• Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Losing and wining: part of our life 7 years, 5 months ago

    I have faced so many problems during my long career and finally reached to the conclusion that every moment of life good or bad has its own importance. Every experience of life teaches us a new lesson that […]

    • It’s the way we handle problems that can make us winners in life.

      I am a person who would do all I can first by myself in solving a problem. But when I know I have to ask the help of my husband or family, I do it even if it means it would humiliate me.

      Why would I pretend I am fine when I am not. I won’t die of shame, but I would die of heart attack if I keep my problem to myself which I know I can’t handle anymore.

      It’s a losing part of our life when we ask help , but it’s also a winning one, because we won over the problem, with the help of our love ones.

    • If one only win but never lose then one would not appreciate the win but would disregard one’s win to be a normal thing and this is a bad thing because if one day, all of a sudden one faces loss then one couldn’t accept that loss and immediately give up.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic ATTENTION: You May Now Send Your Blogs To Skyrock, I Have Found It Here In LB in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @Michelle , hehehe to get viewers of your blogs in such away you can have better income.There are so many writers there from different sites like Reddit , Stumble, Tumbler , Vimeo and other personal webs who may happen to like your blogs and enter the site Literacy Base to read your blogs and like them, and comment. It is so enjoyable meeting…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, We should have alternative energy sources 7 years, 5 months ago

    Almost every country of the entire world is in search of finding ways to generate as much electricity as it can adapt all the possible methods even if some of them are obviously harmful for the future of mankind. […]

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    suny wrote a new post, I am afraid Facebook is fading out 7 years, 5 months ago

    I maybe wrong but what I feel is that Facebook is going down the hill, after all who wants to be there for nothing while the owners are earning billions. I don’t see most of my friends posting as there were d […]

    • I think less are posting on Facebook due to scammers who tend to phising for personal information on those who post about it. And sometimes it feels like a waste of time; just go there to check messages from friends and relatives.

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    suny joined the group Group logo of Courtship and MarriageCourtship and Marriage 7 years, 5 months ago

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    suny wrote a new post, I refuse to accept such a baseless report   7 years, 5 months ago

    India is on top of “The World Press Freedom Index at 133 rank” which is not acceptable to me. I am generally an optimistic person with a firm trust in everything that motivates us for a brighter future but wha […]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX started the topic Movie : Strange Days (1995) in the forum Group logo of MoviesMovies 7 years, 5 months ago

    “Strange Days” is not a recent movie. It was released 1995. Nevertheless if you are a fan of either Angela Bassett or Ralph Fiennes or both, this film might interest you.


    PLOT?  Some sort of #technology was invented that gets into a person’s brain, addicts them, and kills them. Angela Bassett stars as a law enforcement officer. Ralph Fien…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Do you like Horror Films? in the forum Group logo of MoviesMovies 7 years, 5 months ago

    Horror movies are definitely not for me! Are you kidding? The werewolf and Frankenstein used to scare me. Spooky sci-fi TV shows like “The Outer Limits” used to frighten me. Sorry. Had an overactive imagination and when my head hit the pillow to go to sleep, it was the beginning of nightmares.


    cross-1010748_960_720That was as an impressionable child. When I bec…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic ATTENTION: You May Now Send Your Blogs To Skyrock, I Have Found It Here In LB in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    Hey guys? I finally found Skyrock in Literacy Base after I click the other sites awhile ago when I shared my blogs to the usual sites like Facebook, Twitter, G-Blogger, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more and then I tried to click, there goes …SKY ROCK is rocking like heaven, bus sad, when I clicked my old account in Blogjob, it said it did not exist…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Some Superstitious Beliefs In Philippines That Seem Like Funny And Crazy 7 years, 5 months ago

    Superstition has become part of a country’s tradition and culture. Superstition is always a ride on to whatever activities done and the feeling is like having accomplished a task that promotes safety and a […]

    • Superstition varies country to country.I think even a superior country like America people also have superstition. Superstition dwells to man because others had met something bad as coincidence to the belief, that is why it may not fade as years go by.In the country of my birth, there are so many superstitious beliefs that mostly guide people to do right acts, but in reverse to the real world for they do not follow like excuse me. They are afraid of the none existent rather than to those humans alive and existing.If a person says excuse me to a fictitious existence of a bad spirit why can’t others say excuse me to the living humans? Maybe they are not afraid, they are only afraid to those having imaginative powers.

    • As time goes on, new generations do not believe or practice those superstitious beliefs. But in some areas, there are still a lot of it. Sometimes I observe it sometimes not. It is interesting to know they have the same one in New Zealand!

    • My 4 sister and I grew up not believing any of the superstitious beliefs. My father being a lawyer then would always refute any belief that we would say is being believed by old people.

      My mother would believe some but as always would be told by my father that they have no scientific basis.

      So far, we all grew up well, even if we didn’t believe any of the superstitious beliefs.

    • @Dina, that is always how life goes when our father is a lawyer. My father was a retired military official and was always assigned in remote and weird places even entered a cave to rest with his men and nothing had been observed. Superstition is just a matter of thinking because a person believes in it and afraid of it though in reality there is no negative effect in their lives. Somehow we cannot also believe those believers for they lack education and orientation and strong beliefs of God, Those who are close to God as being religious are not easily be affected with their surrounding for God is their instrument against all evils and odd .

    • Superstition continues to exists as long as there are believers and culture correlates with it. Well anyway, this is better than committing a crime. This kind brings people in unison and bond.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Unforgettable moments in Goa and Evening at Mandovi 7 years, 5 months ago

    The Bhagwan Mahaveer Sanctuary also known as Mollem National Park is one of the most thickly grown forests of India and if I believe what the local guards said about the place that some of the areas of the forest […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Goa- one of the best places along the Arabian  7 years, 5 months ago

    It was during my posting in Belgaum I got the chance to visit Goa, one of the best places along the Arabian Ocean spread in a large area in our country right from Gujarat to Kerala.

    I met a young man named Khan […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Beaches, birds and famous places in Goa 7 years, 5 months ago

    When I read something about Goa it takes me back to the time when I used to spend all my weekends in that lovely land of beautiful beaches and friendly people. I wanted to use few other words about the lively […]

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    suny wrote a new post, My gratitude to Mother Nature 7 years, 5 months ago

    Mother Nature has given us so much that cannot be described in words but feel grateful. For me Gratitude means thankfulness how we count our blessings. But Most of us do not understand the meaning of gratitude and […]

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    suny wrote a new post, We can improve this world 7 years, 5 months ago

    I certainly don’t like people that indulge in arguments and foul mouth without any particular reason. I can say that having to listen to foul mouthed people is definitely not a pleasant experience even if it is c […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Donation of organs- Is it a business? 7 years, 5 months ago

    It’s hard to understand why someone doesn’t want to donate his organs after his death. I wonder what could be a cultural reason behind this. I understand one personally wants to keep his heart or eyes or maybe s […]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, There is no shortcut to be successful 7 years, 5 months ago

    There is a famous saying that there is no shortcut for getting success. But In practical life everyone is in a hurry, everyone wants to achieve his desired goals with or without putting their right efforts in the […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Lack of knowledge or the half truth 7 years, 5 months ago

    As I have repeatedly said that I was never too active on social media in personal capacity but my role was limited to sharing my online work. In most cases I never visited the sites personally but shared my links […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Spend Quality Time With Your Children To Discover Each Other’s Strengths And Weaknesses 7 years, 5 months ago

    No matter how busy are you at work you have to spare some time to be with your children. Please feel their longing for you. Your children need your attention and affection for there is no other in this world who […]

    • I hope children too be respectful to their parents. This time children do not see how their parents work hard for them to have something to eat and pay for the bills plus education this time is so high like a crazy thing that cannot e avoided.Children ought to love their parents for no matter what their love for their children is pure and no single day that they do not think about you and about how you will become successful.You have to pay their kind gestures and love to you.

    • Oh my, grade 6 and he is already taking drugs? Who introduced it to him by the way? The parents didn’t even notice that he was into it?

      Then it means indeed that they don’t have time to bond with him so that’s why they never even noticed it.

      Sad, that the parents keep working so they can give their child a bright future, yet their son has become an addict. And didn’t they notice any furniture or things at home to have been losing and think that it could already be their son selling them?

      Sometimes, the parents only thinks of making themselves rich because they thought that giving their children luxuries is already enough to make them happy. No, it’s not that way.

      We have to give them our time and attention. It’s what makes their hearts swell with happiness and turn to drugs to find momentarily happiness.

    • @Dina, that was so sad by the way for having my nephew a drug addict at a young age. His parents did not notice it but is it that i was able to sense the way their son looks at people seems no bearing, no meaning so dull. We wonder at home why that teacher was able to able to teach for many years in an Ateneo in Cagayan de Oro city. That was a very devastating day learning our nephew was jailed because of an offense that cannot be done bu=y hi should he be in a normal thinking. drugs truly destroys future, he cannot be gird for fear his pusher may just turn in ad tempt him again, plus this time under our new president he is not safe if seen using this bad drug. he will surely be put behind bars.

    • It is so sad to hear about such incidents when young people were hooked into drugs due to circumstances that boil down to parents who lack time for their children. They should know who their children’s friends are; they should monitor him even from afar or not directly meddling in their activities.

      Shaming them in front of classmates is a big no for parents who aimed to discipline them. They should know how to guide their children in a manner that is acceptable and the most effective one.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Have You Reached Your Goal This Time? Month Of April Almost Ends in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @Tracy, I also noticed that you were not around for some weeks.Hoping by May you can surely reach the payout,maybe you were busy in your work. Are you still very active there in ML? I seldom visit there, but hopefully I can reach the payout there done almost 2 months,LOL.

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