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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello! May I add you as friend?

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    Ruby replied to the topic How much we can earn if I write 24 HOURS HERE in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    @ Michelle

    I agree with you regarding running out of ideas. If just sitting down and just encoding, maybe we can earn big bucks here.

    The problem is what topic to write. To me just making 3 300-word articles would take me a lifetime to write.

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    Ruby wrote a new post, Which is more important, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) or Emotional Quotient/Emotional Intelligence (EQ/EI)? 7 years, 5 months ago

    By definition, Intelligence quotient (IQ) is a standard test determine to assess human intelligence while that of Emotional Quotient or Emotional Intelligence is the human ability to identify, evaluate, control, […]

    • I think both IQ and EQ are equally important. I think the way we “measure” IQ is questionable and very subjective. We are created with intelligence and emotion. That is our human nature. Neither can truly be measured accurately until we apply them in our own lives. There are many people around the world who don’t go to school and never took an academic test. But they’re not stupid or ignorant; and they have a huge heart full of compassion, empathy and sympathy for their fellow human being! That’s what IQ and EQ both measure isn’t it? Your ability to think, to adapt and survive in the world you live in and to care about those who live in that world with you?

      • You are truly right! We are born with both an IQ & EQ.

        It is also true that those who have no education are ignorant and stupid.

        Its just sometimes it irritates me if people look up to you just because to went to top notch school or finished on top of your class.

        I, myself, am not good in my academic achievements & I don’t have a high IQ, but I am good in my inter-personal relationship.

        Thank you for your comment. Nice input on this topic.

    • A child with high IQ and EQ is indeed a very fortunate child. But oftentimes, both are not present in one person; so the saying “you can not have all the cake and eat it too” could be true.

      We often see persons with high IQ as loners or they always want to be secluded because they get irritated with people who could not easily grasp what they are conveying or saying. They tend to be anti-social; so one can aspire more for a high EQ and he will enjoy life more.

      • As Treathyl FOX had commented, we are born with it. It is a matter of enhancing what we have.

        I, too, would rather enhance more on the emotional aspect of my life, maybe because I am slow on the intelligence side hehehe.

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    Ruby replied to the topic For Delicadeza, Try Not To Copy and Paste Photo Images From My Blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @ cely

    thanks for the info, I learned so much from your comment.

    I might resort to browsing Pixabay, if I ran out of images to upload, i the near future.

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby wrote a new post, How do you keep your marriage strong and loving 7 years, 5 months ago


    This is the continuation of my article entitled “When does the loving stops?”

    For me these are the phases of a relationship:

    Courtship – Love starts to build […]

    • Thanks!

      Did you join this site na?

    • Very well, very fitting for couples who started a relationship up to the time that both are “retirees!” ha ha ha! I can relate to this! But the success of a relationship really depends on the couple; they should remain loyal to each other through the odds of life. Usually when we are old enough, it is just respect for each other that prevails, which could also be considered as “love” for each other; whichever way it is, it should be, for the relationship to last forever!

      • Very true, indeed!

        Respect is what makes the relationship become solid. Without respect, foundation of a relationship is weak.

    • i have always been very thankful that despite the fights i had with my husband we grow stronger together. we both understand each other’s needs as time passes and now we are being tested by distance…

      • Congratulations!

        At this day and age, it is so hard for a relationship to stay strong. As the saying goes, “it takes two to tango”, so for a relationship to stay strong, two hearts and mind should always go together.

    • After a lot of reading and encountering many serious situations, I have decided not to have any strong and loving relationship. The more I observe and examine the more serious they turn out to be. We get depression and even insomnia. I allow it to continue as it is. Just enjoying nature, moving to a restaurant together, going side by side holding hands together, some respect for each other, some objections, some quarrels, agreements and disagreements etc.,

      • I am happy for you that you have found your happiness just by continuing what you have now. Stay in a situation that will make you happy. Nobody should force you to do things not to your liking.

        Just continue on enjoying life.

    • I love this article. Thank you for writing and sharing it with. As a young person, marriage is a hard subject because there are so few great examples out there. We see marriage as an unhappy union, something to make other people happy rather than the couple themselves. It is an expensive endeavor, for if it does not coast a lot then apparently the love is not real.
      So you points have struck a cord with me as deep down i believe these points.

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thank you for accepting my request.Happy blogging!

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    Ruby and Profile picture of DianaDiana are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Hello! May I add you as friend?

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    Ruby wrote a new post, When do you think the loving stops? 7 years, 5 months ago




    Both parties may not be as honest as they want to be. The parties put their best foot forward at all times. They are on […]

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    Ruby replied to the topic Where Have All Your Childhood Friends Gone in the forum Group logo of COLLECTORSCOLLECTORS 7 years, 5 months ago

    So happy for you that your reunion turned out okay.

    No matter what our status in life has been, you are still an important part of your succeasful reunion.

    Hoping for a more fruitful future reunions to come!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby replied to the topic Where Have All Your Childhood Friends Gone in the forum Group logo of COLLECTORSCOLLECTORS 7 years, 5 months ago

    @ makesh

    I hope this is not too daunting for you. I am sorry if you feel that this memory does not heal.

    Some of my childhood friends too have more financial freedom than me.

    But the life I have now is God given, and I enjoy every moment that I can with it.

    I am happy for my childhood friends that have been successful.

    Hoping for more…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby replied to the topic My Friends, I Redeem This Day in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago


    So happy for you! Keep being inspired.

    I hope that someday, I too will be able to redeem.


  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thanks for being your friend.

    Happy blogging!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thank you for your friend request. Glad to be your friend.

    Happy blogging!

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thank you for your request. Glad to accept you as my friend.

    Happy blogging!

    • hi my friend?

      • Hello!

        So, how was your blogging experience here at LiteracyBase? Is this your very first time to try an online blogging?

        This is the very first for me. Dina, my cousin, recruited me to sign up at this site. I hope you are feeling your way about this blogging experience.

        Enjoy your day!

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    Ruby replied to the topic ASPARAGUS For CANCER Very Interesting and Powerful… in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for the info!

    I love asparagus! In our country, the Philippines, asparagus is a bit pricey, so you have to think many times if you are buying or not.

    But with this info, why would I scrimp on myself and my family if it would mean a healthier me and my family.

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    Ruby joined the group Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Ruby replied to the topic 300 word minumin in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 5 months ago

    Do you write directly on this site?

    Try making your draft on Word Processor, that way you can monitor the number of words already written.

    When I first submitted my article, I was rejected thrice.

    1st the title was too short;
    2nd, the content was less than 300 words (so i checked again what I wrote and found out that it has only 299 words);…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby replied to the topic 300 word minumin in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 5 months ago

    Do you write directly on this site?

    Try making you draft on Word Processor, that way you can monitor the number of words already written.

    When I first submitted my article, I was rejected thrice.

    1st the title was too short;
    2nd, the content was less than 300 words (so i checked again what I wrote and found out that it has only 299 words);…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby joined the group Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 5 months ago

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