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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @shaloo walia That indeed is bad news. Why have they rejected your blog?

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @alina  We have to participate for this site to survive as this is one of the very few sites that pay. They have many areas where one can post and earn.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @suny  We have to participate for this site to survive. It is a paying site. You can send private message to @support and they will attend to your message.

    Hope you will keep writing.  I am doing my bit.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @kaylar  I have so far posted 249 blogs here and have been paid thrice. The fourth one is ready to be redeemed. If you participate well which is required here for the site to survive you will do well too.

    They delayed approval but these days I find they are prompt. My recent blogs have been approved pretty soon.

    How many blogs have you written so far?

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @shaloo walia I am making a determined effort to write here as I want this site to survive. If we do not participate this site will not last. This is a good site even though they may delay approvals unlike blogjob and blogbourne. I wrote 4 posts here recently and they have all been approved.

    It is in our hands to make this site live.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @cely  The site has not updated and that is the only reason – nothing to do with anyone there being better than the others.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, LiteracyBase is a tried and tested site 8 years, 5 months ago

    I have been on this site since  4 months and see that the site keeps to its commitment and pays its community as promised. 

    Paying is the backbone of a site. Many sites have disappeared without p […]

    • I am a newbie here. I am doing all blog jobs. So if I I feel exhausted I generally take rest instead of an unnecessary comment on anybody. The site as per my observation is good. Aout the payment,I do not know. I observed one thing that for a blog paying 1 cent is somewhat discouraging. People prepare, do research and then only post something. There is a lot of effort involved in posting a blog. The payment may be as per the quality, importance, and quantity of the information in the blog

      There should also be a facility to upload videos. Most of my blogs are having videos. But I am unable to upload a video. As such I am forced to go for other images etc.,

      The site is doing some effort. There is nothing wrong in encouraging a site like literacy base.

    • @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam I am not aware if anyone gets just a cent for a blog. the normally rate is 15 cents and above. Yes. Sometimes they pay less. And as for videos you can post youtube links of your videos.

      It is the tendency of members to leave one site and go where they get more benefit. One should understand that the community keeps the site alive and if we do not contribute the site will go down. Site depends on the comunity and the community depends on the site. Both have to play their role.

    • I have started writing here recently though i have been a member for a long time. I must say, it is one of the better paying sites but Literacy Base should also feature the blogs more prominently on homepage. At the moment, only 5 are shown and if you have set the screen on a larger font, even those are not visible. Otherwise, I am really enjoying writing here.

      Checking out new sites is not a bad idea but Literacy Base is a good site to write on as we can write meaningful articles here which generates good discussions and comments. There are multiple ways of earning and I love the fact that our comments earn us money.

    • Did I read it right? The member who is not satisfied by his participation for lack of interest and quality is likely to be the great enemy of the site. It is too subjective to say that a certain site is “tried and tested” when he or she has not benefited much from the said site. I am not saying this but this is what really happening – once the site delays in paying its users/members and eventually stops. Those who give all the praises in the world would also be the one who condemns and curses the site which once it gives them “bread and butter”.

      No harm or insult to express for this is my personal experience.

      • Agree with you on this. This thing is not only depended on the users. But also for site administrator. And yes if someone will find out better thing then current one then surely they will move towards that next thing. If any site is not on time for paying and not not giving answers to users then users may go away. No one can blame them either.

        If I talk about LB, I like the most thing about them is they are paying on time. It is important to gain trust for sure.

    • @maruto 100 As President Kennedy said let us not see whst the site is doind for us but what we can do for the site. If the community lets the site down that will be the end of the site I know tinycent is aa very tempting site but we should do justice to LB as it is a stable site and it is depending on us for its survival. Have you seen that there are not many Ads on LB?

    • I’m always inspired every time I read this kind of article. Of course the best thing for a writing site is for them to pay us (though I have not yet experience this). But more than that is how we enjoy the site. At least we have an ease here. We can relate to every story being posted.

      • SuperD They always pay but sometimes they delay approval but finally they do approve. We have so many outlets here to interact and by doing that we earn as well.

    • Well said, I haven’t stayed here on this site for long but am trying to keep up. It’s not easy trying to earn here it’s tough but that doesn’t mean that we quit we should keep the traffic flowing to keep the site going. Maybe people are finding it hard to keep up because it takes quite some time before one can reach the minimum payout. I must say if you are not patient it’s hard to stay on this site. Most people want to earn quick money fast.

      • @Anitah Gimase Take myLot for example. Their payment is dismal. Their payout is 5 dollars and it takes eons to reach there and yet no one leaves that site. That site is doing well.

    • When they see greener pastures elsewhere they go there. And that is how an existing site collapses.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Garden Artifacts 8 years, 5 months ago

    If one were to depend  on flowers alone to adorn a garden that would indeed be a tough order. There are times when gardens look bare and that is the time one wished there was something to enliven the garden. A […]

    • Exhibiting something in a grand and beautiful manner is an Art. The artifacts add beauty to the garden and they are also easy to maintain. Therefore, in many gardens, we are seeing artifacts. We are also seeing benches beautifully decorated and designed. But the maintenance aspect should never be neglected. Proper maintenance and cleanliness of the artifacts are very important. AT the same time the visitor should feel responsibility and should make every effort to keep the garden clean and beautiful.

    • Nice first of all I like the lawns in that picture that look really nice. I do agree with you that you don’t need gardens alone to bring out the good of your garden. I like the tips that you have listed above. The lights are a good way of creating a beautiful garden. I have seen many people embracing the idea of having a long in the garden and a small waterfall and that makes the whole place look bright and relaxing.this are some really good ideas when I buy my own house someday I will probably take some of these ideas with me.

    • @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam It is understood if maintenance is missing then there should be no garden at all.

    • Most gardeners will make time to take care of those artifacts.

      • Yes. Nowadays people are taking interest in the maintenance of Gardens which was not so earlier. There is a change in the outlook of the people also. This is what we may call development at the roots. This is adding to the economy of Artifacts manufacturers and other Artists. These people were totally devoid of their share in the development. Now they are getting some work to make a decent life.

        Last week I was going on my bike and happened to see some flower pots which was very richly decorated giving a painting work . I immediately purchased two flower pots. They occupied the place at the entrance of my house. I used them for my rose plants.

        Another Article I purchased was a wall piece. It was not painted. I purchased it and painted beautiful colors for making it an attractive wall piece.

        Do you purchase Artifacts to decorate you house?

    • Countless idea to make a beautiful garden in the front and back yard of our home.I love gardening and that include the flowering plants, ornamental and even the vegetable that can look so great when done and manage in creative way.

      With your ideas to pick, I think we can always make a beautiful and attractive view of our house. Not to mention the budget because we can always innovate and find ways to make it better even when we have small budget.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Keeping records of medical history 8 years, 5 months ago


    In our lifetime we keep changing doctors. Not that doctors go by what other doctors have diagnosed or recommended but a patient should nevertheless have a folder with their medical history. 

    When a p […]

    • yes. It is right to keep a medical record of the history relating to one’s own health. It may perhaps be not appropriate to find out fault with Doctors alone. The mistake lies with the patient also. He should careful note down the treatment he had along with the date keeping copies of the prescriptions (if the originals are not with you).

      Not all cases of headache will be referred for doctors for examination and tests. He sees the age, conditon, B.P. and sugar etc., of a patients and if he assumes that the headache may be due to any other problem and needs some detailed examination then only he refers for further examinations and call for reports. If the situation calls for a specialist he refers the patient to a specialist.

      Soon after the reports are examined by a Doctor it is for the patient to collect and keep a record of it. In case of necessity he can show these reports to another doctor if he asks for them.

      No doubt, there are instances where the Doctors are doing business with the organs of a Human Body. But the cases are a few in number and we can not apply this illegal activity to the entire professionals in a sweeping manner.

      • @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam I agree with you. Patients have to play a big role. I sometimes see the caretakers talk to the doctors and not the patients.

    • Yes it is good to keep medical records. It helps a lot and what you have said is very true. Nowadays I have come to realize that many doctors are becoming very ignorant of their patients diagnosis. Others don’t even take the time to talk to their patients to know the little details about their medical history thereby giving wrong diagnosis to diseases or illnesses which can be very dangerous and damaging to the patients body. But most doctors nowadays look at the symptoms one has and start giving medication even without knowing if there are allergies that may occur with the medicines that they give out. I feel that doctors don’t adhere to the doctors rule anymore to take people’s lives seriously. And it needs to be addressed

    • Very useful advice. Many people are very careless about their medical records and reports. Nowadays there are many medicines that can cause adverse reactions and also affect other organs so one specialist should always know what the orher doctors have recommended before.

    • Medical malpractice can always be avoided if we keep records of our medical history. Its true that some doctors do not care to know the history of the illness of the patients, all they do is to resort to their own test which don’t ask the history. To avoid that, we patients should tell these doctors that our concerns are our life and let them know it is not a lousy job for them.

    • I very much agree. Keeping your own medical record is appropriate and can help in avoiding a misdiagnosis or affect your own health. I, for one have not noted down all my ailments and their dates which I should have. For example, I vaguely remember that I had my tubal ligation if I remember well at age 24 but I cannot swear to it. The hospital, of course has kept that record but even in this day and age, it is hard to get hospital to coordinate their records for the same patient. But I will, from now on, jot down all my ailments in a diary type folder to be later presented to a doctor if need be.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Free software on youtube to create slideshows 8 years, 5 months ago

    There are several free this and free that softwares on youtube, but I recently discovered that they also have a free software to create slideshows using our images.

    I went for it. I first looked at slideshows […]

    • Looking good. I have seen some software using which we can do almost similar thing. But I have never tried it for youtube for sure. Is it like we can make such slide show directly using youtube without any software? I mean integrated software on youtube itself. If yes then it is really unique feature for sure. Never tried it out though, but will check it out. Thanks.

    • @naruto 100 You must have a youtube account and once you do that you will find their slideshow software there.You just have to click on upload and choose that feature. You do not have to download anything

      • That’s interesting. I have youtube account, but mostly I use it for watching music videos and problem solutions regarding videos. I never seen my account settings and features deeply. I will check it out this option of uploading photos and making videos. Its good that for that we don’t even need any kind of software. This is interesting feature if we want to make some video using our photos. Will try it.

        • @naruto 100 You cannot create a video but you can create a slideshow. You can however upload your videos from your camera.

          There is a free software for creating videos. The software is free upto a video of 5 minutes. That software you have to download and then use.

          • Well, I am bit confused here. I thought those slide show will ended by saving in video format. Because youtube is video streaming site. So I thought they may be saving those slide shows in video format like many software I know that are doing it. Well, I will check it out for more information. Thanks for commenting back, I appreciate it. I love to know this kind of new information regarding technology.

    • lots of things to do and that software will really help us in our photos to make a good movie. But I am not really into this kind of stuff, I am just a viewer and just giving some views to the maker.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @shaloo walia  I am seeing such lethargy even in TinyCent . When you open your profile even there you see popular blogs outdaed.  What’s with sites I say  😀

    Having said that could it be that they need to work on knowing who is active, which sites are popular and such?  Just saying.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @nakitakona13  There must be a reason for the site to display such statistics and therefore they should be correct. What we see here is wrong.


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    bestwriter wrote a new post, When it’s party time 8 years, 5 months ago

    I love parties and most of all like  to organise them. I have organised parties for office, neighbours and family for different occasions.  Event management is great fun.
    We all look forward to parties  wh […]

    • Party times are great times. Games also liven up parties. What with funfare and feeling good. Food is also great.

      Birthday parties are the ones I like best. The eating of the birthday cake after blowing candles and the happy birthday song is the best.

      What I do not like in parties is ending late,the clean up and hangover. At times we become sick due to overeating.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, A birdbath in your garden 8 years, 5 months ago


    Birds need water to drink and to frolic around. In cities one hardly finds a resource where these birds can have that facility. 

    Garden lovers therefore can have a thought for birds and install a b […]

    • I don’t own my home or live in a house but have seen residences with a bird bath or a bird bath. They are wonderful! The closest I come to enjoying birds is sprinkling some bread crumbs on the ground and waiting at a distance to see if they come to the feast! 🙂

      • If you have a camera with a zoom feature then you can click when they arrive. YOu will then be able to see them more clearly. I use the zoom feature because they will not stay if I come close to them.

    • Yes, birds bath at home is must because they bath like us everyday or as they like and I think it is most important for all of us to create birds bath at homes and gardens.

      I believe that a birdbath is one of the best additions you can make to the garden, for a number of reasons. But before I go into those, hear me roar: Get rid of your birdfeeder!

      That’s right. Get rid of your birdfeeder and instead strive to make your whole garden a natural birdfeeder, with the food-rich habitat that birds will seek out on their own; just add water. Sure, birdfeeders attract lots of interesting birds, but at what price? Birdfeeders also attract squirrels, raccoons, and, in my town, bears. Who needs that?

      Certainly not the birds. Keeping a birdfeeder stocked with seeds for birds to squabble over reminds me of how too much of America eats: with fast food so cheap and so universally accessible that people sit around, and worse, drive around, eating junk food as a pastime, with frightening results. Do you really want to do that to birds?

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The colourful Bougainvillea 8 years, 5 months ago

    A garden needs perennials so that there is colour throughout the year.Choosing the right perennials will ensure that. Perennials have their seasons too.
    Bougainvillea are perennial.  Not many  would opt for f […]

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Does Anyone Got Any Payment from Blogbourne?!? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    I stopped writing there the minute my title was changed that looked so ridiculous after it was changed.  I deleted all posts but forgot to save them  🙁




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    bestwriter replied to the topic Lost the urge to write in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    It happened to me some time back and I did write what you have written here. My posts got approved. There are 2 now which are awaiting approval.

    I will continue to write here as this is a tried and tested site.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, There is Joy in Reaching Out 8 years, 5 months ago

    Blessed are those who get joy when reaching out. 

    Reaching out does not mean that one should dole out huge sums of money. There are many other ways. Ways that we come across in our day to day […]

    • Reaching out is something that anyone would do if they wanted to. It’s just that there ar3 people who think that money is everything but it’s not. I particularly disagree with the people who always think that needy people just need money to survive, but the truth is that all that need sometimes is just to have someone to hug them or hold their hand, and that’s it. Others usually just want that company to feel like they belong, but we sometimes are so full of ourselves that we don’t notice this little things. Time is very important just taking the time to be with someone and do something with them is better than sending dozens of gifts or loads of money, all that will someday get finished, but the friendship that is born between two people in a few minutes can last a lifetime and that’s all that counts.

    • Beautifully written. I agree 100% with everything you have said here. If a person does a good deed with expectation of return he is not doing a good deed but business and there are so many ways to be kind and bring a difference in lives of other people.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Secret behind high views at tinycent in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @naruto 100 I have reached payout a long time ago but I am in no hurry to redeem it.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic what is wrong with humanatic? in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    I was there a long time ago. But they deleted my account after I argued about their lack of transparency.

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