• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Never Judge A Person By the His Looks 7 years, 11 months ago

    The problem with humans is to judge others
    from the look of the cover.

    You have heard the common phrase” Never
    judge the cover of the book”

    You know what it means; Never judge or put
    a conclusion of […]

    • This is really a touchy article I had seen so far. This is right that people always go by outward appearance neglecting the saying ‘DO NOT JUDGE BOOK BY ITS COVER’.

      One should know that a person does not care for money after reaching certain heights in life. He actually value the relationships and the affection only. He realizes the importance of human relationships in a society and never cares the material aspects. He lives like a highly matured person

    • I know a similar story. One should not judge a person by their dress…for one of the richest men in Jamaica dresses like the example in the article here. He does it so people don’t beg him any money.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 10 Healthy Midnight Snack Ideas 7 years, 11 months ago

    Many of us belonged to the night owls where we
    burn the midnight oil for certain reasons.

    Some of are either forced to be awake throughout
    the night for self-studying , loads of homework to be
    done or […]

    • My favorite midnight snack was and still is cereal and milk. 🙂

    • It is a favorite midnight snacks but very tasty water is running in my mouth looking at the pic and want to eat it as soon as possible in the lunch. I have many ideas abut such dishes as…

      But I like such types of salad I call it salad because all look vegetables and one egg in the middle.

      The Burmese tea leaf salad is one of the all-time iconic dishes of Asian cuisine. Beautifully presented with an array of delicious and healthy items, it makes for a sublime feast of flavors that are stirred together table top.

      Now, professional chef Elizabeth Howes takes inspiration from this super-popular Southeast Asian dish to create innovative salads perfectly suited for America’s farm-to-table ingredients. She begins with a fascinating look at Burmese culture and cuisine before jumping into the dozens of easy-to-follow recipes.

      Readers are guided step by step through the process of making a tea leaf salad from scratch but are also shown how to plate more modern serve-and-stir salads, such as Lemongrass Chicken Salad, Saffron-Ginger Shrimp Salad, and America’s own Cobb Salad.

      With stunning full-color photos, high-quality interior stock, and decorative end papers, this paper-over-board hardcover makes the perfect gift for any salad lover.

    • that is so nice list and well posted, i liked how designed your post and also like the yughurt snake, i like youghurt with fruits and some i like its salty with pepper, i mean black pepper, to give it relly mixed nice taste and power, i like it as snake for night and between meals and also if i take brake at work i like it eat it too, thanks alot for this list agian and liked the style

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 tips to stay safe in high rise buildings 7 years, 11 months ago

    I was excited to have the opportunity to visit my ex-
    schoolmate’s house which is located at a luxury
    condominium in the heart of the city.

    Flats, apartments , villas and condominiums are considered
    as h […]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Do Not Pass The Opportunity When Chance Comes To You Helping Other People 7 years, 11 months ago

    Helping other people was never a privilege; it’s best done and felt when opportunity comes to you. So when that chance knocks on your door, never let it pass without doing the right thing to do—help with wha […]

    • It is a fact that fate and chance play an important role in human life. Fate and chance may mar and make human life forever because man is a puppet in the hands of nature. Therefore it is said man propose God dispose because we free on earth but we can do everything on earth as we wish but we cannot get our deeds results according to our thinking and desire.

      Therefore chances come in human life brave avail chance and coward waits for chance therefore they can no nothing in life and remain behind in progress in all walk of life.

      If you have any chance to help the poor you must not miss the chance because chances never repeat selves in human life and they are like sea waves coming thousands of waves within the waves.

      If you chance to help other you must help the needy families and the poor keeping in mind it is from God, yea money is in the hands of God and given to all according to the law of nature.

      Therefore we all are supposed to help the poor and needy everywhere on earth.

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Are our posts rated? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    errmmm… purple peach image looks cute but I am too old for that!

    For a mother of 2 kids, I guess that pic is suitable for the young ones.

    peachpurple are 2 colors that my son loved best.

    So that is how I got that name.


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    SuperD replied to the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    it got good discussion here but the point is still at blank because I cannot understand what its all about.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    If just a month of not being paid, I am sure there are some hidden reasons.

    Unless they owe writers for months or wipe off the earnings, otherwise, I think that everyone should wait and see.


    By the way, I haven’t write that many post yet, just 2 until now.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Nyonya Recipe: Fragrant Pork Stew-Babi Chin 7 years, 11 months ago

    Nyonya Cuisine doesn’t has to be spicy at all.
    I didn’t know that Fragrant Pork Stew which is famously known as “Babi Chin” was
    port of the Nyonya heritage cuisine.
    “Babi” is the Malay word for pig or po […]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, What, Our President Is Called Psychopath! 7 years, 11 months ago

    Well, someone just called our president Rody Duterte a psychopath. Such a rude, harsh and no respect word to the highest leader of the Philippines. And take note, the person who called him this troubling […]

    • Those people who dislike our president are drug addicts. For so many years, there was one in the presidential side who did the way President DU30 is doing at present,none , right?
      I wonder about the mentality of some why they want to remain traditional. Maybe they like traditional politician,for they can continue to corrupt the Filipino people.Just imagine the buller olanting that stained the reputation pf our country,If not throw President DU30, out NAIA airport will remain scary this time. Thanks for treading.

      • I don’t know about Agot if she’s an addict or not but her comments are just few of other comments that coming out now because of bursting words of our President. He is labeled psychopath and then a French newspaper tagged him as ‘serial killer’. And all of these are because of 3,600 deaths on war on drugs. I believe FVR words that Digong should not only concentrate on drugs but headed also to some matter like economy. Maybe, some people just wanted to finesse our presidents’ words.

    • One thing about the actress, her words created a clear divide. You sure can tell the people who support the nation’s leader and the people who don’t. Just because a person is a junkie (drug addict) doesn’t mean their words are not true. Either he is or he isn’t. That remains to be proven.

      On thing I’ve noted is there are a lot intense, controversial, “explosive” events being reported in the Philippines since Duerte was elected. My goodness! Has he even been president for a year? Perhaps these are things he believes need to be done just to get things settled, so he can get on with creating order and making the country great! Hate to think what is happening now are the “calm before the storm” moments of his administration and that the years ahead are going to be a lot more heated, more tense and more difficult for the ordinary law-abiding hard-working peaceful decent citizens.

      Another thing? In the US, we hear a lot more about what’s going on in the Philippines in our news than we used to since Duerte became president. It’s rather worrisome to other countries when a country that wasn’t heard of much is all of a sudden on the radar. The citizens of the other countries start wondering about the “ripple effect”. In other words, how far reaching is the situation in one country and what impact will that situation have on their country? When a country’s activities start getting reported in our media, that means that place is carefully monitored for potential “spill over” into US!

      • Clearly President is not the type of self controlled or calm President, he easily reacted and got burst even in public. And clearly, he is more to offensive one because he is on challenging other leaders and countries like the US and European countries. He cannot do it to China and Russia, anyway. He got pride which sometimes is only to his personal attitude and not considering other people feelings. You attacked him on drug killing and he will attack you. We cannot only be ruled with drug problem.

    • Mrs. Isidro is a drug addict. There will be some monkeys always to spoil a good event. For Mr. Duterte eradication of Drugs in Philippines is the main goal of his administration. The people though initially make a hue and cry over the killings of the pushers have now realized and supporting Mr. Duterte and even ready to take up a campaign in this regard. The parents who lost their beautiful and handsome children are now moving towards making their nation a stronger one than it was earlier under other Presidents.

      Mr. Duterte is a boon for the people of Philippines. If one or two mad people make comments it does not make any difference. They made similar comments earlier when the earlier Presidents had worked at all. Now they are making comments who is working for the people and his own Nation with dedication. So the comments have no value at all. They can be treated and thrown into a trash bag.

      Now the Philippines has become a role model for taking stringent action against the drug peddlers and so the drug addicts and the Dons in other countries are fearing a lot to face the same situation from the Governments of their countries.

      The whole world is looking at the Philippines and at Mr. Duterte now .

      • He could be a role model to other people but sometimes he must also consider the future of these poor people being killed by unknown suspects and police officers, these poor children who will face problem on their education, everyday meals, and other things they need for their homes. No assistance for them, and then what, they these children grow up, they will grow up living in the wrong path of the government. When he did it in his hometown favorite Davao, families of victims have assistance, now in the country why there is no assistance. Anyway, its Miss Isidro and not Mrs.

    • People are depending the president are rude, people who are against the president are rude, there is really a division among the people in the Philippines, the reason is because the president is also rude. He goes on with his offensive remarks which is becoming a common to the Filipinos, which means we can also be common like him talking harsh words. What is becoming to the country and its people and yet we are just on 100 days of him. He thinks Federalism is good and brawl US, and praises communist government like China and Russia.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    I’m making most of my posts here in the office because my internet in our house was cute, sigh its so not timing.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 4 Tips how to prepare food at home for busy people 7 years, 11 months ago

    Do you agree that home made food is better than dining outside?
    Majority agree that homecooked food is better but how many of us have
    the time to cook at home ?

    Both parents and single adults are seen busy […]

    • This are some really good tips on how to cook for people who he e no time in the kitchen is who are too busy with work. I am one of those people who do most of the things that you have mentioned above. It saves me a lot I time and money when I prepare my meals before hand, do that when I get home it’s easier for me to cook even if it’s late.usually on Sundays is when I do my boiling and stacking of good in the freezer for future use. I boil meat dinner vegetables and anything else that needs preparations before time so that when I get to the house all I need to do is thaw and start cooking thanks for sharing those tips

    • There are some useful tips for cooking at home. As you rightly said that people nowadays are finding it difficult to devote time for cooking for various reasons. Most common reason for not cooking at home is because of tiresomeness and not having a good company to share their work at cooking. The remaining reasons may be specific to a particular family and a member who is cooking for the home.

      The tip on how to cook in less than 20 minutes for the entire home is good. The appliances you have mentioned will be quite friendly in cooking. They save time and money also. They also assure some good physical activity.

      I want to add that eating in a glassware will save a lot of water as they are easy to wash. We need not use a lot of water in cleaning the dinner and lunch plates. The dinner plates and other serving bowls should be kept clean and should be of good material to avoid the reaction with the food items served.

      But, these items should be changed at least once in a year for keeping the kitchen always nice and attractive. This will create a good ambience for eating.

      There are some people who recommend cooking for a whole week at a time. But this is not advisable. The Fridge and other electronic items may be efficient in keeping and preserving the food. But it is confined to only some countries only. It also depends on the climate you are living in . In the countries having colder atmosphere the cooking of food for a week may be accepted. But not with the people living in the countries that have a very hot climate.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Translation Is More Difficult 7 years, 11 months ago

    Have you ever try to translate your article to other languages like English? How do you find it? Do you think it’s more difficult to translate now?
    Why do I ask this question? Because my essay just become h […]

    • Nice post friend.English cannot be made perfect,unless write only very few words and very s short sentences.If translate your own language to English, it cannot be matched the way we do using our own dialect for we know well the language that is part of our everyday lives.

    • For me translation is fairly easy as I am fluent in both English and French (Canadian). But I agree with Cely that English is a language of few words compared to French for example. an English book for example might be 200 pages while the French book is 300 to 400 pages. Some languages like French are more difficult than other languages with their different grammar, accents etc.

    • Translation is a very difficult job. A writer who opts for translation jobs should have sound knowledge of two languages at least. He should be perfect in choosing and using the words. The expression is not at all a criteria for a translation job. Because you take the subject as per the tone of the article. But, he should be thorough with a ocean of vocabulary .

      A writer will come across a variety of translations like Technical translation, scientific translation, Administrative translation, etc,

      Among all these the Administrative Translation involves the usage of a variety of words and terms. The words used in the administration touch upon various branches of administration like Industry, commerce, literature, transport, irrigation, police dept, energy matters, telephones, etc, So for translating the work relating to administration one should be thorough with a vast vocabulary relating to many departments. Once a writer becomes perfect he can have some basic knowledge of the various terms relating to each department.
      One of the hardest parts of translation one encounter in the translation is making a translation of a scientific article. There the writer need not focus much on the grammatical use. But he should choose and use each scientific name with precision and can not use in a vague manner.

      The translation jobs require one’s dedication to the work and one has to put forth ones 100 percent to get the work done.

    • Mist of the students who are non native feel national language translation into international language very very difficult due to having no real sense of grammar of English language. The main cause of translation that they have to real concept of English Language as I have observed. I am also MA English, Master of English language and literature.

      For example in English grammar there is no difference between the present tense and future tense because future tense tell man’ intention and present tense also near future intention. Non native makes difference between the two tenses while not,

      Both tenses tell us that an incomplete intention in future is the main cause of confusion. Besides, grammar there are a lot of grammatical phrases that are spoken in English are not known to the non native speaker.

      For example: in non native speaker English (It is better for you to read your lesson) But it is the replica of the original phrase. But the native speaker will say thus *(you)had better read your lesson)

      There are a lot of phrases in English. O have written a Grammar Book, Name (Sayyar English Grammar)It is a complete book on English grammar.

      I have translated hundreds of books in English from Urdu because I live in Pakistan.


  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 4 Tips to Save Money On Food 7 years, 11 months ago

    We all know that eating healthily is important for maintaining a fit and
    strong body buy that does not necessararily means that one has to be
    GOOD food, branded food ( imported from foreign countries) which is […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Benefits of White Radish 7 years, 11 months ago

    Have you heard of radish?
    How often do you eat radish?
    In Malaysia, you could find the common white radish sold in the
    market but Western countries, both the white and red
    radish are sold for different […]

    • This is a food I am not familiar with although I’m sure it not only has great health benefits but taste good too. I’ve seen Ming Tsai, the popular Asian-American TV chef, use this ingredient in some of his recipes.

    • They say that radish can be eaten raw. My friend also extracts it’s juice and drink it as is without any ingredients or flavorings.Is there any difference with the health benefits we get when it is eaten cooked or uncooked?

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, The Revolution Of Technical Course 7 years, 11 months ago

    TESDA or Technological Education and Skills Development Authority
    is raising the bar to help the community to have a better livelihood or landing a good compensation from the job.
    During the conference of […]

    • No. It will be wrong assumption to think that there will be no poverty. Will the poverty disappear by encouraging vocational courses in the Rural villages and in the Rural Areas? As long as the unscrupulous politicians and the system is there the disappearance of poverty will be only a day dream.

      In India also such promises were made to the people and some
      programs were introduced. The people were trained. Some of them could get jobs. As the programme continued the number of unemployeds in the vocational certificates increased. Another scheme was launched providing financial assistance to those remained unemployed to set up their own industries. To some extent some people got a livelihood.

      Suddenly the wicked nature appeared by taking up the Agricultural lands which were neglected by the people for construction activities. The agricultural landlords became helpless. He is compelled to forgo his fertile lands. Already some politicians purchased these lands from the farmers and after the introduction of the scheme, they got huge compensation from the Government.

      Ultimately the farmers lost their fertile agricultural lands. The shortage of food production is likely to be felt very shortly forcing the Government to go for important which is totally a brainless planning.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Home Cash in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    yeah, if there are sites that would not require some investment, that would be good for us to start. Sometimes huge income is tempting but that would also require investment.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Premonitions in the forum Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 11 months ago

    I think I have this kind of sense but not too develop. And I cannot foretell things before it happens. But is what happening to me is like this. I would go in one place which is new to me. While I was at that moment then it will come to my mind that as if it was already happened to me before. Many times I experienced this. Then I remember, this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD joined the group Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 11 months ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 20 Reasons Why Kids Should Do Household Chores 7 years, 11 months ago

    Nowadays, it isn’t easy to get my kids to do household chores and I am sure that
    some parents out there are having the same kids problems too.

    My hubby was sick and tired of hearing my repeated nagging d […]

    • They should be encouraged in doing household chores because it prepares them for future.

    • I have very young kids and I have to admit with no lying I wish there was some help for my house hold chores. It is not easy do a job, come back home, and find all filthy and ready for new circle of cleaning, cooking and feeding. My parents help, my mother in law is radically useless and vain. She does helping only if her son explicitly tells her to do us a favor.
      My children are still too small to provide normal help with mind that they will not hurt or cut hands. I give older daughter to help. She can dust and clean simple things, but many times work become play and then younger brothers were one used like mops to reach under bed. It was funny but ever dirty again.

    • Well said, house chores have to be done regardless. No one wakes up one morning and becomes responsible you have start from somewhere. And that’s where the mum comes in she has to initiate the work in the house and make him kids responsible in their lives. You have outlined them very well there is nothing else to add really. There should be no excuse for not doing house chores that just have to be done.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Reasons Why Writers Write the Same Post Titles 7 years, 11 months ago

    I had read many posts online at different sites but why do we
    writers keep writing the same post titles since we already know
    the answers.
    Everytime I search for a title for my new post, I could find […]

    • I think that various different writers in different pages about very same topic use exactly same titles to tehir problem post because there is no other way how to present that porblem but with preset combination of words, that leads to exactly same title every time with no mistake. If you write about cakes from chocolate and cream, why not you use other words but chocolate and cream? Because it is just not possible.

    • Writing the same title is basis problem of SEO Search Engine Operation, for example, m name is ranked in the google search people ill choose the name as mine just bit different so that traffic could reach to their sites is the main problem.

      Post titles are essential to promoting your blog content. Believe it or not, it really makes the difference when a you carefully craft post title to work well, social media, in SEO, and most of all, with your readers. But how do you do it? Actually, it’s not as hard as you think. With just a few tips to keep in mind writing posts titles that get people to click on your links is as easy as pie.

      If you don’t believe me. Give the tips a try, and test them. You can use tools like bit.ly to track the post titles, and you can see which post titles get more clicks. If you’re using a newsletter service like Mailchimp, you can test with A/B split testing to see which headlines get more opens. While each person’s blog is different, I’ve found the tips below to increase click rates quite significantly, sometimes as much as the difference between 100 clicks and 1,200 clicks.

    • Writing blog post titles that get attention and traffic is a unique form of writing, because you write blog post titles for multiple reasons. First, you want people to be intrigued enough to feel compelled to read the actual blog post. Second, you don’t want to trick anyone by writing a title that is irrelevant to your blog post content.

      Third, you want your blog post to help drive search engine traffic, so you need to focus on keywords when you come up with your blog post titles. That’s a hefty list, but you can meet all three goals when you write blog post titles following the steps below.

      Your blog post titles should be interesting. They should intrigue readers enough to make them want to click on the link to your post and keep reading it. That’s not to say that straightforward titles aren’t effective. They are! However, you need to have a mix of creative and intuitive post titles to get the best of both worlds.

      You don’t want to be accused of tricking people into reading your blog post based on the title and then have them be disappointed in the actual content they find within the post. That can do more harm to your blog than good. If you bait them in your blog post title, you need to be sure that you deliver the content they’re looking for within your post content.

    • I also observed the same thing regarding the usage of one title by different authors. I suppose that is the best way they can write it.

    • to make money you need to write attractiv epost titel for sure, and it have to be also related to your post and to use
      i guess that writers should not write the dame title like others, to make it work

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