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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Beware of Rose they Play Possum Sometimes 7 years, 9 months ago

    ‘Playing possum’ is an expression that is derived from this animal possum that pretends to be dead under certain circumstances. It pretends to be dead when it sights its predator.  The predator, thinking that […]

    • The red rose began its illustrious symbolic history in Greek and Roman iconography, where it was tied to Aphrodite, or Venus, the goddess of love. Later, in early Christian times it became associated with the virtue of Virgin Mary.

      By the time Shakespeare rolled around it had already become a poetic standard that he, and later Gertrude Stein, both famously played with in their works. Throughout its long, storied history, the red rose still reigns as the ultimate symbol of passionate affection.
      Rose is the king flower all over the world and I like it most because its smell is delicious and fine entrancing men’s wit and wisdom. What’s more classically romantic than red roses? Almost everyone knows (or should know) that a brilliant bouquet of red roses is the perfect way to declare feelings of romantic love. Whether in celebration of an anniversary, wedding,

      Valentine’s Day or even National Romance Month (August), there is no mistaking the implication of passion, desire and above all, love, associated with red roses. So, how has the red rose become what it is known for today?

      It’s probably safe to say there’s no more prevalent or enduring symbol of love and beauty in Western culture than red roses.

      Red roses often appear in poetry, literature, classical artwork, contemporary films and everywhere in between. Renowned Scottish poet, Robert Burns, compared his love to a red rose in the poem Red, Red Rose, and the card “soldiers” in Alice in Wonderland lost their heads for painting white roses red, just to name a few classics.

      These fragrant blooms come in varying shades of red, which also carry different symbolic meanings. For example, a bright red rose signifies romance, while burgundy means a love that has yet to be realized.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Old Clothes Never Die They Just Fade Away 7 years, 9 months ago

    The fashion industry believes in change in trends. What is in fashion today will be gone tomorrow.  And those who follow fashions will go for new clothes, stacking the old clothes in cupboards not to be seen or […]

    • I think giving the clothes which we do not use to some others is not good. When they are not suitable and good how is it reasonable to expect others wear those clothes? They too have desires to wear new clothes. So, generally, I do not give them to anybody. At the most, I give them after using for about 9 or 10 washes. If my conscious does not permit I tear them off into small pieces and use them for cleaning the floor . I also advise my children to follow the same principle. Am I correct guys?

      • Years ago, as children, every year we took clothes we no longer wore and gave them to the poor. This continued into adulthood. Then, there was the reaction that you have expressed, where people who needed clothing acted as if they deserved brand new designer things. That led my best friend to burn her clothing, and me to put them in a bag and sit them in the garbage.

      • Giving away good old clothes to those who can wear them is never considered to be insulting them. How many rags do you need to swab the floor. Also synthetic material is not good for swabbing. It is not absorbant

    • Yes, old men and women and clothes never die but fade away their colors just to take place the new clothes. There are shirts here and shorts and winter coats and summer dresses and kiddie underpants in piles so high they would cast a shadow over Shaquille O’Neal.

      There are bales the size of small sedans filled with leather coats and polyester stretch pants. There are open-topped plastic barrels overflowing with red flannel work shirts, faded denims, evening gowns in rainbow sequins. Strewn, tossed, toppling, pancaked, inside out, jammed onto forklifts — everywhere you look there are clothes.

      The warehouse in question is in an industrial park in East New York, Brooklyn. This is not a neighborhood that equates in most people’s minds with the words ”major fashion center.” In some ways this place would seem to be the last destination.

      It is where many clothes apparently go to die. When you’ve finally cleaned the closet, given to the coat drive, made a deposit at Goodwill, the Salvation Army or those big red St. Vincent de Paul Society Dumpsters parked outside suburban supermarkets, your clothes will very likely wind up here.

      But, far from ending their useful time on earth, they are destined for resurrection. Someday in Burkina Faso, someone will be wearing those old Liz Claibornes to which you finally gave the heave-ho.

    • The fashion industry only changes trends so they can make money but they never really do too many things that are new and different. My later mother used to say clothes never went out of the style. They just recycled the garments under a new name. My late aunt used to take good care of your clothes, keep them for years and don’t worry you’ll reflect the fashion trend … again! 🙂 When I was in high school my friend came to school wearing a really nice dress. I complimented her on it and she said: “Thanks. This is one of my mom’s old dresses I found in her closet.” I could never borrow my mother’s clothes or my sister’s. We were never the same size. 🙂

    • When fashions change old clothes get stacked away never to be worn again unless get back into fashion. In my case some have come back and I am waring them but space constraint is always there.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Our Blogs are Important to Advertisers 7 years, 10 months ago

    Internet, we all know, is a knowledge hub where experts talk about every subject under the sun. And yet advertisers pay online writing sites for space in our blogs. Writing sites set rules and the bloggers need […]

    • Yes blogs are most important for advertisement and business in modern age because at this time the whole has become a global world and I am happy that all the people are connected with one another vi internet is the best plat form for the whole world people.

      If you run a small business, chances are you are wondering if blogging is worth the time and effort. The short answer is a resounding YES! Blogging on a frequent basis is a relatively easy, inexpensive way to enhance your inbound marketing efforts, drive traffic to your site, and attract more perspective customers.

      Statistics from Hubspot’s 2012 Inbound Marketing Report highlight the importance of blogging. According to the study, 57% of companies who have a blog reported acquiring a customer from their blog. In that same study, a survey of marketers revealed that 81% of businesses say that their business blog is useful to critical for their business.

      Search engines love fresh content. What better way to provide frequent content than with blog posts. By blogging consistently, you give Google and other search engines new content to index and you create opportunities to plug in those all-important keywords to increase your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPS).

      Blogging allows you to connect with your site visitors. This can be accomplished by asking your readers questions at the end of your posts to get the conversation going or by simply allowing comments and feedback. By reviewing and responding to readers’ comments, you can create a rapport with your audience, build trust, and gain valuable insight into what your customers are looking for.

      Blog posting allows you to show a personal side of your business that perspective and current customers won’t see through outbound marketing techniques. Blogging gives others a sense of the corporate standards, vision, and personality of your company.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Advantage of Opting for Package Holidays 7 years, 10 months ago

    Going on holidays involves a lot of planning and if it involves a foreign tour that has a lot of nitty gritty to finalise before the actual holiday. Plenty of running around be for obtaining a passport, visa, […]

    • Yes, holiday package must be chosen carefully and after too much tinkling, Planning a holiday trip is easy but implementing that plan is not that easy. While planning a trip one has to keep in mind a lot of things and has to put a lot of effort to ensure an enjoyable holiday.

      Money is certainly the biggest factor. When you are taking your family on a trip you can’t hold them back all the time when they want to buy something, eat something and go places. But you can’t allow them to make nonsense spending as well.

      You can’t force them to compromise with comfort and convenience while staying in hotels but you can’t afford to book five star hotels every venue as well. So what’s the way of ensuring a memorable holiday without putting too stress on the pocket. Well the answer is holiday packages.

      The biggest advantage is cost saving. If you try to book everything, starting from airfare to hotel room on your own, you will surely end up spending unnecessarily. If you add the individual costs, the amount will be quite high, but if you choose a holiday package the total amount, which would include cost of everything, would be far lesser

      By choosing a holiday package, you actually get rid of all activities, starting from booking flight tickets, checking out accommodation availability at hotels and booking rooms

      Holiday packages are designed specially to cover all major spots in a place so that customers get best value for their money.

      Companies that offer tour packages are completely aware of situations in a particular place, the risks and the safe zones and hence you can enjoy a safe holiday.

    • I agree with you. When we go on a conducted tour the agent’s guide is with us and that is a nice feeling of safety

    • Indeed, package holidays are the way to go and can benefit in making us more planned in our Holidays.

    • I always go for self planned holidays, not packaged ones. The packaged holidays are for tourists not for travelers 🙂

      The self planned holidays gives me a lot flexibility to avoid crowd, get economic travel tickets and lodging. Most importantly you can plan your way , destinations of your choice. This is possible with so much of travel reviews and experiences available on the internet, travel sites, apps etc.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Mackerels and Sardines a Great Source of Omega 3 7 years, 10 months ago

    With knowledge at our disposal – thanks to the Internet – we are able to take better care of our health. Be it the kind of exercise we need to go for or the type of food we need to eat we are wiser in our ways. H […]

    • We must add fish to our diet. We have fourteen meals per week, and two out of fourteen meals must have fish. In my opinion, ignoring fish meet is not a better idea.

    • We must eat sea foods to make our health better but a few people know the importance of fish in eating. Omega-3 fatty acids have all sorts of benefits for your body and brain.

      Many mainstream health organizations recommend a minimum of 250-500 mg of omega-3 per day for healthy adults (1, 2, 3).

      You can get high amounts of omega-3 fats from fatty fish, algae and several high-fat plant foods.

      Here is a list of 12 foods that are very high in omega-3.

      Mackerel are small, fatty fish.

      In Western countries, they are commonly smoked and eaten as whole fillets at breakfast.

      They are incredibly rich in nutrients, and a 3.5 oz (100 g) piece of mackerel provides 200% of the RDI for vitamin B12 and 100% for selenium (4).

      On top of that, these fish are quite tasty yet require almost no preparation.

      Omega-3 content: 4107 mg in one piece, or 5134 mg per 100 grams (3.5 oz).

      Cod liver oil is more of a supplement than a food.

      As the name implies, it is oil that is extracted from the livers of cod fish.

      Not only is this oil high in omega-3 fatty acids, it is also loaded with vitamin D (338% of the RDI) and vitamin A (270% of the RDI) (11).

      Taking just a single tablespoon of cod liver oil therefore more than satisfies your need for three incredibly important nutrients.

      However, definitely don’t take more than a tablespoon, because too much vitamin A can be harmful.

      Omega-3 content: 2664 mg in a single tablespoon.

      Herring is a medium-sized oily fish. It is often cold-smoked or precooked, and then sold as a canned snack.

      Smoked herring is a popular breakfast food in countries like England, where it is served with eggs and called kippers.

      A standard smoked fillet contains almost 100% of the RDI for vitamin D and selenium, and 50% of the RDI for B12 (12).

      Omega-3 content: 3181 mg per fillet, or 1729 mg per 100 grams (3.5 oz).

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    bestwriter replied to the topic A Bird: Without Eyes, Ears and Heart in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    You say it has no eyes then how can it watch?

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    bestwriter replied to the topic NO Approval of BLOGS: Did You Notice It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    After alerting support I am glad to inform you that my blogs have just been approved. Off I go to write more   😀

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Well Brought up Pet is a Source of Joy 7 years, 10 months ago

    Preiti came in our life when we least expected it. We had decided to give ourselves a respite for a while after we had lost our pets at different times but in walks Preiti on her own. She was tiny, may be just a […]

    • Yes, if you have a tamed pet it brings joys for the owner in the real sense because pets are just like child if you tame them with your own hands. People really and truly love their dogs. Some people even treat these little fur balls as though they are children.

      Recently, there’s been a debate in our house about whether to get a dog. There are many things to think about, especially being an entrepreneur and seemingly always on the go. However, many of my entrepreneur friends have dogs and have encouraged me to consider it.

      excitement and sheer glee are contagious. As an entrepreneur, enveloping yourself in those emotions reinforces that it is okay to be passionate and celebrate life and people along the way. Even better, treat or no treat, your dog is that cheerleader who is going to love you no matter what you can or cannot do with your startup at that moment.

      If you have a dog, cat, bird, hamster, bunny, gerbil, mouse, snake, turtle, lizard, or any kind of fish, then you should check us out. We’re convenient to most communities west of Boston and try to make sure that you can get what you need when you need it. We enjoy visits from any pet and hope you will join yours sometime soon.

    • Do you have a place where you keep pets? That is what I understood by reading your comment.

    • That is quite a number 🙂 We had a few earlier but now Preiti is getting all the attention. There are stray cats that we feed.

    • I have beautiful place in my house for pets because I love my pets as flying pigeons and parrots and partridges. I like them most. Everyone knows that kids love animals. A quick safari through your child’s bedroom will remind you just how densely imaginary critters populate the storybooks, movies, music, toys, decor, and clothes of childhood.

      In real life, the amount of money we spend on our pets has nearly doubled in the past 10 years, rising to more than $38 billion, according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.

      While book groups are the rage among her mother’s friends, Natalie has her own reading tribe: We often find her curled up in her bed or lying in a den of blankets in a quiet nook of the house, reading to one or more of her cats. She pets them as she reads, stops to show them pictures and ask them questions. She even reassures them during scary parts of the story.

      According to a study by Dennis Ownby, MD, a pediatrician and head of the allergy and immunology department of the Medical College of Georgia, in Augusta, having multiple pets actually decreases a child’s risk of developing certain allergies. His research tracked a group of 474 babies from birth to about age 7. He found that the children who were exposed to two or more dogs or cats as babies were less than half as likely to develop common allergies as kids who had no pets in the home.

      Children who had animals had fewer positive skin tests to indoor allergens — like pet and dust-mite allergens — and also to outdoor allergens such as ragweed and grass. Other studies have suggested that an early exposure to pets may decrease a child’s risk of developing asthma.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, What is a Picnic if there is no Singing 7 years, 10 months ago

    We all need to get away from it all as it were, occasionally,  and what better way than going on a picnic with our loved ones? It could be a weekend affair or just a day picnic.  A beach resort seems the best c […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Age is No Barrier for Working on Computers 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am a senior and want to encourage all seniors around me in the real world as also in my virtual world  to befriend   computers.  Once one becomes familiar with how a computer works it can be a companion as it […]

    • Yes. It was a shock when one day I realized that one of our presidents did not know how to use a word processor. Imagine that. It was a joy when one of my friends told me his kids gave him the Bible in a digital format as a gift. He was an elder in the church. I thought to myself: Does he know how to use it?? If you can write with a pencil, you can use a computer. Although … when it comes to cell phones, iPhones, etc. … I ask my kids to make the phone calls for me. If they are not around I might even ask my grandchild to help me out. 🙂 Hey! My husband is much worse. We could never get him to check his eMails. We gave up! 🙂

      • Having known you here for a while I just cannot believe that you need assistance with your cell phones. I am sure if you apply your mind just a bit you will fly.

        • It’s not my mind that’s resisting. It’s my eyes. The cell phones really make me strain to see things. A laptop is much easier and even that wearies my eyes. I wear reading glasses. My husband tells me to go see an eye doctor and get prescription glasses. I keep telling him I will but I keep putting it off. 🙂

          • Yes ofcourse. I too prefer the big screen. I in fact use the desktop. Sadly these days everything is transferred to mobile such as those Apps which I just hate. Soon India will be having money transactions through mobiles. I only hope we will have the facility to do it through our computers.

            • I too am not happy with the switch to “all things mobile”. But there are some things we have to learn to live with. Especially in the wonderful world of technology. The “mobile wave” is one of those things. 🙂

    • By the 1970s, with the development of the Internet by the United States Department of Defense and the subsequent adoption of personal computers a decade later, the Information or Digital Revolution was underway.

      More technological changes, such as the development of fiber optic cables and faster microprocessors, accelerated the transmission and processing of information. The World Wide Web, used initially by companies as an electronic billboard for their products and services, morphed into an interactive consumer exchange for goods and information.

      Electronic mail (email ), which permitted near-instant exchange of information, was widely adopted as the primary platform for workplace and personal communications. The digitization of information has had a profound impact on traditional media businesses, such as book publishing, the music industry and more recently the major television and cable networks.

      As information is increasingly described in digital form, businesses across many industries have sharpened their focus on how to capitalize on the Information Age.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Bird is Welcome But not the Kite 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am a nature lover that includes both flora and fauna. There is enough and more in our garden to attract birds. It is a joy to see them around enjoying the greenery around, relishing the fruits that grow on our […]

    • It is your idea that every bird is welcomed except the kite why kite is also a beautiful bird looks good while flying and preying. But I think that The lilting Swallow-tailed Kite has been called “the coolest bird on the planet.” With its deeply forked tail and bold black-and-white plumage, it is unmistakable in the summer skies above swamps of the Southeast.

      Flying with barely a wingbeat and maneuvering with twists of its incredible tail, it chases dragonflies or plucks frogs, lizards, snakes, and nestling birds from tree branches. After rearing its young in a treetop nest, the kite migrates to wintering grounds in South America.

      Swallow-tailed Kites are large but slender and buoyant raptors. They have long, narrow, pointed wings, slim bodies, and a very long, deeply forked tail. The bill is small and sharply hooked.

      These birds are creatures of the air, spending most of their day aloft and rarely flapping their wings. They tend to circle fairly low over trees as they hunt for small animals in the branches. At times they soar very high in the sky, almost at the limits of vision. During migration they may form large flocks.

      Look for Swallow-tailed Kites over swamps, marshes, and large rivers of the southeastern U.S., particularly in Florida. At the end of summer, all the Swallow-tailed Kites in the U.S. leave and migrate south to South America.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Stubborn Blue Trumpet that Wants to Stay 7 years, 10 months ago

    Certain flowers need no maintenance. A little water once a week is all that they need to survive. Blue Trumpet is one such flower that survives every season, rain or shine. Sadly it spreads like wild fire.

    When […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Coconut Growers and their Endless Woes 7 years, 10 months ago

    Harvesting coconuts from trees that are sometimes taller than 30 feet needs expert coconut pluckers. Coconuts  need to be plucked every 45 days.  Not plucking them would mean that they would fall down and this n […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Our Cuckoo Clock – a Reminder of Our Visit to Germany 7 years, 10 months ago

    It was my  dream to own a Cuckoo Clock but little did I know that I would one day get the opportunity to buy one straight from the manufacturers themselves in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) Germany. The only […]

    • It is a very nice article providing memorable guides and charm of your visit of Germany and the description of cuckoo clock is fascination for me and first time I hear this word in my life.

      I think that A cuckoo clock is a typically pendulum-regulated clock that strikes the hours with a sound like a common cuckoo’s call and has an automaton cuckoo bird that moves with each note. Some move their wings, open/close the beak while leaning forward, whereas others only the bird’s body is leaned forward.

      Nowadays cuckoo clocks are manufactured inspired by contemporary decorative styles as well. These modern timekeepers are characterized by its functional, schematic and minimalist aesthetic.

      Rombach und Haas became the first Black Forest clock manufacturer which introduced this new generation of timepieces in 2006, producing a model conceived by Tobias Reischle.

      Then in 2008 they started its own creations, thanks to the initiative of both Conny Haas and the company’s general manager Ingolf Haas. Their range includes minimalist, industrial, and naturalist designs, as well as intricate fretwork and hand-painted pieces.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Running to Catch the Eurostar 7 years, 10 months ago

    I will never forget this experience of trying to catch the Eurostar Train that took us From London to Brussels

    Anyway,  our  London trip was a fiasco.  We had only two days to cover this place one of which wa […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Captain James Cook’s Cottage all the Way Lifted to Melbourne 7 years, 10 months ago

    Little does one realise that when one plans a holiday what would be the sights that would be in store when one gets there. The tour conductors know it all and so when we were in Australia and Melbourne was part of […]

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    bestwriter replied to the topic NO Approval of BLOGS: Did You Notice It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I too have noticed it. I have so many of my blogs pending for approval. I do not feel writing more but I have to if I have to reach payout by the end of this month. I will continue to write but half heartedly.  I have sent a message to @support about this.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic NO Approval of BLOGS: Did You Notice It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I too have noticed it. I have so many of my blogs pending for approval. I feel writing more but I have to if I have to reach payout by the end of this month. I will continue to write but half heartedly.  I have sent a message to @support about this.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic What’s your favorite dessert? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have several choices and since I have a sweet tooth whatever is available at hand would do – be it ic ecream, chocolates, pudding, souffles, the works   😀

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    bestwriter replied to the topic More ways to earn at LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    We go where we can comfortably common on and   there is enough scope to add a cent or two to your earnings by reading those blogs and commenting. We learn a lot too because most of these blogs are informative.

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