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    SuperD replied to the topic How Many Posts You Have Before You Reach Redemption? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    @swalia I guess that is the key to the road for redemption, a combination of blog posts, participation in forums, replying to blog posts, making some good topics in the forum, respond with long phrases as replies to different topics spend more time here in Literacy Base.

    Some of you have already received the payout and I am jealous about it. But…[Read more]

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    SuperD replied to the topic How Many Posts You Have Before You Reach Redemption? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    @ptrikha15 forty to fifty posts are many articles. Its not easy to make one and much more to that number of articles especially that we need to count three hundred words. How about interaction, you often reply to the blog articles or not? In forum, I guess you do reply because you have reply here. I hope we can lower that number of blog posts by…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How Many Posts You Have Before You Reach Redemption? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    Me too buddy, I have not yet reached the required minimum payout here in Literacy Base but I am really putting some effort to make it happen. I may not be here always interacting with you guys because of my job but as much I have the time to do it, I am really using my time to be here. Soon, it will be our time to received the fruits of our…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic How Many Posts You Have Before You Reach Redemption? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    Thank you very much @cely as much as I can I do reply in long paragraphs because I have observed this too. Many fellow members are replying in more than 40 words and that’s the time it came to my mind to reply or respond also in many words.

    But knowing now that making discussions, replying to the articles in blogs and participating in the forums…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Dancing Tadek 8 years ago

    Do you know how to dance tadek?
    Tadek is the tribal traditional dance of different tribes in the northern Philippines that includes Ilocandia and Cordillera. These tribes include Bago, Kankanaey, Tingguian, Itneg […]

    • So Tadek and Gangsa are Dance and Musical instruments. It is played by elderly people. But I am seeing some young ladies in the picture posted. Why only elderly people play. Why they tap their foot back and why the ladies forward? The dance appears to be some similarities with the dances of Manipur and Mizoram. The theme behind the dance is also very excellent We may name it as harvest dance. Still how many dances are there. What is the main dance of the people?

      • Tadek is a traditional practices and traditions are best practice by the elder people. But tradition is dying because of modern living. The most effective to pass the tradition is to teach them to the younger generations, which being done now in our region. The steps are being taught to them and there are reasons why it is done like that.

        But actually, tadek is not only for harvest dance, this can also be perform in weddings, rituals, festivals among others. Every occasion varies different kind of tadek dance.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Straw Mushrooms with Prawns 8 years ago

    Honestly, I love all those easy to prepare 
    Chinese recipes, especially anything that is
     related to mushrooms.

    Straw mushrooms, Enoki mushrooms, 
    Button Mushrooms or Chinese Black 
    mushrooms are my favorite […]

    • The very combination of mushroom and prawns is appetising enough and looking at your image my mouth started watering. Tiger prawns are very expensive and also they are not available on call.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Octogenarian Found Dead In Deep Dug 8 years ago

    What could be the reason why an octogenarian be killed and put in a hole dug then covered it with soil in mountainous part of the village? No one can really speculate why the unknown suspects killed an old […]

    • You have mentioned that the person in question was an Octagenarian and he was digging for a root crop. How can he dig such a deep one? He was aged and weak also. The reason for killing this man might be due to old rivalry resulted as an act of revenge. or;

      While digging for the root crop he might have noticed some hidden treasure. As he could not lift it up he might have sought the help of another person, who after seeking the treasure might have killed him with greediness. or while taking out the treasure some passerby might have noticed him and killed him taking everything. Anything is possible. This is money which does not require any mercy and relationships end up in acquiring. No father, mother, sister and other relations. Money has become the ultimate truth in life. Or he might have noticed some hidden drugs while digging and somebody might have killed him and took possession of the drugs.
      I do not think there are any other reasons than the above.
      This is in which country?

      • Everybody now has their own speculations to the incident but lets just say the angel of hidden treasure is out because of the history and previous lives of the victim.

        His son was shot to death last month because he is considered one of the bigger drug personality in their town. Allegedly, his son was also involved in other lawlessness in their place that include shooting and killing. But because of the influence and fear, they never went to a jail.

        He might be old but revenge is just one of the angle of this incident.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Prayer for those in Trouble 8 years ago

    When you pray, you do not pray for yourself.

    You pray for others, pray for your friends, family 
    members, people whom you don’t know and 
    countries which are in trouble, chaos, wars and

    In today’ […]

    • Love some of your thoughts on things

    • I pray regularly after taking my bath. I usually get up at 4.30 and wash my face. After that sit for prayer. There will be a weed mat on which I sit and pray with open brain and closed eyes. I pray for 15 minutes chanting the name which vibrates within me. I pray for others as I need not pray for my family as His blessings are always there. I do not go to any Church or Prayer Hall. praying is an Art and one should learn it from elders only.

    • I remember a passage on a prayer booklet which i often carry before it says “TAKE TIME TO PRAY FOR IT IS THE MOST POWERFUL THING ON EARTH” Pray without ceasing. When you pray, say what you mean and mean what you say! For God governs the world but prayers govern God. Truly, prayer is an act of meditation where we can be close to God, build our faith and persevere in trials. In prayer we find peace, solace, and solitude. Have you ever experience feeling down and lost and the only remedy to do is to pray? It’s very soothing to pray with all your heart, to give in the hands of God all the hurt that you felt, the sadness of loneliness, and the burden that your hiding in your heart. No one can give you such peace but God alone. Man can always turn back on you drag you down but God will always be there for you no matter what and will stick on you till the very end. Like a loving Father who always wait for her prodigal daughter to bring back to him once again…

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Why Filipinos Celebrate Christmas That Early? 8 years ago

    Its now ninety (90) days more to go before Christmas day. But the countdown has already started at 100 days before the big celebration.  When a ‘ber’ months has come, that means it’s the start of Christ […]

    • The last mass is on Christmas day. The Christmas celebrations continue to the First Sunday in January when Epiphany or the Feast of the Three Kings is celebrated. In the Philippines the early masses held before Christmas are called the ‘Misa de Gallo’ or ‘Simbang Gabi’ in Filipino.

      People in the Philippines like to celebrate Christmas for as long as possible! The playing of Christmas carols in shops can start in September! The formal Christmas celebrations start on 16th December when many people go the the first of nine pre-dawn or early morning masses. The last mass is on Christmas day. The Christmas celebrations continue to the First Sunday in January when Epiphany or the Feast of the Three Kings is celebrated.

      In the Philippines the early masses held before Christmas are called the ‘Misa de Gallo’ or ‘Simbang Gabi’ in Filipino.

      Most Filipinos are Christians with about 80% of people being Catholics. It’s the only Asian country with so many Christians. Because of this, Christmas is the most important holiday in the Philippines. December is actually one of the ‘cooler’ months of the year in the Philippines. The Philippines only has two real seasons, wet (June to October) and dry (April and May). December is one of the months in between the wet and dry seasons.

      Christmas customs in the Philippines are a mixture of western and native Filipino traditions. (Christianity became widely known in The Philippines in the 1500s when missionaries from countries like Portugal and Spain traveled to the area.) So people in the Philippines have Santa Claus (or ‘Santa Klaus’), Christmas trees, Christmas cards and Christmas carols from western countries!

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    SuperD replied to the topic how often should i call my parents? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    Your boyfriend is wrong about his perspective about family. You are right, you should call your parents every day: once a day, twice a day or thrice a day. What is important is how you make feel you parents how caring you are to them. Your voice is more than anything to make them happy.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update in the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    thank you for this forum, I think we should have this topics always.

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

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    SuperD replied to the topic android is better or iphone?? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    Android phone of course. Well, I have no iPhone so I guess this is the credible reason why I picked the android phones over iPhone. Anyway, base from what I heard and read, iPhone now seems bit late in introducing their apps and gadgets like the bluetooth headphone because android had already using it. But if given the chance, I would really love…[Read more]

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    SuperD replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    My cravings right now is to feel what are you feeling right now, the happiness. I have not yet experience and tried redeeming in Literacy Base but I think its my activity that pending me. I need to exert more effort so that I can redeem and experience the happiness of receiving the payout. Hope I can make it also. Anyway, congratulations to you.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    yes i noticed that some of the members who are not active here are still under popular category.

    Maybe the admin and support are too busy with reading and publishing our posts, that they don’t have enough hands to do the rest.

    Let us just wait and give them some time to brush up

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic how often should i call my parents? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago


    my friend, you are not married yet, your bf is already controlling you.

    But honestly, how often you want to call your parents depend on your mutual understanding between your bf and you.


    When I married 22 years ago, I missed my parents too , very much.

    However, calling them everyday means you are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, “If you tell the truth, you don’t need a long memory “ – Jess Ventura 8 years ago

    Quote of the day:

    “If you tell the truth, you don’t need a long 
    memory “ – Jess Ventura

     Indeed, it is difficult to keep the your or someone 
    else secrets in the closet for a long time.

    You need to  […]

    • Telling the Truth is good for one’s own health. One need not keep many secrets in his mind letting them out gives lot of relief. Here telling the truth relating to your personal matters and observation but not the secrets revealed to you by your friends. Friends reveal certain secrets to you reposing trust in you. If you do not keep them as secrets and go on telling and revealing them to others you will lose the confidence of your friends. Even in the hardest circumstances the principle of ‘HOW TO TELL THE TRUTH’ should be followed leaving the understanding to the listener.

    • Its a tough call- hiding some truths can be counter productive while other facts ought to be kept away.

      • Yes. This is a tough job. But we should remember that people reveal certain secrets, whether personal or general to you so that you will not make them public. But if you let them out there is something you are losing. This is the confidence of your friend/s. Even in the painful odds, you have to maintain and keep it as secret only. The truth is truth for you but not for others. Just one has to take a tough stand to this extent. This is followed more when you move up in the social ladder or professional ladder. This will be followed more in Police and Intelligence Departments.

    • Well, I am a person who could be trusted and secrets I know never ever leak. That is how I keep my friendship last. You are more than honored if you could keep a secret. The trust and confidence of anyone else to your couldn’t be bought by money. And the integrity you have had in your life is unblemished, untarnished. I would be very happy if someone tells me of his secret. It increases my self-esteem for being treated that way, of being a trusted person in spite of their many friends they have.

    • There are secrets should be keep confidential and there are secrets should be known. Confidential or not, I believe there will always be a perfect time to reveal everything. We don’t need to rush everything to anything. We don’t need to force ourselves to keep it or to reveal. It’s always the right time that commands the situation. If it is not to be reveal, maybe that is what should be. But if it meant to be known, time will find a way.

      • There are no secrets like confidential in nature and general category. A secret is always a secret. As you said rightly one time or the other it has to come out and if the situation demands they would come out. Ok. Accepted. But we should be the source to reveal them. Be a good listener. Yes time will definitely find a way but you should not be a way for the time.

    • My respected readers, give me your ears, listen what I say and keep my saying in your memory lock so that your future be bright green and flourish like grape wine around the twigs.

      Keep in mind, the whole world is truth, God is one truth, we have parents, truth, we were children, truth, the tree is green, truth, the sun rises in the East, truth, nightingale sings, truth, we have brothers and sisters, truth….

      But the problem lies here is that when we reject the naked truth it is called lie in modern term. Otherwise there is no lie on earth. God has created the whole truth, truth and truth and nothing else.

      So far as the secret is concerned, I say that the secret are secret still as no one can tell where live the angels on earth, where soul flies, what is heaven and hell….what we read about all the things I mention are guesses n reality.

      The power of magic secret is secret, the power of the soul of earth silence is secret, the process of making in earth is secret, how child making is created in uterus is secret…

      those who say tat we keep secret are those who make sins and keep them secret or we may say they hide their weaknesses from others. What is truth what some does in day light and what is secret what some one does in darkness.

      According to laws of nature none can hide truth it will appears today or tomorrow.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Tofu with Seafood Soup 8 years ago

    The best comfort food when the weather becomes cold after a rain pour last night, is to wake up with a hot pipping Tofu Seafood Soup.
    Not only am I able to enjoy the soft silky tofu which I love best, the […]

    • I had it last year in Hiking Restaurant. This is known for all sea foods and other dishes. I took my children. They appreciate the soup very much. I just tasted it a spoon. It was good. I was eager for my Manchuria. As there was some more time I wanted to give a try. It was good. The chief added some pepper and I liked it very much. It was served hot. The month was December and it was very chill outside. This is the perfect combination to enjoy a Tofu.

    • I have never done some good tofu in our dinner or breakfast, maybe it time for me to have some. Your recipe seems good to do and I just hope kids would love the tofu taste because sometimes I am not convinced about the taste of tofu. But I know its just the perfect recipe to have a good and delicious tofu food.

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    peachpurple replied to the topic What inspires you in your on line job? in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years ago

    the community, the people at LB helps me to write on, don’t give up, and the money earn, still can redeem very fast, these are the reasons to keep me writing on

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    peachpurple replied to the topic I have written so many short stories in the forum Group logo of Writing StoriesWriting Stories 8 years ago

    have you tried at hubpages?

    Some people like to write kids stories, fictions in short stories, approximately 400 words but preferably 700 words.

    Now wikinut doesn’t pays anymore.

    You can try at hubpages

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