him, he saw a star; said he: Is this my Lord? So when it set, he said: I do not love the setting ones.  [6.77] then when he saw the moon rising, he said: Is this my Lord? So when it set, he said: If y Lord had not guided me I should certainly be of the erring people. [6.96] He causes the dawn to break; and He has made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for reckoning; this is an arrangement of the Mighty, the Knowing. [6.97] And He it is Who has made the stars for you that you might follow the right way thereby in the darkness of the land and the sea; truly We have made plain the communications for a people who know.

The Elevated Places [7.54] Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six periods of time, and He is firm in power; He throws the veil of night over the day, which it pursues incessantly; and (He created) the sun and the moon and the stars, made subservient by His command; surely His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Jonah [10.5] He it is Who made the sun a shining brightness and the moon a light, and ordained for it mansions that you might know the computation of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create it but with truth; He makes the signs manifest for a people who [10.6] Most surely in the variation of the night and the day, and what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs for a people who guard (against evil).

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Yusuf [12.4] When Yusuf said to his father: O my father! surely I saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon– I saw them making obeisance to me. The thunder [13.2] Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you see, and He is firm in power and He made the sun and the moon subservient (to you); each one pursues its course to an appointed time; He regulates the affair, making clear the signs that you may be certain of meeting your Lord.

Abraham [14.33] And He has made subservient to you the sun and the moon pursuing their courses, and He has made subservient to you the night and the day.

AL-HIJR 015.016 and verily in the heaven we have set mansions of the stars, and We have beautified it for beholders.

The Bee [16.12] And He has made subservient for you the night and the day and the sun and the moon, and the stars are made subservient by His commandment; most surely there are signs in this for a people who ponder; [16.16] And landmarks; and by the stars they find the right way.

The Cave [18.17] And you might see the sun when it rose, decline from their cave towards the right hand, and when it set, leave them behind on the left while they were in a wide space thereof. This is of the signs of Allah; whomsoever Allah guides, he is the rightly guided one, and whomsoever He causes to err, you shall not find for him any friend to lead (him) aright.

The prophets [21.33] And He it is Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all (orbs) travel along swiftly in their celestial spheres.

The Pilgrimage [22.18] Do you not see that Allah is He, Whom obeys whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many of the people; and many there are against whom chastisement has become necessary; and whomsoever Allah abases, there is none who can make him honorable; surely Allah does what He pleases.

The Distinction [25.61] blessed is He Who made the constellations in the heavens and made therein a lamp and a shining moon.

The Spider [29.61] and if you ask them, Who created the heavens and the earth and made the sun and the moon subservient, they will certainly say, Allah. Whence are they then turned away?

The Romans [30.22] and one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in this for the learned.

Luqman [31.29] Do you not see that Allah makes the night to enter

into the day, and He makes the day to enter into the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient (to you); each pursues its course till an appointed time; and that Allah is Aware of what you do?

The Originator [35.13] He causes the night to enter in upon the day, and He causes the day to enter in upon the night, and He has made subservient (to you) the sun and the moon; each one follows its course to an appointed time; this is Allah, your Lord, His is the kingdom; and those whom you call upon besides Him do not control a straw.

Yasin [36.39] and (as for) the moon, we have ordained for it stages till it becomes again as an old dry palm branch. [36.40] neither is it allowable to the sun that it should overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; and all float on in a sphere.

The Companions [39.5] He has created the heavens and the earth with the truth; He makes the night cover the day and makes the day overtake the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient; each one runs on to an assigned term; now surely He is the Mighty, the great Forgiver. The Rangers [37.6] Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars, [37.88] Then he looked at the stars, looking up once,

The Believer [40.13] He it is Who shows you His signs and sends down for you sustenance from heaven, and none minds but he who turns (to Him) again and again. [40.81] And He shows you His signs: which then of Allah’s signs will you deny?

Ha Mim 41.12 So He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and revealed in every heaven its affair; and We adorned the lower heaven with brilliant stars and (made it) to guard; that is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing. [41.37] And among His signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon; do not make obeisance to the sun nor to the moon; and make obeisance to Allah Who created them, if Him it is that you serve. [41.53] We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will

 become quite clear to them that it is the truth.

The Counsel [42.29] And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and what He has spread forth in both of them of living beings; and when He pleases He is all-powerful to gather them together.

The Kneeling [45.3] Most surely in the heavens and the earth there are signs for the believers.

The Mountain [52.49] and in the night, give Him glory too, and at the setting of the stars.

The Event [56.75] but nay! I swear by the falling of stars;

The Moon [54.1] the hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder.

The Beneficent [55.5] the sun and the moon follow a reckoning.

Al Waqia 56.75 Nay, I swear by the places of the stars –

Nuh [71.16] and made the moon therein a light, and made the sun a lamp?

The Covered One [74.32] Nay; I swear by the moon,

The Resurrection [75.8] and the moon becomes dark, [75.9] and the sun and the moon are brought together,

The Rending Asunder [84.18] and the moon when it grows full,

The Celestial Stations [85.1] I swear by the mansions of the stars,

The Sun [91.2] and the moon when it follows the sun

  • jhsayyar

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