• Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Long issue or not but maybe because I’m just still in the newbie category and not long been here so there are just so many things needed to clarify. Thanks because its just so informative from you.  We cannot edit but we can repost it so the previous one will be deleted. But I think LB should have their round table discussion now whether or not…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @naruto100  Hope tinycent will last.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @suny Bubblews??? What Bubblews?  😀 Cool it. That is history.But tinycent is alive and kicking.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    Tinycent has doled out their third payment to some and I am one of them. Seems the best site as of now.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Okay, so this answer why I can’t find the delete or edit option for the post articles. I just hope there will be an option for this because I think this is necessary for the writers to edit their post especially when necessary.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter posted an update in the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    Received my third payment

    • I just received my third payment at the old rate of 1 cent per view. Tinycent have kept their promise.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter created the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @SuperD  There is neither a delete nor an edit option for blogs that are awaiting approval. If you want changes made then you should write to Support.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD started the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Lets just say I commit another mistake in my post and I wanted to edit some of it in my ‘awaiting approval’ article. The problem, I cannot find an edit button or feature for me to do it. There must be some way to do it, can you please educate me about this?

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    What is @Ruby3881 doing in the category ‘Popular Members’?  She is nowhere to be seen here.  It’s time the LB Home Page is updated. This Page is visible even to those who have not registered here.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Plagiarised comments in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @Teresa Trotter   The account itself has been deleted and all their comments removed too.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Philippines Celebrating Eid’l Adha 8 years ago

    Today, the Philippines is non-working holiday in observance Feast of Sacrifice of our countrymen Muslims. Though the red date is September 13 which is Tuesday in our calendar but our government made the holiday […]

    • The news I woke up to this morning was about a mosque being vandalized in broad daylight. I guess the vandal was taking advantage of the holiday being celebrated. I don’t know the whole story. But I do know these acts don’t solve any problems or correct anything. The good news is that they were caught on camera.

      • That is really a bad news because Muslims are celebrating the feast of sacrifice. Respect for other people’s belief should always be given importance. We might have difference in faith but we are all still brothers and sisters and nobody will respect each other but us. Those suspects should be punish.

    • I have heard some stories and even view in facebook updates that some of our Overseas Filipino Workers especially the Domestic Helpers can received some gifts from their employers. In my interview with Imam, he said this is common, they slaughter some animals and give the meat to the needy and poor people.

    • Oh..This is a good development towards religious tolerance. Even then,in some parts of Philippines, there are some stray incidents over religion take place. We can not find fault with them as they happen with a spur of emotion. However, such incidents are very rare in every country. Clashes over religious grounds are almost fading away but are being replaced with terrorist activities. This is the sorry state of affairs prevailing in every country.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Using Leftovers so that Food is Not Wasted 8 years ago


     I read somewhere where the user claimed that in their household they never eat food that is left over but it is fed to the dustbins not even to the poor or to animals. 

    I think wasting food is a cr […]

    • I love leftovers. I don’t do this any more because there are usually no leftovers at my house. But when I was a kid, my late mother used to like smother her meats in gravy. Smothered chicken. Smothered pork chops. Etc. There was never any meat left but sometimes there was leftover gravy. I would save it and the next day for lunch, I would warm up the gravy and pour it over 2 slices of bread. It was sooo good! It was just bread and gravy but I loved it! 🙂

      • It is meaningless when food is thrown away. Apart from money spent just look at the labour that has gone into preparing it. The leftover curry when condensed tastes delicious.

        • Once saw a documentary on television showing how much food Americans were throwing away. Mind you! They hadn’t even cooked the food! They were throwing away food that was in their freezer that they bought to eat, but never got around to eating it! Can you believe it? That would bother my conscience. 🙁

          • I have seen the pantries of many there. They do not even know what they have in there and keep buying more stuff. My first visit to a restaurant in New York shocked me when I saw garbage bins packed to capacity

    • I agree… I never throw away food. I find someway to eat everything I cook.

      • I do the same theresa rice I freeze or otherwise I have 2 dogs I put scraps into the pot and cook it up for my dogs they love it gravy curry etc put on bread next day tastes delicious

        • I have always saved food and eaten it a few days later after steaming. It tastes as fresh and it does not bore me either.

      • People think throwing away food is a status symbol

    • First of all those people who say that cannot eat left overs are just pretenders. What is so wrong with eating left over good that has only been refrigerated for only one or two days? It is not spoilt neither does it small so why reject it? Anyway we all he e out reasons but I don’t agree with people of that nature. I personally feel so bad when I see people throw away food when there are people out there who are scavenging in the dustbins like dogs to find something to eat. Instead of throwing that good why not store it well in a container and give it to someone who is begging on Thu street? To them it wouldn’t want to know if it was cooked yesterday or the day before all that want is something to munch on.to contribute on the part of cooking just enough could be tricky sometimes, why not add just a little more so that if may a visitor comes calling in without notice that can eat we all know about those kinds of visitors who just decide to come over your place because they were in the neighbourhood. So at least keep a little more for such things when they come up. I tried to do that one time in my house then my sister passed by and she happened to be hungry when she asked for good i told her that we had just had lunch and her next answer was why do you cook little good don’t you have good in this house? Then I told her no that’s not the issue I just don’t want left overs and she said you chasing away visitors because you don’t want to cook. I felt so bad and ever since whenever I cook there is always an extra plate just in case hahaha.

      • Your sister is so right.
        We always have food just in case someone turns up without notice there is something to feed them.

    • We never feed leftovers to our pets. They have their own different food. All leftovers are stacked up and frozen to be eaten later on may be even after few days.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Blog Are Not Moving: Any Approval? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @shavkat All my blogs got approved and surprisingly I earned 22 cents for one blog which never ever happens here for me.   🙂

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Blog Are Not Moving: Any Approval? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia. Were you able to delete those posts here.I thought the delete facility is not available here.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Blog Are Not Moving: Any Approval? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia  They will I am sure. They are at it now.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Blog Are Not Moving: Any Approval? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @shavkat I think they have realised that delay in approval will stop users from blogging

  • Profile picture of Femi Adewumi

    Femi Adewumi and Profile picture of alinaalina are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Double Treat Payment for Me in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shavkat  Well done. Congrats.


  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Blog Are Not Moving: Any Approval? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    After that grumbling and mumbling all my blogs have been approved.

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