Tierra Lynch
@tierralynch active 8 years, 2 months ago-
When you are not supplied with the relevant fact, data and information, even the most intelligent person can misunderstand, make a bad decision, do the wrong thing. That bing said I like BBC America news reports.
That is the point. In the 1970s everyone used to gather around the Shortwave to hear the BBC, and it was aired in Jamaica and other ex-colonies twice a day for 1 hour. And it was the News in depth.
The BBC would begin by listing the various major stories it would cover, then go through each of the major stories and then a few minor stories then end by summing up the major stories.
You could listen, take notes and go to class and in your Social Studies Class stand up and give a report on a news event based solely on the BBC report. It was in depth.
It did not assume you knew where Sudan was, it would give you a location, a touch of history, go into the current situation, explain as it could how the current situation occurred so that people wouldn’t be led into misconception.
For example, the Crimea situation. Crimea was part of Russia, part of the Soviet Union, only given to Ukraine by Khruschev, much to the annoyance of those who lived there. They don’t want to be part of the Ukraine.
As people don’t know their history they can not understand what is going on and blame Russia.
That’s the trouble with some automatic checkers! I encountered that problem in iwriter, when I cited some facts and sources; then it flagged the sentences saying they were plagiarized. Good thing the admin was quick to reply to my complaint, and it passed!
iwriter sounds as if it has more hands on crew than this site where it seems everyone is Out to Lunch
They haven’t said a word to me yet.
So the new deal now is “DUMPING” on Literacy Base by “outsiders” and getting the “insiders” angry? Same old story. The community members are happy. Then new members join and bring with them “a series of unfortunate events”. Then regular old faithful members start going “What the crap??!!” Then they contact Admin, but don’t get any responses from Support. Then members start voicing their disapproval out loud. Obviously frustrated and upset. Rightfully so. Then … blah blah blah … yadda yadda yadda.
It’s a similar pattern. Seems like wherever I go, whenever I’m at a site and I start getting paid for my efforts, the complaints start rolling on. Next thing I know I wake up and the site has disappeared.
So iy’s happening again? OK! I’ll just wait for it. 🙁 Not happy about it but what can I do. It happens so often I’m used to it.
Ya know, every time I hang clothes on the line, it starts to rain. It seems you have the same effect on writing sites. This site went from over moderation to AWOL moderation.
LOL. Haven’t heard that expression in a while. Used to hear people say that all the time. “Whenever I hang my clothes on the line to dry, it rains.”
I am seriously starting to wonder if it is is me! I’m taking it personal!
I signed up for BlogJob. Got my first payment. They stopped the Rewards Points Program right after that. My friends kept trying to get me to sign up for Niume. As soon as I signed up people started complaining about it! Honest! I’m not making it up! It does happen! LOL. 🙂
I am almost afraid to recommend a site because as soon as I say something good about it, the site might close down! I don’t want to jinx a successful site. 🙂
Yeah, it’s you.
Up to now, I don’t know anyone who has been paid in May.
You got a weird experience charged as a plagiarist to your own blog post, funny my friend. Meaning no one has monitored it well for they might have run away during the submission of your blog.
There are certain tricks sites use. Expertscolumn will reject an item… claiming it is ‘substandard’…this is done to prevent a user from reaching the pay out.
This one decided to label items so as not to pay for them.
Same dishonesty.
I just wanted to add that it is a great achievement even to notice dishonesty these days.
Its like not only playing the role of a librarian but knowing the contents of each and every book in that Library. Here the Library is ‘www’ – such a mammoth task!-
Thank you
I just wanted to add that it is a great achievement even to notice dishonesty these days.
Its like not only playing the role of a librarian but also, knowing the contents of each and every book in that Library. Here the Library is ‘www’ – such a mammoth task! -
Ignore the duplicate post – My apologies to the Admin.
At this moment in time, I think the ‘plagiarism’ charge was a trick to not pay.
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