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    suny replied to the topic Made My Redemption in the forum Group logo of Proof of PaymentProof of Payment 8 years, 2 months ago

    @nakitakona13I have already been paid in the month of June for my work in May. I joined this site around 10-12th May and worked here for 15 days or so and cashed out on 27th May and paid promptly on June 10th.

    I again worked from June 10th to June 28th and cashed out again and now waiting for my second payment. I will post it here as soon as I get it.

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    suny joined the group Group logo of Proof of PaymentProof of Payment 8 years, 2 months ago

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    suny replied to the topic Anybody on Elite Writers? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

    @Grecy Garcia I have published 14 posts so far in that site. All my posts contain 200-250 words and I must say the site is slow earner because the number of members is low. If we have more members and supporting each other the site can earn better for you. The success depends on how many times you share your posts in social media. I am doing that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Who thought about these characters? 8 years, 2 months ago

    This is not that only children find interesting when they watch such characters on cartoon channels but even the adults like us find them as interesting as some other genres as horror, suspense thrillers, love and […]

    • I like these characters but my childhood favorites were Spiderman and He-Man.
      I would also like to know how these two characters were imagined by their creators!

    • These characters are famous among the children and young but old men do not know about these characters because their troubles are more than these characters. If a man is hungry these characters cannot feed the empty stomach.

      Always read the good books tat teach you something for your future. The second golden age of animation is well under way, with Aardman, Miyazaki, Disney Pixar and DreamWorks rolling out rather good stories on a fairly regular basis.

      But which characters of the stop-motion, CG or hand-drawn world really make the grade? Which existing characters made the leap from short form to full-length feature with their dignity intact? How do the newcomers really compare to old hands of earlier eras

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    naruto100 wrote a new post, Things to consider before purchasing a smart phone 8 years, 2 months ago

    These days’ many people love to buy new smart phones on regular basis. I know I can’t say the same thing for everyone, but yes I know many people who love to change their phone frequently. And honestly I am als […]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Transfer of Coins to Test1 in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

    @nakitakona13 you did everything right but don’t be disappointed if you do not see your payment on 10th of July but 10th of August. As per the rules whatever you redeem in the current month is paid on 10th of next month. So it is better to redeem as late as possible and let it grow.

    You get paid on 10th of next month for your redemption. You can…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic What are you grateful for today? in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years, 2 months ago

    @Sandhya Rani so you are grateful for cold or cough or able to write articles? I hope you won’t mind telling me the fact in your comment. Thank you.

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    suny voted up to the topic Can I Make a Cash-out? by nakitakona13 8 years, 2 months ago

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    suny voted up to a reply by Shavkat in the topic What are the advantages of going to places that are not too touristy? 8 years, 2 months ago

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    suny wrote a new post, Bollywood movie – Sultan (review) 8 years, 2 months ago

    Sultan or Salman Khan – Review
    In India, Friday is the fixed day for new movies but Salman Khan starer Sultan was released yesterday as a special case as Ramzan Id/Eid-ul-Fitar one of the most celebrated […]

    • Quite detailed and comprehensive.

    • Personally salman khan happens to be one of my favorite bollywood actors but this movie was not his forte. I really enjoyed him in the movie veer.

    • he is super good in his movies, but this one was average one, hope he and akshay kumar also will be picking better stories and add to it, i used to laugh alot watching salman khan and akshay kumar, their movies lately is not so super like their old movies. let us hope scrip writer will improve and write nicer movie

    • I like Salman Khan but my husband likes Anushka Sharma. He’d be upset if he heard somebody say her performance was not up to speed. 🙂 But the truth is the truth! Sometimes supporting actors and actresses don’t measure up to their leading man (or leading woman). It happens!

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Are you careless? 8 years, 2 months ago

    Most of you might laugh and probably your answer would be in negative. But you should think twice and look at the facts that people with careless nature are considered more successful. That’s right, according to A […]

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    suny replied to the topic Clashes in the family in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 2 months ago

    I have yet to find someone in that category in my household but if I ever did I will get rid of them right away because I am not the one that tolerates a trouble monger around my household or workplace.

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    naruto100 wrote a new post, Different launchers for your android phone 8 years, 2 months ago

    Android smart phones are very famous because of their customization options. You can do lots of customization on your phone as you like. But do you know you can have even more options if you will install third […]

    • Wow! This post increased my awareness on these features.

    • Wow! This is excellent, I love to switch my own to all these launchers and have a try. They all look very fantastic!

      I just realized there are so many types to choose from, sure will share it out with the friends outside.

    • Wow! This is awesome, I don’t even that these launchers can my phone look more majestic.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Rural Population and agricultural produce 8 years, 2 months ago

    Global Scenario in Agricultural sector
    Sounds strange but according to United Nation’s social and economic sources the pattern of habitation is changing at very brisk rate especially during the last 20 years or s […]

    • Ploughing the field is considered to be a menial job. Kids are sent to school so that they get jobs in offices. There is no one to work in the fields. Indeed a sad state of affairs.

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    suny voted up to a reply by peachpurple in the topic How to prevent stray cats from pooping in my garden? 8 years, 2 months ago

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    suny replied to the topic How to prevent stray cats from pooping in my garden? in the forum Group logo of Cats & Dogs LoversCats & Dogs Lovers 8 years, 2 months ago

    @Sandhya Rani your suggestion will keep dogs out of @peachpurple garden but how about cats that is causing problem in her garden.

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    suny joined the group Group logo of Cats & Dogs LoversCats & Dogs Lovers 8 years, 2 months ago

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    suny replied to the topic what was the 1st amount you had earned online? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 2 months ago

    MY first two payments came the same day in 2008 in the month of November one from Triond and another from MyLot. Both these sites I had joined the same day and had the same Payday every month 8th or 9th.  My payment from Triond was $ 14. something and 10+ from Mylot.

    Before that I was working for only Indian sites with no  regular payment but g…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Out of European Union: Now what? – UK 8 years, 2 months ago

    So what now after Brexit, what will happen now? What will be the future of Britain after Britain has opted out of European Union? Now that Britain has come out of European Union the citizens of member countries […]

    • What I’m most interested in is the potential for independence votes for both Scotland and Northern Ireland, now that Britain has voted to leave the EU. Most Scots seem to regret having voted against independence in last year’s referendum, but with them now voting to remain in the EU they may be looking at a second chance to say yes to independence from the UK.

      As for Ireland, it would be wonderful to see the whole country reunited and finally free of British rule. I do hope that the citizens will push for a referendum of their own.

      We shall see what becomes of the British Isles as a result of Brexit. I think it can only be interesting, despite the fact that it will likely hurt a lot of people before the dust is settled.

    • For some, this decision is going to affect them terribly but for ireland I am kind of glad that they could be free from the british. I do not know a whole lot about the independence of the UK but I think it is important for each country to make the best decisions for their people. As for the USA it would be nice to have a leader as such, to make such drastic changes for our people but 100 presidents later we have not done much changing. If they think that was the best decision for their families and the community then great I support it, but people are gonna suffer for a while after this settles and I hope they can bounce back up from this as a country.

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    naruto100 wrote a new post, Best ways to get traffic for your site 8 years, 2 months ago

    There are different ways to get traffic on our sites. Some are paid ways and some are free. Not all people are comfortable or want to spend money for this thing. So they need to relay on other options without […]

    • In this post I’m going to show you how to get more traffic to your website using a simple 4-step formula.

      You’ll also see real life examples of how I used this formula to take Backlinko to 119k unique visitors per month.

      Let’s dive right in…

      Unless you describe your target customers as “influential bloggers and journalists”, your target audience isn’t going to share your content.

      And if they don’t share your content, you’re not going to increase traffic to your website.

      There’s a simple reason for that:

      Your target customers don’t run websites in your niche!

      For example:

      The content on my old nutrition site was aimed at people looking to lose weight.

      My target audience? They loved it.

      Unfortunately, the influencers in my niche — like health and fitness bloggers — thought my content was way too basic and “rapid fire”.

      These influential people share in-depth articles.

      That’s one of the reasons Steve Kamb at NerdFitness succeeded where I failed.

      His in-depth, 3,000-word blog posts…

      After you know exactly who the influencers in your space are, it’s time to figure out what they care about.

      Because once you understand which topics push their buttons, you can create content that appeals to them.


      A few years ago I created an infographic for a client in the investing niche.

      Even though that niche is far from “interesting”, our infographic went viral. We’re talking thousands of targeted visits in the first two days.

      In my experience, content largely succeeds or fails based on one factor:

      Whether or not the content has Share Triggers.

      What are Share Triggers?

      They’re scientifically-backed psychological principles that — when embedded in your content — encourage people to share and link.

      Also, Share Triggers give your content that “WOW!” factor that turns cold traffic into leads and customers.

      A lot of these principles were first discovered by behavioral scientists like Dr. Jonah Berger, Dr. Katherine Milkman and Jure Leskovec.

      Right now, I want you to do one thing:

      Get started with this process.

      Specifically, I want you to leave a comment that describes the influencers in your niche…and the topics they tend to talk about and share.

      As you just learned, this is the first step to increasing traffic.

      For example:

      If you sell supplements for athletes, your comment might look like:

      Influencers: Fitness blogs and journalists that cover nutrition research.

      So leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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