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    samia wrote a new post, Do you also use fitness band? 8 years ago

    It is only been one week.

    I finally bit bullet and put on my fitness band exactly seven days ago. Has it drastically changed my life? Will I never be able to function without tracker from now on?

    Am I constantly […]

    • Good afternoon, samia that is so nice, i hear nothing about this band it seems nice and works well for you and that is great, as for me just like to do some running and walk with friends the fast walk, taht works well for me without spending more money, but hope all work well for you sister

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    samia wrote a new post, Is it good to share someone’s personal picture? 8 years ago

    This morning, as I woke up and i checked my phone,family group on WhatsApp had message with a picture.

    And t said can u identify this famous cine star cum politician..?

    He is bollywood actor Vinod Khanna.

    And […]

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    samia posted a new activity comment 8 years ago

    In reply to: Radhika posted an update जिस तरह से बैंक रोज नये-नये चार्ज लगा रहे हैं, वह दिन दूर नहीं… . . . जब आप अपने बैंक के सामने से निकलेंगे और आपका फेस CCTV में आ गया तो आपके खाते से ₹101 मुंह दिखाई के काट लिए जाएंगे! View

    Can we write article in hindi also?

  • Profile picture of Radhika

    Radhika and Profile picture of samiasamia are now friends 8 years ago

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    samia wrote a new post, Have you ever think about about farmer? 8 years ago

    An Agriculture is as much important, if not more, as the industry in country.

    So here lies the importance of our farmer. An Indian fanner is backbone of the society. His importance in economy of the country can […]

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    samia wrote a new post, I want to be a good citizen 8 years ago

    We are all the citizens of one country or the other. And We acquire citizenship of our country generally by virtue of our birth. And But to be a good citizen requires lot of training and understanding.

    Good […]

    • how nic eto do that and be good person to the world, but that is dream people are becoming worse and worse and that is really not good prediction of the future, if we find it hard to live with those people as they are alot, what in the future will hapne, what is lie about or means if there is no good people in it

    • Awesome thinking, not a lot of people thik like that, its stars with one any way, and if you and me do that then all be fine

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    samia commented on the post, Tubelight; Salman khan and Shahrukh new movie 8 years ago

    In reply to: mangoh wrote a new post, Tubelight; Salman khan and Shahrukh new movie do you liek it if your two big heroes act together? it would be so nice, is not taht true gals and guys? in the news you will get to knwo […] View

    It’s really a good news that both super star of bollywood salman khan and Shah Rukh Khan are doing a movie together.In the past they have done Karan arjun,hum tumhare hai salam and kuch kuch hota hai.
    There were rumour also they will do a movie under Dharma production but unfortunately nothing happend.

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    samia wrote a new post, If these movie had different ending. 8 years ago

    We know there are many Hindi movies which were very successful at box office and much loved by the audiences. Despite being recipient of several awards, these movies leave us pondering how would it have been had […]

    • I like happy endings. That is why, when one recommends me a movie, I ask if it has a happy ending. If it has, then I will watch it.

      Even for books, I would read the synopsis first. Then I would read the ending. If the protagonist lives, I will surely read it.

      I am a sucker for feel good movies as well as books. AT least gives me an inspiration to live with hope that everything , in the end will be alright. 🙂

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    samia wrote a new post, Bahubali is going to release soon 8 years ago

    Bahubali is to going to release very soon and this can be huge movie of Indian film history on box Office as per the prediction of the collection of movie. Bahubali the conclusion movie is second part of Bahubali […]

    • I’ve never heard of this film, but that isn’t a surprise as I don’t think I know any Indian films but I have been told there are some very good ones. I should broaden my horizons x

    • Is it new story and new news and I like to hear new movies stories or reviws, but this movie did not hear about it, kindly tell us more information about it, thanks

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    samia wrote a new post, How many hours do you use mobile phones? 8 years ago

    Whether it is office, or hospital, shopping mall, or roads or just the home,and what is one thing that always accompanies us? And it is Our mobile phone!And the mobile phones are everywhere and with […]

    • It is true, mobile phones, especially smartphones has becoming a necessity these days. You can write, read, or play games on it. It has so many uses.

    • so right and true that they control our lives now, it is really nice and good. why? technology helped in lots of theings to make life faster, like ordering food online and like finishing the work faster and travelling faster and many things, but also it is addiction many having eyes diseases and issues due t he enternt, they pay now for the internet

    • I spend lots of time, I like my mobile really a lot

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    samia wrote a new post, Which pet dog you have? 8 years ago

    We keep pets for pleasure.And Some people keep dogs as pets.And Others keep birds, pigeon or rabbits as pets.

    Pets are the like our family members. They are carefully fed. And Pet owners always protect their pets […]

    • Doesn’t he have some digestive problems because of the kind of food he is eating? We also have a pet dog, a mixed shih-tzu breed and a cat, a feral cat which I adopted.

      I think your pet is a Japanese spitz? It looks like one.

    • I have 2 dogs. One is a female dachshund (also known as the wiener dog) because they have long bodies and short legs. My second dog is a also a female but a mix of some smaller breeds but we don’t know what she is really. She was found on the streets.

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    samia wrote a new post, Aamir Khan the perfect actor 8 years ago

    Aamir Khan is Bollywood superstar with instinct for hit films, such as the Oscar nominated Lagaan from 2001

    Aamir Khan is an Indian bollywood actor, director and the producer who is known to be perfectionist of […]

    • Loyal Aamir Khan fan. Whenever I see a post or article I have to check it out. You started this post off naming the first film I ever saw him in and the moment I became his fan.

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    samia wrote a new post, Do you love ice cream? 8 years ago

    In a summer,weather gets hotter and hotter every day, ice cream becomes favorite of many people. Ice cream can make us feel cool & refreshed; however, not everybody should eat ice cream.

    According to the […]

    • Yes I do like to eat ice cream in the months of summer especially when the weather is too hot. I think it is better one buys the family pack as the same can be had by the whole family. It is advisable elders consume it in a limit as it has fat and sugar as has been mentioned in the article with other details. It can be consumed say once or twice in a month but not on a regular basis. It leads to many health issues which are better avoided. It is better to be safe than to be sorry.

      On the brighter side whenever I taste ice cream I like the vanilla, pista, mango, strawberry, tutti fruity, lemon, orange and many other flavors. I feel it is always better to buy and have an ice cream which has a recent manufacturing date than an older one on which an extra pack is being offered. As nothing comes for free in life. I always try to buy it from quality vendors who go on a tricycle as I feel it is better to provide business to them. As they slog out in the hot sun. Thanks for the share.

    • I like ice cream too, but do not eat it; sometimes just a taste of a bit of it because I am afraid of sugars in it.

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    samia wrote a new post, Have you ever visit to India? 8 years ago

    India is the my motherland country where I took birth. And I love India and have proud of it. And India is a big democratic country which ranks second in population after China.And It has rich and glorious past. […]

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    samia wrote a new post, Long morning walks helps me to lose weight 8 years ago

    Morning walk is good exercise. An early riser can be a regular morning walker.And The benefits of morning walk are manifold.

    In early morning everything looks fresh and fair. And The atmosphere remains pleasant […]

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    samia wrote a new post, Pizza always make me happy. 8 years ago

    Among numerous kinds of food, my favourite is pizza. And It tastes really fabulous. Most kids even adults,and love to eat pizza. And Pizza originated from Italy and was a basic part of the Italian diet. In fact, […]

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    samia wrote a new post, Talk less and work more 8 years ago

    The well known adage that we eat to live, and not to live to eat, and draws sustenance from the biblical truth that man does not live by bread alone but by the word of the god.

    And This is so because when a man […]

    • yes..true
      Our food creates effect on our mind. More healthy and simple food, more healthy mind. Simple life makes things simpler.

    • Great title.
      Yeah.. I think it is a measure between active and positive characters and those who are lazy and passive.

      I do love active pisitive personalities.

    • Go for it brave hearts.. Make money

    • I understand the spiritual meaning of your entire post.I may add, it’s the practical good deeds that we do in applying the words we learn from the words of God. I’s the practical application of Deuteronomy 6:4-9- Love the LORD your God with all heart, soul and mind. The Good News (Gospel) New Testament says also “to love your neighbor as yourself.”

      Faith without action is dead. Christian good deeds is somewhat “walking the talking”. I think that’s what you mean, right?

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    samia wrote a new post, We need to revisit our inner child 8 years ago

    Yesterday I sat on the dining table with my sternest expression and the launched into the my disciplinarian mode, explaining not to be only why things had to be the done but why they had to be to done in a time […]

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    samia wrote a new post, Why new generation don’t want to be get married 8 years ago

    I love you so much, that I am going to get the government involved so that the you can not leave. That is how the younger generation cynically refer to the marriage today.

    AndThe difference in attitude, between […]

    • Nobody wants to get married? That’s not true. People must want to get married! They must because my son-in-law once had a steady photography business doing wedding photos.

      The correct statement is: People don’t want to STAY MARRIED!

      Why? Most of the time the reasoning is selfish. They just didn’t want to fully commit to another person – for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, ’til death do us part. What! Supposed you take 80 years to die and I get bored with you??!!!

      If people didn’t want to get married, why would there be so much debate and discussion about “same-sex marriage”? Never mind. That’s a completely different topic. 🙂

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    9160261306 and Profile picture of samiasamia are now friends 8 years ago

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