• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia  All my blogs have been approved too. Looks like Support has noticed our grievances  😀

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @peachpurple  I admire your patience. Your Blogs are so detailed. They should actually get good ratings.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @suny  All of us at some point get frustrated here in that when our  expectations are not  met with. The consolation is no one is spared  😀  So get going and post those Blogs that are waiting to be showcased.

    I too will no longer bother if my blogs get delayed. What I have noticed is the last lot has been approved all together and one has…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, We all have to die one day 8 years ago


    I had an argument with my husband one day and left the house in an angry mood. But I hoped that I did not die before I returned as that would mean I would die without making up. 

    Let not such a s […]

    • Sorting out is done eventually but it can be made easy if only we keep everything in order.

    • Opps, only those aged 40 years up can think of dying and preparing everything before dying. Though your article is helpful but we should not think too much of these. We are here to enjoy life and not making ourself stress with this thinking. Relax. We think too much.

    • We have always been adviced that if your married you should never go to sleep when your angry, or leave the house when angry at your spouse. Like you ha e said it has never been easy for spouses to always be in good terms but it always helps to say sorry it keeps anger away. It would be very sad to actually leave the house when your in bad terms with your spouse for you never know what would happen to them, that’s th3 most unforgiving thing anyone would have to go through and it causes a lot of unrest in one’s heart so I totaly after with the above statements makes a lot of sense.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, ReRescuing Animals from the Clutches of the Ruthless 8 years ago

    There are many areas where cruelty to animals is rampant. This needs to be addressed with top priority.

    There is ruthless deforestation which results in wild animals going helter, skelter in […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @suny. That is a great achievement. Congrats. Not many got in in August.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Conjee a health giver 8 years ago

    Congee is liquid from that one gets from cooking boiled rice. The rice is eaten with the liquid.  As kids this was a staple diet

    As kids we survived on conjee as breakfast in the mornings.  Little did my m […]

    • I have heard a lot about conjee and there is no reason not to believe it has excellent health benefits. I love the statement you ended your post with. Two thumbs up!!

    • There is so much of segregation when it comes to type of foods. We have a plant growing in our garden and one of my workers said they do not eat it because it is eaten by the scheduled caste I will soon be trying it out 😀

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Pastor Died In Road Accident 8 years ago

    A female pastor in died in a road accident while his husband who is also a pastor was in in critical condition when they were slammed into an Elf van in a vehicular accident happened in the national road, […]

    • Just this morning I learned that even the husband pastor died in hospital. I learned this from a person who belong to their sect that told me the husband did not survive the operation.

      Its accident happened in an area where many accidents have had happened there. Many lives have been sacrificed in the said place.

    • May his soul rest in peace. Motor bikes ar3 a sure way of getting to where your going fast but th3 bad thing is that it carries with it a lot of dangers. Many people don’t see them as dangers but they ar3. If only th3 riders could be more cautious and try their luck with cars. They need to take extra care especially when it rains. Back in our country this accidents are pretty much an everyday occurence and it’s really taking a toll on families, where people are taking into riding without taking proper riding lessons before they get to the roads.very unfortunate.

    • This is a case of overtaking. while overtaking generally the youth can not guess the speed required while overtaking a front vehicle. They should also know how to handle the situation if any vehicle comes in the front. They do not have any estimation and are prone to such accidents. Here the motorbike driver and the pillion rider both expired. Both are above 45. Why and how he took such a decision to overtake another vehicle is really not coming to my understanding.

      The road conditions also are responsible for such accidents. The position is not good with India also. Here also the manholes are not covered properly with responsibility and sometimes during rainy season people disappear into the manholes. But, the opposition doie not make an issue over such incidents. They make out an issue over other indecent , indisciplined activities.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Recipe for a Perfect “Dosa” 8 years ago

    What’s in a Dosa you might ask. There is plenty. The right ingredients in the right proportion and fried with the right heat will produce a perfect Dosa. It took me years but today I can say I have learnt the […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Patient’s Role to Help Diagnose a Disease 8 years ago


    She was have palpitations and a doctor was consulted. The Doctor was confused as he did not find anything that would lead to a heart disease. Nevertheless he prescribed something that would stop those […]

    • A patient needs to be honest specially when it comes to diseases concerning STD.

    • Well what you have shared is actually very true. Patients have a very big role to play when they go see a doctor. It’s good to keep in mind that doctors ask also human they make mistakes and that sometimes misdiagnize and that’s dangerous but when it is realized early enough it should be rectified immediately. Then when a doctor is talking to patient she or he should never be in a hurry that’s one job that one has to practice a lot of patience when dealing with patients that should never be one hurry. And yes I agree when you say that the patient should be very open like an open book don’t hide anything however embarassing it may be or sound because that is what will save you.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @naruto  If they approve of our blogs promptly it is cake walk here. They do not do that and I find it odd to go on posting. I hope you too will reach there.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent Paid After My Redemption in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @scheng1  Now the rate is half a cent per view and once you get your first 5 dollars the next redemption will be at 15 dollars which is reachable  sharing with as many social networking sites as possible where you have a registration.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia  Posting blogs is not an issue for us. It is notapproving them on time that makes it difficult to reach there. I have four pending. It is three days since the last approval.


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    bestwriter replied to the topic I removed all posts from blogbourne in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @scheng1 I forgot to save before deleting  🙁

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic I removed all posts from blogbourne in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @scheng1 I forgot to save below deleting  🙁

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @cely  I don’t get you. I have already reached.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    I have always reached the minimum. Only last month I did not.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent Paid After My Redemption in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shavkat Congrats.   Good to hear that They need to do that in order that the users place their trust in the site.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Last month I managed  7.5 dollars but could not reach the limit. I got it now –  what a struggle. No. I will not relax. I will aim for 20  😀

    LB seems to deliver – touch wood   🙂

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Barangay Basketball Tournament 8 years ago

    Barangay Basketball Tournament
    Do not question Filipino because of height because the passion their passions are taller than of Americans who have the National Basketball Tournament.
    Do not belittle the skills […]

    • I don’t usually watch barangay tournament in our place maybe because its not my interest but still many folks have always been over gaga in some basketball tournament in their barangay like it seems a much awaited event to watch out for! My youngest brother has been a MVP of their league but later he stop playing in the tournament due to a certain fracture in his right legs.

      • Still one of the hottest sports in the Philippine backyard. Basketball have been always part of barangay fiesta. If only Filipinos have height then we have also in the top teams of the world.

    • It is not a question of the place which you are coming from but how you are playing. Basketball is my favorite game. I like it. My daughter represented Nationals also. Though she is short she plays extremely well. That is why she was selected. You could understand how much I like the game.

      This is the game meant for quickness and mental alertness. One should keep on moving throughout the time and watch for the ball.

      Your country is really doing a good effort.At the same time, the Government and people are also equally showing interest in improving their game.

    • Yes, taller than the Americans are playing today national basket ball tournament in Philippine with full zeal and zest among the national and international audience.

      The tournament is now officially open for this year’s Mayor’s Cup Inter-Barangay Basketball. The Opening ceremony participated by 20 teams from the different barangays was held at the Villasis Gymnasium last March 28, 2015.

      In his welcome address, Liga Pres. Hon. Romeo S. Abrenica said “enjoy game without physically hurting anyone. Huwag kayong papaapekto sa mga kantiyaw ng manonood at para sa lahat iwasan niyo sana ang pakikipag-pustahan dahil ito ang nagiging sanhi ng mainit na laro, gulo at away. Sa mga officials and referees, tingnan mabuti ang bawat call para magkaroon tayo ng magandang laro.”

      Mayor Dita thanked everyone who participated in this year’s tournament and stressed that sports is one of her priority projects intended for youths to have a worthwhile activity while resting from school and to enhance their skills in basketball and to develop camaraderie, teamwork and discipline.

      Municipal Officials who attended the opening ceremony were Vice Mayor Paz Rafanan, Coun. Louie Sison, Coun. Nong Costales, Coun. Cheryll Tan, Coun. Judith Morden, Coun. Richie Cacapit Coun. Rolly Morden and Brgy. Captains of the participating teams.

      Special awards were also given during the opening ceremony. Mayor’s Cup 2015 Muse was Miss Angelica C. Guinto, muse of Brgy. Capulaan. She received Php 3,000.00 from Ex-Mayor Nato and Mayor Dita Abrenica. Best in Uniform winner was Brgy. Piaz team and received Php 5,000.00 cash prize.

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