Categories: Arts & Humanities

My Short Poems On Photos

As I woke up this morning, I opened my laptop and I just started gazing at it with my mind wandering. I was so aimless of what would be my topic for the day. Urrgh! Until my phone beep. I see a message from my friend. She said she sent me an application link on my facebook that I surely liked. I opened it and whoa! It’s a good application for me to do things with. Actually, it’s for fun. It is a picture editor where I can edit my photos and write my sayings or poem on it.

Now I want to share my outputs with you.

The photo is from pixabay. My message that is written on the photo goes this way,

“My lips says it all..

your beauty, 


your eyes,

sincerely blinks..

your attitude,

sum it all your “YOU”.

It is a simple poem about a person. I probably don’t know how to explain the content while in fact, it’s my own writing. Sometimes, I am writing things that I don’t know how to explain. Just let my readers come up with their own explanation about it. 😀


The poem on the second photo says,

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“Beauty is like a flower…

it bloom so beautifully

its color sparks with light

it shines with the sun

but at the end of the day..

it will get dry

it will fold

its color fades

it will die.”

The second poem, I can really explain it. It says that beauty if not for eternity. That’s it. It’s not permanent and it will just fade away the time you become old. That is why the known saying says that character is the best than the beauty that is useless.

I hope you like my short poems. I surely love to edit photos with sayings or poem on it and share it here in literacybase. It will be my next output soon.

  • Cassy Janine

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