PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic How did you know Literacy Base? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
Yes @swalia many of the members from Blogjob, including yours truly are here too!
PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic How to strategize your LB earnings in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@swalia think social media sharing does not always makes a difference but it varies from time to time.
Ruby posted an update 8 years ago
@swalia Hello, I just joined your Bloggers Hub Group. I hope to gain more knowledge from your group about blogging and online activities.
May I request you to be my friend?
I am new in blogging activities, I was just referred to by my cousin, Dina, an LB member.
PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic SHORT POSTS/ LONG POSTS in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
@swalia some good tips- I was not aware of such point system. I write longer for my story series or other stories I have written, while some of my posts just nearly touch the 300 word limit mark.
nakitakona13 replied to the topic ASKMOKO – A New Forum in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@swalia I do respect your decision. Whatever that pleases you and you feel it is comfortable for you, you may do so. I am person who always gives everyone the chance to grow and I am there to help it out on what I could do best for that site. I know in return I could also be benefited in giving my invaluable service. I know it is a mutual relationship.
Support replied to the topic Sharing at LiberacyBase in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
Someone Mentioned Us. Yes – You are right @bestwriter We are working on to this to increase the rate for visitors and trying to propose an algo for this. Good News will be there soon. Until then don’t stop sharing posts and even discussion on your social profiles.
@swalia – LiteracyBase Sharing feature is the most powerful feature. As you can…[Read more]
Your Seldom replied to the topic Rabadaba Is Not Available in the Philippines: Any Other Sites? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
I think I need better MEMEs that ones that are trully telling. Sparta and Facepalm do not do…
@lovern if you can sent me PM with name of that perfect website if is easy even better. I like to see if fits my skill. TXX It is open for International writers, yes?
@shavkat I don’t think many will fit me, many ask too much. based on…[Read more]
@gautamdotcom but Gaption my friend only iPhone users?
@shavkat it is saddening but they give little money so maybe not big damadge?
@bestwriter I don’t have picture web site, all picture I take from others for blog too, but for future maybe good to know some , yes?
@swalia is this for Rabadaba application or other?
I think all pages slowly…[Read more]
Your Seldom replied to the topic ASKMOKO – A New Forum in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@swalia some stupid decision says me noting. If you care to explain that decisions. I am positive about website. Agree not fit to many, special if no native like me need to write 400 words. In regards to that and my bad quality posts in grammar Blogbourne offered editor team to help me prevail my mistakes. If not believe go and ask.
This is…[Read more]
Rajaraman K replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Earn Money Online 8 years ago
@swalia, I agree that sharing our posts on social media sites helps us to a great extend. But, here at LB for a broken-peanut rate of just 7 paisa($0.001) for a visit, it is not worth our time, I feel. By the way, as I already mentioned in one earlier occasion, I am still envious about the views you and @suny is getting for your articles on…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic Tinycent: 5 Days Is Equal to $5 in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@tevin55 I am not too sure, but I think @sunil or @swalia might have already earned $100 from tinycent as they have got paid several times. I have just got paid twice, $5 and $15, and just redeemed the third time. Hope I will get the payment very soon, but it is more likely that I have to wait for about 10 days.
Your Seldom replied to the topic Secret behind high views at tinycent in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@swalia that is terrible. For me 10 post will be week of work. I don’t like it. If my boss on day job take pay for week, I will leave. I completely justify that choice. But not lies. I see email proof, it is enough. With no proof I don’t believe. I say ok, but not enter in it. Maybe person right, maybe not. If I find something I will say. I can do…[Read more]
Your Seldom replied to the topic Payment proof at Niume in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@swalia but you say she already posted it so why not?
@swalia controversy is about Tinycent not Blue, see email. Welcome to work in the best of efforts and enjoy your writing there. I would be sustained too if working for that people. You never can be enough careful.
Thank you for information about 300 word limit.
I will try to add to my articles and publish here.
Dawnwriter replied to the topic Does Anyone Got Any Payment from Blogbourne?!? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@EvilElf @swalia Can you tell me where this information is posted about Inactive users. I checked the forum but I cannot see anything new for weeks and months.
With so many options like Literacy Base, Niume and Tiny Cent, Blogbourne has real competition on its hands and warnings such as these ones will further shatter the confidence of its…[Read more]
Dawnwriter replied to the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
@swalia. I don’t know about others but I log into Literacy base daily. I have not written many posts but I comment quite frequently on forums and blogs.
I am sure Literacy base has its popularity algorithm all wrong but I do not visit the site once in a blue moon
nakitakona13 replied to the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
I see that issue too @swalia. I even ask myself, “why are their names on the homepage as ‘popular members’?” In fact, some of them are not active anymore. I guess it would probably the quality of posts they have shared, they have submitted, or the highest number of comments or reactions they have received for their post.
“Active members” are easy…[Read more]
SuperD replied to the topic How Many Posts You Have Before You Reach Redemption? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
@swalia I guess that is the key to the road for redemption, a combination of blog posts, participation in forums, replying to blog posts, making some good topics in the forum, respond with long phrases as replies to different topics spend more time here in Literacy Base.
Some of you have already received the payout and I am jealous about it. But…[Read more]
Assumpta posted an update 8 years ago
@swalia hi dear, how do i message u, i just joined the site and dont know how to do that
Rajaraman K replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Tinycent 9 years ago
Hi all, I got my first payment today from tinycent and it has given me some boost to continue and write on tinycent. Unfortunately, I am not getting good views for my articles like @swalia,@suny,@bestwriter,@vinaya and some others. I wonder what tricks they are following to get so much views. Anyway, I have decided to continue on that site. I…[Read more]