Great write up
One true thing to considered in this life is believe in yourself and you will achieve anything you desired. You just have to put some strong determination, perseverance, and passion to be able for you to succeed. Success is long road to travel for those who want to reach its glory. It takes time, to learn, to do the hard work, and failures to encounter, to be the best that you can be that will mold you into a better character. Remember, it is failure, that drives a man to success.
Yes you say right that life management is an art just as you can marriage easily but to run the marriage circle is an art. To become a politician is easy but to run the country is an art. Love is easy but to run with beloved is art.
Most people struggle with balance in their lives and are often stressed when trying to manage all the different areas of life – whether it be your career, business, finances, relationships, health, fitness, family, friends, etc… that’s why it’s imperative to have a system that you can follow so that you can really manage all the areas of your life effectively and make continual progress towards where you want to be.
To manage life you can act upon these five principles as
1. Build downtime into your schedule.
2. Drop activities that sap your time or energy.
3. Rethink your errands.
4. Get moving.
5. Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way.Don’t assume that you need to make big changes to bring more balance to your life. Brooks recommends setting realistic goals, like leaving the office earlier 1 night per week.
“Slowly build more activities into your schedule that are important to you,” he says. “Maybe you can start by spending an hour a week on your hobby of carpentry, or planning a weekend getaway with your spouse once a year.”
I am that person who got angry easily when tired or stress.
For that discussion, I must say it’s wonderful. It reminds me how to manage my anger and stress.
Thumbs up for that great idea.
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