• Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Blood Sugar-Buster #7 Alpha Lipoic Acid: The World’s Most Powerful Antioxidant 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is the 7th Blood Sugar –Buster. I already introduced to you Blood Sugar-Busters from # 1 to # 6. I have just posted the 6th blood sugar buster this day. I did not submit in series because I have to do some r […]

    • I am through introducing to you all 7 Blood sugar busters. I hope that you learned many things from my blogs that deal about health. There are so many vegetables God give to us , natural, potential and amazing for they are nature sources that cure even the deadliest sicknesses.I, too the blogger of this learned a lot and will surely eat all the vegetables presented on the 7 sugar blood busters. Despite you are not sick of diabetes , you may avoid it in the future if give your body full protection through the foods written here on my blog.

      I am thankful to Lord for giving me good health all the time.

    • From now on, you have to eat vegetables. If possible, cook your own food.Do not dine outside or dine at fast food chains because their foods are less nutritious.All foods they cook in cooking oil that has no nutritional value at all. Of course, they never think about the welfare of the customers or diners.Their concern is their own pocket, to profit more and become richer and richer,But everything has end and many establishments will rise, and it happens, I hi ope, they would be pro-life business people .

    • Thanks for researching on these healthy foods that regulates blood sugar levels. It is so interesting to note that it included cow’s kidney, heart and brain. Don’t they cause rheumatism due to high uric acid?

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    cely replied to the topic Lipstick Danger and Women' Health in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 9 months ago

    That is true friend excessive use of lipstick can cause something malicious to women’s health. Like me, what I feel every evening when I reached home, painful,lips. There are actually lipstick that are dangerous like lipstick made from China. You will surely get sick if use or buy their lipstick. I bought lipstick made from China when I was…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic My First Goal Here This Month , To Write Blogs More in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Your Seldom, Hi freind? I been looking for you for I haven’t seen you for so long and now I feel happy to know you are back for few minutes. By the way, when I wrote this discussion the revenue here was still so slow.This time, I am happy to tell you that the moderation is instant, meaning once you submit a blog, right away it is approved and…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, If You Have Artritis, These Are Also The Best Beverages For You 7 years, 9 months ago

    Your  body also requires you to drink some liquids that keep you healthy. Despite having arthritis, but this sickness only strikes if take something against that sickness. If you try to drink colas, and strong […]

    • Arthritis is a universal problem.Other cases become severe because of the abuse of foods intake. Eating pork and other red meat trigger the arthritis. If you continue eating these foods, your legs would become thin and never will you be able to walk better again. Since it could be cure this time for there are so many discoveries of foods to ease your sickness, better do not eat those that harm your body causing your arthritis to attack painfully.

    • Athritis is a well known ailment in old age. There are many people who suffer from this ailment and most of them may not know how to deal with it. But it’s good that i have read about it here.
      My mum suffer a from athritis and sometimes she’s in so much pain so the only thing that can rlieve her is her medication. But I have one question you have mentioned that someone should take coffee,and milk. What if the person suffers from ulcers, usually they say you should not take caffeine and too much milk. So how does one balance this. In one side you are asked to drink and on th3 other side you are asked not to take his do you strike a balance so that you are able to heal well. Thanks for sharing.

    • Good article. I like smoothies but prefer the natural fruit kind. Some smoothies are high in calories so you have to do some homework in that department. I heard that rosemary leaves are good for Arthritis. The supplements of Glucosamine and chondroitin are very good for arthritis sufferers, too. I prefer these natural products because they have no side effects but a good rule of thumb is to always check with your doctor. It better to be safe than sorry.

    • My late father had arthritis. He drank a lot of water but it was because he was diabetic. Not sure he realized he was treating two ailments at the same time. Smoothies seem to making everybody healthy these days no matter what their ailment is! Of course, there really is no substitute for “Adam’s ale”. That’s what my parents used call water. 🙂

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, If You Are Sick Of Arthritis, These Are The Best Vegetables For You 7 years, 9 months ago

    This time I see young and old walk in pain and the main culprit to their suffering and pain is arthritis. It seems arthritis is a phenomenon. When I was a kid and onward to my teen years, I never had seen in our […]

    • Arthritis gives shame to the person,Just imagine how a person walks if having arthritis, so pitiful. It seems the person has something , the extreme pain that could not be hidden for it is your joint that is in pain. You cannot almost bear the pain. There are foods that trigger arthritis like shrimps, crabs, chicken , except native chicken. Also too bloody fishes and too acidic foods and liquid like vinegar.

      If having arthritis, try to eat these veggies only to avoid regret.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Blood Sugar-Buster #6: Banaba Leaf, Mother Nature’s Insulin Plant 7 years, 9 months ago

    This time many are having concerned about their insulin. Researchers, doctors and scientists conducted their study about the natural medicine that lowers your insulin.  Insulin regulates the body system, and if […]

    • There is no reason this time why you continue feeling sad and uncertain about your health. There are so numerous studies indicating that there are natural plants in our surroundings that can cure your sickness. I already had posted here many herbs that act as sugar buster in such a way that your life will be longer as your blood gets slower.This banaba alone, it is most described as insulin protection. Just to boil 10 leaves with 2 glasses of water, then lo! and behold, your blood sugar surely gets down. It would surely move down and down and surprisingly, you will feel happy again. Do not think about death due to your blood sugar,there are so many sugar busters that I introduced here basing from my research. Try to read them so you will know which among he 7 sugar busters is best for you, or do all at interval.
      Thank you.

    • This is really good to know, I’ve had a lot of diabetic family members who couldn’t get their blood sugar under control. Knowing that there’s something that can help will improve their quality of life

    • @Amber Backus ,Thanks,at least I can help them through this blog and the reference of this medicine is from a famous doctor in United States Dr. Al Sears.I hope they already had tried to drink this herb to help reduce their sickness.After two months, goodbye diabetes.

    • I also heard about the beneficial effect of banaba leaves on people with high blood sugar. It is a common plant in our country and is easily accessible. Thanks for posting about the banaba plant.

    • Banaba leaves are found in the Philippines. The leaves of banaba are processed that is why in store of your choice, you can find banaba sealed in box. They are processed like the way tea is processed and repacked.There are many herbal plants this time the best remedy and consolation of diabetic persons. There are so many natural resources this time best cure for diabetes.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic What do you expect in this year of the rooster? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @ Anitah Gimase, I never expect something new to the image of the world.It remains chaotic and disorderly. First day of the new year was a tragic beginning so many fatalities in Istanbul and Brazil and even in Philippines. Unless terrorism continues, there will be no total peace in the wold. In Ph, there were 159 prisoners escaped through the help…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic What do you expect in this year of the rooster? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Anitah Gimase, Your visions in 2017 are amazing , yes God would surely give what you ask from Him. You are also right when you said about people’s expectation s every step of a new year new and better life happens. How could it become like that when the scenario is still assuming life has no change at all; unless, fight for it.


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    cely replied to the topic Earn daily for life, $10 sign up gift, no fee to join in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam, Hi Siva? You are such a brilliant man. I salute you the way you write, scholarly.Actually, I applied that site this day, but never come back there. I hate to listen to YouTube to listen to the rhetoric of auction and more. For me time wasting for I am teaching from Monday to saturday. I only have very few hours to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Blood Sugar-Buster #5 Bitter Melon: The Sugar Destroyer Like Exercise In A Capsule 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is not just an ordinary melon. Before this came into knowledge of the doctors, they researched first about the capacity of this bitter melon. By the way have you tasted this bitter melon?  The research team […]

    • When I arrived home from work this evening here, I was so surprised to see my sister cooked bitter melon, Isak her tasted it and I asked what is that you cook? My sister answered me,bitter melon. Ha? I answered here and tasted right it away and Oh, my gosh, it is truly bitter. My sister added egg to it. I told her to try to eat it raw. She laughed aloud for she said, it is too bitter, so it cannot be eaten uncooked. I told her that is the procedure to eat the bitter melon raw. But fortunately, there is none in our family history having high blood sugar. We are so thankful to what we eat everyday in our lives at home and the homes of my siblings who are married and living in each own house.

    • I liked your statements about how people are surprised when they learn about the medicinal value plants and herbs when that’s where a lot of drugs came from. They say Cuba has an awesome healthcare system but a lot of their treatment does not include prescription drugs. Go figure!

    • r@Teathyl FOX, You are right. if they only eat vegetables they will never get sick. I often eat vegetables and I am so thankful to my health superior for I ceased eating pork when I was 17 years old, stop eating chicken in 1998 and stop drinking coke and other colas in 1997.Why I decided to stop eating and drinking all them because I was always sick.Every now and then I was sick of flu, stomach ache, upset nausea, LBM and kidney trouble. I had some black spots on my skin before. After I stop taking them and starting eating different kinds of vegetables, I never got sick again. That is why I research about may kinds of veggies as basis for writing before submitting them for approval. I hope,thanks for sharing your thoughts, very much appreciated.

    • Bitter melon is everywhere so there is no reason why you cannot produce them in your ref to keep for days so that there is something you can bet for your diabetes. If the cause of diabetes is consuming too sugar foods, here comes now too bitter food to contrast the function of sugary food. Diabetes is a world wide problem and those not yet sick pf this better eat bitter melon in advance,lols to get rid off that problem.Out mouth never refuses what the human person feeds,but it is the body that declines when over dosage and entries are fed.

    • Bitter Melon is proven a superb cure for diabetes within 48 hours. What are you waiting for? If you are sick of this better buy this bitter melon, cook it, then have it as your viand. It is so beneficial of men to for it prevents men to getting a prostate cancer.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic God is My Best Friend: Do You? in the forum Group logo of Friends in real lifeFriends in real life 7 years, 9 months ago

    God is also my best freind, true friend, true father and true Savior of my soul. I had no God for 5 years in the past.That was so because I been frustrated of love to a man whose love is fake. I believed on his promises and my love for him  grew day after day,Then one day,I learned that he had  shot gun wedding to the daughter of his boss, a h…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Human Sufferings in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam, You are right. A person must be always positive for when negative thoughts strike there will e many ill feelings that may come to his senses.Those who are always positive never easily get frustrated. There is always remedy to their problems for what they are thinking about is when there is a problem there is a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Earn daily for life, $10 sign up gift, no fee to join in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Anonymous, hi there? Why don’t you declare yourself? Why are you using a name anon? LOL. Thanks for the liking of my posts. I have written short stories about love should you like love stories,lol. Well, that site is also anonymous since I have known its name. Thank you and more power to your so many sites you got involved. Soon, you will have…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Earn daily for life, $10 sign up gift, no fee to join in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    @ Linda Michelle, We are already in this site, yet you are still looking for more. Maybe you are not satisfied here. I dismissed the other sits where I am in and prefer Literacy Base.

    The site has just launched their very awesome platform, that is to immediately approve our blogs. I hope that you earn much better that here. Good luck my dear.

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    cely wrote a new post, 7 Ways To Take Your Passion And Make Money Off It The Right Way, By Blogging About It 7 years, 9 months ago

    My niece has a business like this. She has her website, but she never tells me how she does the process. She just tells me that is her secret. She is very excited daily for according to my niece, she has many […]

    • There were many attempts I had done to create my own web site for a free web creation like Simple Site .com, but after I created my web there, they messaged me to pay them hahahaha, so funny. Before I started it by following some instructions , I saw the very amazing result, but they required me to pay according to payment choices which i did not do for they violated the agreement. Why should I pay when I do not know if that site is genuine or not. That is why until now no website of my own. But my niece paid the web site domain. I am also willing to pay but she never tells me how.

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    cely replied to the topic Human Sufferings in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    It is the person himself that makes his life miserable leading him to suffer at the end of the rainbow.Though there are many sources of ideas why human suffer, but first and foremost, suffering never be felt by someone if that someone is wise enough. One concrete example is love. Though the opposite sex shows no sign of love for you,m still you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Poem for you: What is life without you? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa , wow, joining a beauty contest sounds nice and therefore you are that very beautiful sexy and appealing lady. That is nice to join like that for you have the qualifications. My sister has become the Miss Del Monte Philippines, Incorporated, beauty pageant, no money is involved beauty and brains. My sister won, She was also an…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Business and Career Competitiveness 7 years, 9 months ago

    Competing for some is like food. Some live to compete and when there’s competition in business then things can get out of hand. In any area really but in business and in the career spectrum the competitiveness can […]

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    cely replied to the topic Poem for you: What is life without you? in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa, Thank you Nemzie, I was the literary editor during high school and during my college. I was also hired editor im chief of a local magazine in Cagayan de oro city and its nearby cities. The magazine was names NOVA MAGAZINE.  I was paid per released of a magazine is P10,000. I was the editor of NOVA for three years. The magazine…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Five (5 )Tips For Building Traction In Your Business 7 years, 9 months ago

    If you want to promote your business, you have to build goodwill. This is very important as far as business tracking is concerned. To have a business of your own requires you to make a strategic plan and […]

    • How nice to have my own business.Three yeas ago I applied for a Lotto franchisee , but it was not approved because of many reasons which are too many to mention hehehe.Maybe I am not inclined to business for no matter how I did not prosper to whatever I had dreamed of. To have a business, we need big capital, take risks, face risks and be strong enough to withstand the obstacles along the way for there are harsh customers and changes from the bureau of labor, thus employees may get involve and you the target of their demand especially if they become regular employees.

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