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    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Hello everybody, its All Saints Day and All Souls Day, have you visited the cemetery today?

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Woes of a Consumer When There is Upgradation 7 years, 11 months ago

    Upgradation is not always a blessing
    I have a Sony Cyber shot DSC H50 camera which I had bought a few years ago. I have great moments with it as I am a passionate photographer. A few days ago the memory stick […]

    • Yes, my friend they do so knowingly so that they could sell their products they knowingly disappear old electronic spare parts. Thus The camera owner or mobile owner…could buy a new one. It is business technique to sell product.

      If they do not do so who buy their new products? That is why they upgrade all electronics to upset the buyers because they know that so and so ting is the weakness of costumers.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Pepper is Easy to Grow in Kitchen Gardens 7 years, 11 months ago

    Salt and pepper always pair together. We even have salt and pepper dispensers one sees on dining tables. But many do not know where the pepper comes from or how it is grown.  There is white pepper powder and b […]

    • Pepper is an ingredient that doesn’t lack in my kitchen. I happen to use pepper in most of my dishes, I usually feel if I don’t cook good with pepper it doesn’t taste right, I always feel like something is missing. In fact i tried to plant pepper one time using some dried seeds but nothing came out of it. I was then told that pepper grows on its own, when I asked how I was told about birds the way the would carry seeds from one pls a to another. So as they do this they also drop seeds in their way and that’s how I ended up with two trees of pepper growing in my small backyard garden. At that will save me from having to buy pepper all the time. I now have pepper at my disposal at anytime that I need.

    • Yes pepper growing in home garden is the best method as you have described in your article but the most amazing feature of pepper is the birds gathering the harvest season I will call the peppers birds as the humming birds that make their nests in the pepper trees I like the most Humming bird but you did not mention the lover of pepper tree.

      Pepper is useful for liver it blocks jaundice anon if pepper is present enough in your body. Pepper and clove its mixture is the best mixture for curry.

      Besides, Brazilian pepper of red color is also famous all over the world but you did not discuss in your article.

    • Thanks for that info on Brazilian pepper. The birds that come in groups to eat our pepper are not humming birds. They look like sparrows – a bigger version. I will try and find out what they are called.

    • If am to say to mention the important crops that can be grown in kitchen gardens, I will first of all talk about pepper and tomato.
      But the most important is pepper because one can’t do without it when cooking and it’s very easy to grow.
      Not just very easy to grow, it’s harvest is multiple. One stand yields tens of pepper unlike tomato.
      Pepper can easily be grown by just pouring a water containing a lot of its seed, when the crop starts germinating, the farmer picks them and plant them in due places around the kitchen garden.
      Pepper grow very fast and also yield very fast and in multiples and it yields two times before weaning and dying.
      Pepper has different colours, we have the red pepper, the green paper and the yellow pepper and all vary slightly in properties.
      Pepper require soil with high moisture content to enhance its growth and production and a closet look at it will make it yield a lot.
      Pepper is very important that no meal can be prepared without it. It goes in hand with salt.
      For me I think it is the best crop to be planted in the kitchen garden, other crops follows.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Games at Parties Bind Everyone Together 7 years, 11 months ago


    An informal party be it a birthday or an anniversary celebration is not complete if there are no games.  Games bind the guests together giving them the opportunity to mingle and mix. Not all guests project t […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Old is Gold And That Refers to Songs as Well 7 years, 11 months ago

    Somehow songs of today vanish from my scene and from my head too, with the same speed they arrived. But the old numbers are there for keeps. They linger on.

    How can one forget Jim Reeves, Engelbert, Frank […]

    • I guess we have something in common. I am also a person of the olden days. I love my old time music. What you are saying is actually very true, if you try to compare the music that we listen to nowadays is far for what we used to listen to back in the days. Some of the songs have some ridiculous beats they are either too fast or or the beat is just so confusing you wouldn’t know what to make out of it. You have actually taken me back way back when Christmas was all about Jim Reeves and BonnyM. No one could beat this two groups in christmas carols. The songs that are coming out nowadays are a rendition of those songs but they still don’t bring out the feel of Christmas. I miss those days, and the only way I can bring it back is take out my cassettes yes cassettes from way back and play some of them. I was amazed the other day when I played an Abba tape and it was playing perfectly on one ofmy favorite old radio. At least the good thing is that we have Utube where we can download and listen to those old ballards.

    • It is right that old is gold now the song writers have dies and new writers do not have passion to write songs and carol due to money greed and other modern life activities.

      Old songs are beautiful and fascinating and charming to ears and a solace for mind and soul.

      If you get in a taxi in the Andean mountains of South America, you’ll likely hear on the radio popular English songs from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Why? The drivers generally don’t speak English, yet they love listening to old English songs, a passion that is shared by non-English speaking countries around the world.

      For this reason, the most popular classic “old” songs from around the globe are generally those that were recorded in English.

      Despite the dark nature of the song (essentially, it is about stalking), “Every Breath You Take” was named song of the year for 1983 and is one of the only singles in history to have sold over 10 million copies. The song was nominated for three Grammy awards and took home two, including “Song of the Year”.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Versatile Chicken for Your Dining Table 7 years, 11 months ago

    With red meats being pronounced as unhealthy most non vegetarians go for chicken and fish these days.
    Although some rear their own chicken there are chicken stalls where one sells live chickens as well as those […]

    • One thing for sure about Literacy Base. If I ever need meal ideas, I know where to find them! Chicken is very versatile. You can make many wonderful meals for your family and they will be satisfied and happy! 🙂

    • Yes, your recipe is wonderful and easy to cook at every home. but I do no like to eat chicken due to these ten reasons:

      1. Chicken are feed antibiotics and drugs to keep them alive and to increase their weight. Thus antibiotics enter into human body.

      2. Its meat becomes full of high risk antibiotic resistant is dangerous to human health.

      3. They grow very soon on the basis of strides and antibodies if we eat chicken means we eat dangerous food that attacks human heart.

      4. Chicken live in stick and thus outbreaks diseases among them and they come into market for selling actually they are selling diseases.

      5.dead chicken are reeaten to the alive chicken turning them into food with the chemicals.

      6. It is Systematic Human Rights Violation because the chiekin sellers are selling poison in market.

      7. chickens cannot bear their own weight because giving them chemicals to eat thus it damages human cells and body structure.

      8. Chicken eaters must look it feed making process they will not eat chicken never in life.

      9. All types of waste of animals are mixed into the food of chicken it is very dangerous for human health.

      10. We eat poison if we eat chickens at home and if we feed our children with chicken food we are the enemies of our children.

    • Broilers are a modern trend. We get them here to.

    • So far so good. Probably what we get here is minus all those threats that you have outlined.

    • Protein is key to the human diet, especially for younger people, because the body uses it to create new cells and maintain or repair existing cells. The body also uses protein to produce enzymes, which help catalyze processes such as digestion, metabolism and storage of fat.

      Chicken consists of high-quality protein (that is, protein that contains the eight essential amino acids) and a relatively low amount of fat. In addition, fat in chicken is mostly of the unsaturated type, which protects against heart disease. Thus, chicken is often recommended by physicians and nutrition counselors as an alternative to red meat (beef and pork), which typically has more fat and more saturated fat. Chicken breast without the skin has less fat than sirloin steak, pot roast, 80 or 90 percent lean hamburger, pork chops, or ham.

      Dark meat has a somewhat higher fat content than white meat and contains more connective tissue than white meat. Its fat content, however, is an advantage in some circumstances. For example, dark meat holds up to the intense heat of outdoor grilling because some of the fat and collagen melts during the cooking process and keeps the meat moist.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Importance of Knowing Our Body 7 years, 11 months ago

    We had a science subject while at school when we had surface knowledge about the human anatomy. We studied about it merely to get pass marks and the moment we left the portals of our school everything was […]

    • I solve your problem that you want to take care of your internal organs. Keep in mind first of all all diseases enter into human body through negative thinking. Negative thinking block human brain cells’ activities and thus the brain becomes unable to convey the signal to the organ to which the brain is linked while positive thinking prolongs life on earth.

      Human body consists of cell and the sells’ food is mineral an vitamins. We can take minerals from all grain, fruits, and dry fruits, but we can get vitamins from all types of vegetables. If some eats balanced diet we will remain hale and health and will enjoy long life on earth.

      I have written a long article full of most precious information these organs Name, ( Human body Auto Maintenance Timings)It is most important article on the organs you ask. Yo read the article and act upon the advice you will enjoy health for a long time without any disease.

    • You ar3 absolutely right, knowing our bodies is very important nothing should be ignored. True in school we only did biology for the sake of doing exams, but as you grow up when the body starts changing and reacting to different things, we go into panic not knowing what to do. You make a lot of sense when you say that when we know our bodies and their parts and where they are situated, it would be so much easier to take care of the organs because we know what they need. That statement has actually caught my eye and has clicked something in my mind know your body. Many times we will have this pains and aches in our bodies and we wouldn’t even tell where they are inside our bodies and we will rely solely on Thu doctors to search and find out what and where the problem is. I know I sometimes search the net to find out what organ does what and what we need to avoid some sicknesses but I quickly get bored an turn to something else. Today I have learned something new and I will always take my body seriously as I do other things.

      • Before doctors decide what to do with our sickness we can help them with information and that information could be strengthened if we know more about our body.

    • My dear you are very right. Can remember when we were in sec school learning biology, studying the importance of the body systems and their diagrams and knowing also how to draw them. Then we studied all this for exam sake so as to be the best graduating students and also to get very good grades. Most time we crammed all these and forgot it as soon as we write the subject exams.
      But as it stands now, at this my age I have realized alot the importance of knowing ones body system and how the body system react to changes in the environment.
      Whenever i react to any change it brings me back to what I was thought in my secondary school.
      As it stands now I know very well the drugs my body rejects and I also know the food my stomach doesn’t accept. Knowing all this and reacting to them shows that I have detected a bit change my body experiences in relation to the food and drugs.
      When you know the importance of your body system, you will be at low risk because you will know how your body Works, what makes your body and what Mars your body. Knowing this very well you won’t face critical disease challenge.
      You will also know when your body feels week abnormally and when you feel the change you tend to do something very quick about it thereby reducing any risk of complications.
      One important thing on life is knowing your body system very well and reacting to the changes your body system makes.

    • knowing something is not a bad thing. I am confining my discussion only to knowing. One should be capable of explaining the problem to a Dictor. This is the use of knowing about our system.

      One should also remember that after knowing the body system never prefer to have a self-medication. It is the duty of a Doctor. So tell him the problem and he will take care of everything.

      As far as other treatments like Yoga Reiki, etc. one can approach an expert and practice it at home.

      There are some general tonics and herbal medicines which you can take. But it is better always to consult a Doctor and take his opinion.

      • I agree with you that we should always consult a doctor but we can help the doctor diagnose correctly and this we can do if we know our body

    • Every person should know the different parts of his body either he is a student or an ordinary citizen. This is paving the way to know how every part of the body functions and also to be aware of something goes wrong with any part of the body. In so doing, he would be aware on what to tell the doctor once he gets sick and the doctor wouldn’t find any difficulty in diagnosing his sickness.

      When I was studying in high school, I focused myself on the different system of the body from digestive system to respiratory system, from muscular system to skeletal system, from circulatory system to nervous system, from lymphatic system to endocrine system. But I didn’t have the intention or the plan to be a doctor someday. I was just curious how does a human body functions by the foods he eats.

      As I continued my higher studies, I had realized that like the human body has different systems for a different functions, the person has also manifested various personalities which made up the man of what he is in the society and in the community where he lives.

    • Thanks. It is only when we know what lies where in our body we can guide the docotor who is treating us.

    • You are so right. Our DNA influences our personality.

      • It is DNA in which stay fundamental traits and characteristics of someone on birth we get it on birth from our parent. Actually it is DNA in which is hidden our destiny. Therefore it is said that character is destiny.

        One can change DNA’s traits of someone it is the box in which are written our daily deeds of day and night.

    • The digital world is surely going to help mankind with quick diagnosis

    • In DNA lies heredity, and heredity is a seed of human personality it will flourish in the atmosphere and environment which we find when we open our eyes. We can choose neither our parents not environment nor DNA these three things we find ready made.

      These three things make human personality. If the seed is good and atmosphere is not proper for the seed the seed traits will not appear in the tree of personality. That is why, we see variable characters on earth.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Choosing Perennials to Ensure Colour Throughout The Year 7 years, 11 months ago


    It is good to have perennials in one’s garden that bloom at different times in the year so that the garden has some flower at all times.

    We have the bougainvillea that start blooming around October and […]

    • Well I just think we ought to thank the good Lord for perennials! It is always so nice to see a patch of color, especially during the months of the year when the skies are gray and gloomy. 🙂

      • There are so many perennials to choose from. After a bit of observation one should be able to pick those that do well in their garden.s

    • There are four seasons, autumn, winter, spring and summer. each of the season has its own flowers, colors and smell and creepers as Keats has said. Perennials belong to summer ignoring the other three three seasons is not justice. I think we must plant according to season because seasonal plants are healthful for human beings.

      I like Dahlias, the pick color rose remains from spring to autumn in different colors. The second Sasanqua Camellias flowers in pink and while colors look very beautiful evergreen leaves never fading. The third is light pink rose the queen flower.

      These are the flower that never lose its charm even in winter and autumn because it has power to keep alive self in winter and autumn.

      • Dahlias are my favourite too but they are seasonal and need a lot of care. There are easy to grow perennials like the bougainvillea and alamanda that do their duty without much pampering.

    • There are four seasons and there are flowers associated with each season. Similarly, there are vegetables and fruits that grow in a particular season. The rose will be available in large numbers during summer and so also the Jasmine. They need good

    • Seasonal flowers and vegetables need to be planted each year unlike perennials that remain in the garden for years.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Welcome to the World of Chocolates 7 years, 11 months ago

    When the word chocolate is mentioned most think of Swiss or Cadbury. But there is more beyond Swiss and Cadbury chocolates.

    I am a chocolate foodie and have travelled widely. My main shopping has been […]

    • I like black chocolate and white chocolate but sweet chocolate is also tasty if you eat my cousins live America and Canada when they come to home they bring with them chocolate black and dark chocolates especially for me because they know I like it most and love it with my heart.

      In my country milk chocolate and sweet chocolate are available easily in all markets and every body can buy the chocolates easily with the pocket money. I think chocolate if full of copper is a very essential mineral of human body therefore I take always black chocolate is also useful to strengthen human brain and makes thinking power better.

      Its mixture is made with mint, vanilla, coffee orange, strawberry, sugar and milk…in different countries chocolate taste is different due to flavor but in Japan Pure chocolate and Quasi chocolate both are famous among the old and young.

      I recommend black chocolate because it is full of copper most useful for brain activities. If you have any chance do eat Italian black chocolate.

      • I just love chocolates and now that we can get anything online I get them regularly. I am expecting a parcel of milk chocolates and it should be here any moment (lol) I have yet to acquire a taste for dark chocolate.

    • Chocolates are really very nice. I can remember when I used to eat chocolate, back in the days of my primary school when we go to our canteen with money, buy a lot of chocolates and sometimes share them among out classmates.
      I was a chocolate freak until my senior secondary when u first had my first tooth ache and was told by my dentist that it was the accumulation of sugar in my teeth. Then I use to eat every type of biscuits especially the very sugary ones. The doctor advised me not to take it but if at all I will take it I should make sure I brush my teeth after that, but I can’t be doing that always so I have to stop. My dentist didn’t just advice me, my tooth was also removed. Chewing gum was also the cause.
      But as time passed, I started seeing reasons with my dentist. Chocolate is a gummy brown solid. I started remembering when after taking lots of chocolate my teeth will have problem that day. So I had to heed to the doctors advice and stopped chewing chocolate though I really miss it.
      But going through this post am made to understand that non sugary chocolate exist. Am very sure not aware of that. I have always think all chocolates are sugary in nature because I think that is what gives it the name chocolate. But a chocolate without sugar, do you think it should still be called chocolate, I don’t think so. But if exists, I will have to buy it and give it a try.
      Though chocolate can harm your tooth, chocolate has made advantages. If I really don’t wanna eat chocolate, I can dissolve it in a very hot water (though it doesn’t dissolve totally), add milk and drink it. It’s very delicious,i really enjoy it. I can use it to eat bread. In fact it makes a tea.
      Not just that, I think it helps in improving the health of the body system if taking moderately.
      Though am no longer in touch with chocolates,i miss it.
      Wish I could go back to eating it……

    • Chocolate buddies! 😉

    • I love chocolate as well.Black chocolate is my favorite.Before i used to eat that just for taste but now i was visiting one of the website last time where i red that the benefits of chocolate it is good for our health.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Grandeur of Waterfalls the World over 7 years, 11 months ago

    Waterfalls are seen the world over. Some are famous for their height, some for the gush of water and some for their size. Some are seen in picturesque natural  surroundings and even underwater.

    Niagara Falls […]

    • Wow! What a sight to behold! Love it!

    • This is a spectacular view oohh my God. This is a place I would love to be at and just spend the whole day there listen to the waters, feel the cool breeze am sure there are also birds in the air chimming away. Who wouldn’t want to be in such a place. I like places where there is a lot of peace and quietness. While there I would go into time of meditation immediately. You know there are many falls all over the world but are probably not recognized by the world over. Like in our country we ha e quite a number in different places. I remember once when I want to one of the falls for a weekend get away, and I just loved the place. It gave me so much peace within. Though am usually told that it is not good to be too close to the barriers because it’s dangerous, someone can easily fall with the force that is caused with the water. Like in Zambia where we ha e the victoria falls, it is said that when you go near it you can easily be swallowed by what only the residents and the God knows. I don’t know if it’s a myth but that’s what the residents think.

      • Victoria falls swallowing people!! May be the Net can expose some facts.
        At Niagara Falls we went on the Maid of the Mist Boat and we went very close to the falls and the mist of the falls fell on us.

    • Waterfall is the beauty of nature and the language of nature but a few know what the waterfalls say to the visitors. There are countless waterfalls all over the world but some are most fascinating for the visitors. Waterfalls are definitely the natural wonders on Earth. Visiting some of these waterfalls below might be a breathtaking experience, since they overwhelm with the stunning sight, as well as a splitting voice.

      The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya is a gorgeous waterfall, located on the Zambia and Zimbabwe border. The water of Zambezi river falls down in a straight line for 354 ft (108 m). It is wide ( 5,604 ft/1,708 m), therefore water spray raises very high and can be spotted from many kilometers away.

      Iguazu Falls are found on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Not very high (285 ft/87 m), but very impressive: it has 275 cascades, that form a horseshoe and stretch for 8858ft (2700 m).

      Angel Falls is the highest in the world, which falls down uninterrupted for 3,212 ft (979 m). You can visit it in Canaima National Park, which is protected by UNESCO. It is named after its discoverer US aviator Jimmie Angel.

      Kaieteur Falls is found in Guyana. Water falls for 741 ft (226 m), then it reaches the first of the many steep cascades. It attracts many tourists, who like extreme trips, since the fall is in the middle of a wilderness with no urban amenities.

      Niagara Falls is probably the most famous in the world. It marks US and Canada border. Niagara is formed of two sections – the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side and the American Falls on the American side – that are separated by an island. The Horseshoe Falls are more impressive: water here drops 173 ft (53 m), while the American Falls drop only 70–100 ft (21–30 m).

    • OH MY GOD…I can watch it over and over again.
      It is mesmerising. I have always been fond of waterfall but these are priceless natural beauties that any human eye will definetly appreciate.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Neat Way To Get rid of Dry Leaves And Twigs 7 years, 11 months ago

    When a gardener enthusiastically starts designing  the garden a few trees will form a part of that design. A garden that has trees is bound to have a sea of dry leaves covering the ground. While dry leaves could […]

    • For me I think the best way to get rid of refuse is by burning in incinerators. Incinerators burn refuse efficiently and does not let out the smoke which disturbs people living around and sometimes cause them diseases. Some farmers that burn their refuse are at risk of causing farm/Bush burning.
      Burning refuse outside cause a lot of diseases to the people living in the environment because when they inhale the smell that comes our from the burning refuse. It tends to cause more harm than good.
      I prefer people buy their refuse than burning them cos I think is better that way.
      I have realized most times that people who know the risks of burning refuse result to buring their refuse deep in the soil and cover the land so neatly. They believe that they are killing two birds with one stone. Killing two birds with one stone in the sense that they improve the fertility of their soil especially farmers and they also are clearing the refuse out of sight.
      But wellshall I still stand on burning in incinerators ad it doesn’t affect our health.
      Most farmers don’t encourage burning in incinerators because they think it is a waste of materials that can fertilize the soil. They allow refuse that are decomposible so as not to decompose fast and add fertility to the soil.

      • The ash that one gets by burning is not wasted but used as fertilizer and also can be sprinkled on leaves to get rid of pests.

    • Yes these two are good ways of disposing leaves, instead of burning leaves in the open.
      And yes, these ways do help the ecology too, and not cause unnecessary pollution to air and soil.

    • Incinerators are useful for making the environment safe and clean to live in.

      Earlier people were not cleaning the dry leaves and they were allowing it freely on the fields. This was catching fire causing health problems to the people. The mistake was that they were burning them in open air instead of in a closed space.

      Subsequently, they are preferring it as manure fo their plants and other agricultural crops as it would add fertility to the soil. They should know that if it is dry there won’t be any problem. But if they catch water they become homes for bacteria and other germs then it creates problem to the entire crops.

      The incinerator is , therefore, occupying a significant role in removing the dry leaves and twigs. Most of the people living in near to nature are preferring the incinerators.

    • Yes friend, your method of cleaning the garden waste is useful for the people who live in surrounding and for the trees also Thanks for giving the best tips for cleaning the garden.

    • This is a really good idea on how to dispose off try leaves. They can be a menace sometimes especially when you have to sweep them and hold them together so that you can burn them. Since I don’t have an incinerator at my home at the moment I usually just burn all th3 garbage that I have together regardless of the bad smoke that’s been emitted from there. I am looking to buy a plot someday then build my own home and that is when I will plan to put up one and make cleaning my compound a joy to always do it. Thanks for the good idea. I used to think they are only used in company’s that have a lot of garbage to dispose off.

    • Yes, dry leaves create many types of problems at home or in home garden Living in the Midwest, I have some beautiful deciduous trees in my yard, a nice mix of oak, a few young varieties, and one ancient ash tree. For eleven months out of the year

      I love to watch the seasons come and go through the trees: snow lingering in the crook of the trunk, the squirrels chasing each other over freshly budding branches, the summer wind whispering through the full canopy. In the fall, the leaves turn beautiful autumn hues: deep golds, brilliant oranges, warm reds.

      Then the leaves drop and float and shimmer to the dormant grass below, and that’s when the romance with my deciduous trees comes to a screeching halt. I have to spend several weeks raking, raking, raking. Bagging, bagging, bagging. And then what? Then you’ve got a big ol’ pile of leaf bags that need to go somewhere.

      Another option for getting rid of leaves, which is free in most communities, is to haul them away yourself. Almost every community now has a collection site set up just so residents can get rid of leaves and other yard waste like small branches and grass clippings.

      Most city or county websites will have links telling you the drop-off locations, the hours of operations, what is and is not accepted, and whether or not they offer mulch or compost (sometimes for free). Even if the compost or mulch isn’t free,

      you will still feel all green and good inside, knowing you contributed to the recycling process. By getting rid of your leaves at a municipal site you are doing something good for the environment.

    • In some countries that rule exists. Smoke coming from dry leaves is actually not harmful. It is the plastic and tyres when burnt will prove to be poisonous

    • It is a good idea to use incinerators for burning garbage instead of burning it in the open. But in most of the countries where people are living in a miserable plight, how can a poor man think of these things? He has no money to spend on his ailing wife and children. He hardly makes his both ends meet. He has nothing to pay for his child s school fee. He does not know whether he will be able to provide food to his family in the evening.

      • The plight of the poor has kept them away from many situations not just not being able to put up an incinerator. But those who can afford should.

    • We need to train our people on how to control pollution. In our schools and colleges we do have an article or two on this topic in English as well as in urdu(National language of Pakistan).But I think it is not sufficient.we must provide proper training to our people which must include some compulsory practical field work. Farmers and other citizens using incinerators may be given incentives in order to encourage them.

    • As long as plastic and other synthetic materials are kept away from burning this method in fact helps kill mosquitoes too. You are right about educating the kids about this. Slowly practical lessons should be introduced and not just theory as is happening today.

    • That’s because when we burn those leaves and twigs , the act of burning is said to be destroying the ozone layer of teh earth.
      But throughthis post, i get to learn that we can mkake an incinerator, althoughi think the burning process can also destroy the ozone layer as some environment experts are claiming.
      It is also nice to know that theash produced through the incenerator when applied to the leaves can kill those aphids.

    • Just now I have a huge pile of twigs and leaves from trying to sort out the trees in my back garden. I was planning on smashing them up and putting them in our garden bin, but an incinerator, should I get one, does seem a good idea. I use a brush to get them off my tiny lawn as I seem to have broken the rake. Just now thought, it is too windy here in the UK to contemplate being outside in the garden.

    • Burning of leaves is not allowed in many places. The dried leaves can be turned into compost and are good fertilizers. It is easy to compost or make the leaves decay by just putting it in pit on the ground or in a sack then water it from time to time to hasten decay.

    • oh really good way to get rid of leaves, simple and really dont take lots of time, its the part of work that we have doing, but have to, goo piece of work there and appreciate that you share it for us, thank you for this im gona share it with friends too

    • I just bag leaves up and let the compost pick it up. But used coffee grounds blended with egg shells and banana peels makes a really good organic fertilizer

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Those Meandering Paths that Add Glamour 7 years, 11 months ago

    One needs a bit of imagination to convert a garden, however small it might be,  into a veritable paradise. Looking for exotic flowers is not the way. But growing what grows easily adding colour throughout the […]

    • Really your article is very beautiful and informative but growing a beautiful and harmful is an art not know to every body serpentine paths and meandering ways add charm in the look of the garden. Thanks for writing an informative article.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Bull Terrier – The Most Misunderstood Dog 7 years, 11 months ago

    When we had decided to go in for a smaller breed after we lost our Dalmatian our eyes were set on the Bull Terrier. But we were discouraged as there were reports about the Bull Terrier being violent and ferocious. […]

    • It’s always the owner that gives an animal breed a bad name. I have a pit bull. He is classified as the “Bully” type since he has wide shoulders and a big neck. He is very friendly and loves the cats we have. He does push them off the railing when they are playing but he will never hurt them. People who take care of their animals tend to have animals that act better than those that are mistreated. I don’t blame the animals but I blame their owners.

    • I agree this dog has special qualities this 1st is very brave,when this dog attack on something than its very hard ro stop.we used to have 2 Bultair do in our house.Both were in white color.In our viilege all other dogs were scared of them.

      • Yes dog are brave and faithful but some dogs are very brave and bold do not hesitate in attacking the new comer at home I have seen this scene last year when I went o see my friend his German Shepherd dog ran to me to bite but at the same time the owner my friend call him in voice listening to the owner’s voice he started licking my feet I wondered how nice was that dog.

        After this whenever I went to see my friend he never barked at me. Dogs has wit and wisdom and know very well have difference between the own and the thief.

        What a wonderful sense all the dogs have.

    • I agree with you that Bull Terrier is one of the most ferocious dog and one of the best attacker on something being done against the owner. One of my friends has this do according to his he is the best friend of human being than other dog His shoulder and neck both full of awe and he is brave and faithful to the owner.

      I think all animals are the best friends of human being all are hungry of love but I have seen on National Geographic Channels using the tool of love most of peoples have tamed dangerous animal like lions, panther, jackal, hyena,,,but on the other hand man could not tame man living together I think we all have the love deficiency in practical field.

      This love deficiency is taking men to the hell of hate in all societies. I think man is a rational animal but he could not learn still how to tame man.

    • bestwriter..Although I am not interested in keeping pet dogs,yet I appreciate your experience with them.While reading your article I was thinking all the time,if the animals can be trained by the human beings why cant we train human beings.There are many amongst us who badly need this type of training.I think whenever we make a syllabus for our future teachers, we must add something about how to train some students.

      • The difference between animals and human beings is that pets are receptive because their needs are limited but not so with human beings They have preposterous demands that need to be fulfilled if they are to obey. Sad but true.

    • me too love pets i have a dog his name is rommy. he is not a breed a street dog but when we took him to our house he is so small and cute. He live with us for 12 years but now he is not with us. i went to the lord almighty and stay with him.

      • We too have a street dog who just walked in one day. She is the most dignified and well behaved street dog I have come across so far.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Small Plane Dive In The Beach 7 years, 11 months ago

    It was a disaster after disaster.

    It was just a day passed when the very strong typhoon hit the region. The municipality of Santiago, province of Ilocos Sur was also under storm signal number 4 just like the […]

    • I have also read that a heavy typhoon appeared and too much devastation made the typhoon as a result many a couples of persons died and injured but what can anyone do against it because it is a natural catastrophe. The GOVT must take protective measures against it to save human lives. People are facing many types of problems I think God will help the victims surely.

    • There was a large number of human lives. Many have become homeless and some stayed away from their houses even for days. The effect was felt more in Haiti and about 80,000 have lost their lives.

      Though the intensity was there equally in Ilocos Sur and other parts there was only damage to the houses and property but not human lives. This time the Government has taken effective alert management system and evacuated many from the dangerous area well in advance.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Keeping The Faith During Time Of Calamity 7 years, 11 months ago

    Keeping The Faith

    If there is one good thing that the super typhoon Haima brought to me—and other fellow non-prayerful men and women—it’s the faith. My belief that I am just human and means nothing in this […]

    • Yes, faith plays an important role in human life but love, hope and faith all these are the children of human soul. And all the miracles on earth are the wonders of faith. Your article is beautiful and informative.

    • I totally agree that it is the faith which gives the power. This is the ultimate truth not confined to only one religion but almost all religions of the world.One need not have a religion but if he got faith he can drive himself safely out of the trouble. This is what one should know about the basic principle laying behind every religion.

    • This is a very heart felt post.Our level of faith and spirituality goes up and down. Sometimes when we are safe and comfortable, we forget our faith. When we are sick, in danger or facing some problem, we call out to God to help us and it is true that in trials we are closer to God.

    • When someone thinks it will be so in modern term is called faith. But we must know the real root of is trust if God and fear of God. Man is a wonderful thing, he hopes to be good keeping in mind God’s mercilessness but what God says we do not act upon it what a beautiful thinking of earthly men.

      Give me your ear and understand this example; if someone comes to see you at home and you say sit for a while the tea is coming but the order was not given to make tea, if you faith the will come it will not come because you have fulfilled the law of order. Keep milk, water and tea mixing a pot and when sit for a while tea is coming it will come because you completed the law of God It is faith cos you have completed the law of God to make tea.

      we do not fulfilled the law of God and have faith is useless theoretically and practically. If we are thankful to God catastrophes will not come upon human being of any type. All types of natural evils are the sign of warning for human being to be thankful to God otherwise an other evil is ready for you.

      But earthly men do not understand it and consider it natural calamities and destruction occurring according to the laws of nature. But it is not so as we think in real life. Read the whole holy books all types of natural catastrophes are warnings for men to avoid bad deeds against human beings and God’

      Natural calamities are the punishment of God for men but men do not understand it knowingly. We must be thankful to God 24 hours because God’s blessings are more on man.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Seasonings That Pep Up Your Food 7 years, 11 months ago

    Seasoning adds taste to any insipid food. The smell and sound  that emanates when seasoning gets done brings  the kitchen to life.

    There are so many vegetables that are tasteless and odorless but when they a […]

    • Good recipes for the readers but the essay is informative for the new cook but useless for old cook.

    • There’s a whole lot of spices and tasty ingredients. Some foods are quite bland. They’ll a little spicing up. Appreciate the share of the suggested ingredients above.

    • I agree with you. Seasoning is very important in almost all Asian food. It gives life to the dish. Even without seasoning, one can prepare an item but once it is seasoned the taste differs. There are some secrets which will not be revealed to the public when you are on the business line.
      In the Hotels the Chef is known for his specialty and expertise. He makes even an ordinary item taste rich.
      Even a black Pepper Rasam will become rich in taste when once it is seasoned.
      Generally, people add mustard seeds in the seasoning. It is a must. Some items need urad dal for seasoning and some Onion or White Onion. Cooking is a great art. One who masters the art he will be the king anywhere in the world and will never suffer from food shortage or allow his colleagues to suffer.

    • My hubby’s about to drive me nuts with curry spice! But I’m curious to try curry leaves. I imagine it’s similar to how you use a bay leaf, if you want to put it in a soup or stew. Can it be used that way?

      • Bay leaf us just added but curry leaf needs to be put in hot oil and kept there till it changes its colour and that is when the seasoning gets its aroma. My garden is filled to capacity with curry leaf saplings and trees.

    • good recipe and seems great that I just finished my food few hours ago but that make me hungry again, I have garden of some spices that have bay leaf but never add to other than stew, as I feel it has so powerful smell and taste that may make the food too strong that taste, what do you think should i added it and how many leafs?
      Thank you for your good recipes and do post more so we add to our recipe

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic To hire a ghostwriter -practice and usage? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    You might want to try iwriter.com where you can write for requesters.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, We Survived Super Typhoon Haima 7 years, 11 months ago

    With the wind of 220 kilometer per hour speed and gustiness of 300 kph, supertyphoon Lawin (Haima) was one of the strongest typhoon our province have experienced. It’s been a long time a warning storm signal n […]

    • You are lucky that your place was spared from the wrath of Lawin. You said that there was no casualty in your place. But in other place, it was reported that there were 8 dead and 2 were missing. This is the second super typhoon that hit the Philippines. The first one was in 2013 at the province of Tacloban. It was typhoon Yolanda. There were many casualties had been reported. They even reached to 10,000. Tacloban was badly hit or totally devastated by typhoon Yolanda.

      The people there mourned for several days or even months. That incident was highly politicized. It became the issue on the latest Presidential elections. It became the source of all forms of anomalies, graft and corruption. That brought the non winning of Presidential aspirant Mar Roxas because of the issue of non delivery of the welfare goods to the victims of the typhoon. it’s indeed the worst governance whatsoever.

    • Typhoons are natural disasters may appear in any country with the decree of God but lucky are those remained safe in this typhoon destruction someone said that only eight peoples died and were saved by the stroke of luck. May Allah preserve all the peoples the victims of the horrible typhoon.

    • I have oftenly wondered how those typhoons get their names. Maybe you can share on that so that we know how they come about. Typhoon Mario, halima you know it may sound funny to us but we don’t laught at the situation just the names amaze me. Anyway first and foremost i feel really sad when I watch on television to see how these typhoons wreck havoc and leave people homeless and poor. Starting off all over again is usually th3 hardest thing that anyone would have to go through. The first time I saw it on tv it was when it swept through Florida I think I can’t even remember the name, it was very popular and I saw how it swept over buildings, cars, brideges and stuff it looked like a horror movie to me. You know this are things we watch only on tv sometimes and it is a devastaing time for The residents. In our country they are just normal floods not typhoons. Anyway it’s a good thing that no deaths were reported and that people came out safe.

    • Typhoons are quite natural in the Philippines. The people adjusted themselves to the adverse circumstances and other natural calamities. The frequent typhoons in the regions have taught a lot of lessons to the Filipinos.

      The last typhoon has made them how to equip themselves to the natural disaster. The Disaster Management and Warning signal system have contributed a lot in the timely evacuation of the people from the typhoon-affected areas. The people were informed well in advance. Necessary food and water supply arrangements have already been taken up on war footing basis.

      The previous presidents though responded effectively there was a loss of human lives in the previous typhoon. The people were made to stay above the trees for days together. The food supply system was not alerted. The rescue operations were not taken up in time. Everything was politicized and the opposition tried to make use of the situation to the maximum benefit of winning the elections.

      The president is different now. The people are feeling the responsibility now. They are no more irresponsible and inactive. Everything is taking up as per planning with devotion and dedication.

    • Typhoons are very dangerous.May Allah save us all from these disasters.I red about this in Newspaper and watched on you tube i can feel how hard it will be for the people over there.We experienced Earthquake in Pakistan in 2005.It was a big deserter all the houses were damaged in our area and almost every house there were at least single death were reported.It relly was a hard time.The time was morning 8.00am when it happen mostly people are sleeping on that time that is way many people were died who were still on bed.They didnt know that they will never wakeup again.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are here again, after the super typhoon Lawin, we were not cowed by it, we stand and ready to face the world again.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are here again, after the super typhoon Lawin, we were not cowed by it, we stand and ready to face the world again.

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