Wow friend, very long blog, I appreciate you on this. I am so happy for you seeing your blogs soaring up in sky. About the issue raised here, yes true, there are some who do not give thanks to some wonderful things that happen to them. It is the same as not saying a thank you for an act of gratitude. there are really people like them, insensitive,selfish.
Thanks for the appreciation. Yes this topic was such that the blog become a bit long. Good to here from friends like you it always makes my day. Hope you were able to read my other blogs too. Agree with you that the people about whom this blog discussed and who are of different types do not seem to appreciate the good days they get to see. I feel sad for them and hope they can understand what they are losing in life.
I have tried to highlight different situations which make people do such a thing and also tried to analyzed why they do such a thing. I personally have seen many people who are very well of and have everything behave like this. Their condition looks pitiable and pathetic to say the least. Hope people who are having this problem try to understand life and appreciate the good things which life offers. Thanks for the inputs.
that is write nicely, lots of information that some people do not knwo about it, I agree of course and the place that you go to not about the swimming pool i talk but also like if its cheap club or known brand, as cheap places are going to do bad things and not clean the water well also that is so dangerous as the signs and symptoms are not clear fast and it will take time until that time , you will forget or dont really know the reason why you are sick, and small sick leads to bigger one, that is why i like to go gyms or clubs or sea but not pools unless the palce that is im going to is very good and well know for its clean and reputations also absolutely
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