I was once bullied in school, I was Grade 4.What I did I stoned my classmate and it hit his head. His eyes was so nearer the target.I was not punished by my teacher for I told her I was bullied by a young classmate. We were both too young.
Standing up is something we all should do and of course violence shouldn’t be encouraged but there comes a time when one will have to find the most effective ways to stop bullying. No one should have to be fearful because someone chooses to pick others. Bullying has left emotional scars for victims and it can be prevention and although not all th etime but something can be done.
It’s good that you mentioned the different types of bullies. Not all are the same. It’s very true that sometimes the bully acts out of fear or jealousy – and sometimes that bully was or is also bullied!
I have encountered a number of bullies who are people in a position of authority – often a teacher or school administrator, or some other person whose job it should be to fight bullying. It can also be a lawyer, judge, or police officer. In these cases, most especially, it’s important to seek out help and to take a stand against abuse.
You’re so right. Bullies can come in many forms and it’s unfortunate that more isn’t being done about bullying. The school system has an anti bullying forum and laws set in place but they’re not always enforced. Yes. Sometimes people in authority become bullies. Some people are undercover bullies. They’ll bully in ways where it isn’t noticed ubnless one looks closely. I hope you have a blessed day!
Standing up to your bully is always the first step, let them know that you are not going to accept their behavior. Then find the nearest adult or your parents and tell them what is going on, never keep it a secret because if it gets worse then police may be necessary to involve. We have to understand bullies they are very insecure and non happy people so they try to pick on or bring down other people just to make themselves feel better. Not only should they be confronted by an adult but they could also need counselling so they can feel better about their self and not try to bully anyone else.
Bullies can create a lot of problems for someone and others but there has to come a time when people stand up and make efforts to at least lower the bullying rates. Bullying happens often in schools and a lot of the times school officials will turn away so that they want have to deal with the issues. They’re more afraid of the bullies then the victims. Bullies can become quite aggressive and if something isn’t done about bullying then we’ll continue to see a decline within our society.
Bullying is prevalent in schools. Many young students committed a suicide because they cannot take the case of their upsetting mood.It should be emphasized in the classroom to stop bullying or else to suffer the penalty.
@Tanikka Paulk
All those inventions that we enjoy today are the result of what you have so clearly explained here and that is to follow one’s ambition no matter hurdles one may come across. There will be many hurdles both our own and those of others but surmounting all those is the secret of reaching our goals.
While reading your post, I have to admit that I am at a loss. I have gone nowhere. It is because I don’t know and couldn’t understand what purpose you are talking about.In short, it is too general. It is too vague. It is ambiguous so to speak.
A purpose is a generic term for something to accomplish, something to attain to, something to get, something to satisfy, something to complete in a certain period of time. In writing, (sorry this is unsolicited advice) your title may not be necessary a specific for things to do for it would only be narrowed down in the content. What I mean here is that you should define what purpose is it all about.
For example, you study hard for the purpose of passing the exams. You write online for the purpose of earning a penny. You go to the mall for the purpose of buying your foods and other personal needs. In short, your purpose should a definite direction and it is properly planned as to how it is to be accomplished.
Well, don’t worry. This is only for the sake of discussion.
Powerful Forum, Destiny is definitely the ultimate director of our lives!!
The approval of mankind isn’t what dictates ones purpose. It’s what God has designed and it’s up to each person that wants to fulfill their purpose to walk the path. What others think or say can’t detour a “purpose.” Although some may try to stop someone’s destiny if the person or persons refuse to lose “hope” then they’ll be alright. If one believes in themselves then they’ll be able to achieve their dreams. Have a great evening.
Human life rests on aim and objects of human beings and these aims are destined by human characters that is why we see different types of men and women on earth because their characters are different than others is the main difference.
Have you ever asked yourself why you get out of bed in the morning? How about what people will say about you at your funeral? A primary aim in life gives you a reason and answer to these questions If you’ve never thought about this or written down, I’ll give you some reasons why you should.
Live with purpose and passion every day
Live for Jesus Christ and the glory of God
Help others in pursuit of number 1 and 2
Be a great husband, father, provider and leader of my family
Foster meaningful relationships with friends and family
Be a wildly successful entrepreneur and businessman
Be healthy, active, fit and take care of my body
Be the most encouraging and uplifting person I know
Always be learning, never give up, and give my absolute best
Live with financial freedom, and be content with that I have
The Okinowans call this concept “ikigai,” which roughly translates as “that which makes life most worth living”. In Costa Rica, it’s your “plan de vida” or life plan. Whatever term used, it’s worth taking time to conciously think about what matters most in your life. And hopefully–write it down.
@jenny Heart
I have only heard of homes for seniors but this concept is a sure winner. With limited infrastructure living on one’s own is not easy and in a setup such as this. one only needs to pay and everything is taken care of.
I would not mind setting up such a home here in India. I will suggest it to some builders who might go for this concept -
is this an old folks home?
It looks peaceful and serene.
A great place to relax and enjoy peace but one would be lonely without family membersHow much does one have to pay for the monthly fees?
Peach purple it is a home for many different age groups. Residents get to visit especially on weekends after they have been there one month.Most weekends she come to see us. Residents get to participate in many activities as well as go to a workshop.
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