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    cely replied to the topic Why not share your blogs to some affiliated media or net sites? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa,es my dear, that is very true, so all you have to do is share your works to networks affiliated by Literacy so they will know what we are blogging about.Plus, we earn some and that would multiply soon if we are just consistent of our works.

    I am only visiting here every evening and some hours in the day every Sunday and holidays…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Be the first to comment on your blog so others follow in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Nemzie Bayawa, Do it as addendum to your blog. There might be additional info we want to add for others’ sake. Then, why I do it first to comment mine is, I sensed the points are better compared to comment under discussion, unless long paragraphs, you can have better points in dollar.

    My advise to you is when you comment make it longer for it…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Be the first to comment on your blog so others follow in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @ Itre,Hi? yes, I remember you told me you are in Australia as of this time so you do not have the appetite to write blogs hehehe.I write some every day to spend my spare time here and I like to write anything I like to write as long as acceptable by the blog categories of this site. I am also happy to see my income here moving if do some…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Which Option Do You Prefer: Option 1: Sacrifice Now And Enjoy Later Or Option 2: Enjoy Now And Suffer Later? 7 years, 9 months ago

    At your young age now, you will surely laugh at these options. You will never care to decide for all you know is you are young, able, kicking, in  good health and with a very stable job. Yes, you are free to […]

    • So sad, many of the people who have better work failed to protect their income trough some savings.there is no guarantee that during retirement,the body is still strong and healthy. Health declines as we age , so while you are still young do try to save some amount for your old age. It should be to pay yourself first, that is supposed to be done by all of us before everything else because we work hard for the money and money is hard to find this time. There are insurance companies that offer better services during old age. In my case, I already purchased health insurance through Kaiser Philippines and pension plans from SSS which I pay at the maximum. I have from GSIS since I am employed in a government run university as an associate professor. The feeling is better if there is security during old age.

      Thanks for reading guys.

      • Of course , iwould choose option 1. Though , i don’t have to sacrifice , but see to it that i always would save and see to it that i always pay my conributions to SSS if I am privatelty employed and at GSIS if I am with the government. And while savings , i also would enjoy life as it rolls , have some simple comforts and st of all keep myself healthy so i can live to enjoy the pension.

    • That is very good of you having savings for the old age and rainy days. There areso many I knew retired broke, Why, because they sold in advance their retirement pension. So bad that the friend of my friend, has to work hard despite sickly and old. He was so pitiful. He also had a vice that brought him to land below the ground forever because he has no money to go to doctor and buy medicine, his children never care him for they were so mad at their father why sold his pension just for a plan to open up a business which he never had experience. His money to be used as a capital was not spent in the buying of the goods by his own nephew, instead left their place and brought with him 1 million pesos.Too sickening reality…to late to repent.

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    cely wrote a new post, Tell Yourself, Love Begins At Home 7 years, 9 months ago

    If you are parent, always busy at work and no time for your family, that is an outbreak of children’s passive attitude towards the real meaning of love. It would also be great trouble if parents jobless so the s […]

    • A child is more than gold , so those who are married and having children , I believe are the happiest individuals in the world for they are able to have fruits of their love.However, there are some parents whose attention are not solely focused on their children. They just leave their kids to their nanny making the child less mature and mind less developed because the house helpers do not have the genuine feeling for the babies.In fact, there are news about abuses and mal treatment of the house helpers to the kids under their care. That is one reason why some children feel so aloft and insecure. Love at home is a very strong foundation the children will cherish for life.

    • That is so very true . Love really begins at home . If a child sees that her parents are loving to each other , soft spoken , God fearings and reapectful to each other, she would grow up to be one also, even if you didn’t tell her to be . And of course good mannets starts at home too. So at an early age the child shoud be taught how to give respect to elders specially with the use of the “po and opo” .

    • Very true

    • Family is where really love begins.It can make your day happy and bright.Specially when you see your kids laughing and giggling.It can even be your greatest stress reliever.A very good reason to rush home after a very busy office work.Family means everything,And a the most important reason to live.Stay happy always and love your family

    • @Dina, Thanks Din for your nice thoughts about this blog, If all people on earth know the meaning of love, they will surely feel happy and never to fight the laws of the land. This international terrorists for example they never had felt love in their lives, for they n=are not afraid to kill or behead their captives, They do not have conscience to stop them from a gruesome killing. Those who kill are not born criminals, but thy lack attention from their parents and entire family members. Their lives became so shaky that they want belongingness.So, they seek people to accept them and to have someone to be always sympathizing his feelings. Pity are those who do not know how love is felt in the heart.

    • @Newton Munene Kaibiria ,yes, thanks for dropping by to my post, very much like and valued. Our family is our inspiration to survive and they are also our happiness. But ad, there are broken families and children’s dream broken, How nice if both hubby and wifey have cold heads so that they can realize the value of living with children with them so when they grow up, they become truly human,

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    cely wrote a new post, Self-Discipline Is What Most People Lack 7 years, 9 months ago

    Discipline is a must to all individuals. This is so important your life. It is discipline that controls your bad attitude towards everything under the sun. In the absence of discipline, your life will be like a […]

    • Self- discipline is synonymous to self-respect.yes there are times that we forget to respect ourselves. We just but in to a topic we are not part hahaha,Sometimes, we just join an eating spree despite not invitation, to mean a gate crusher.That is part of life we have to avoid to gain some respect from people around us.Just a simple smile and make believe to have smooth and peaceful relationship in an office and in a family. Self-discipline brings us to glory for it is this manner that we gain some praises from people we know.
      There are also those who are happy go lucky persons and never care at all. they just go with the music and they are happy at that despite others despise them.

      Thanks for reading.

    • A person who has discipline will earn respect easily from her peers or his friends.
      Specially, when t comes to discipline in eating healthily , a lt fails and that included me my dear.
      Though, i know that burger isn’t a healthy food , i always crave for it and sometimes gives in to it . he he he
      Though , i compensate by eating fruits when i arrve the house .

    • @Dina, Yes, you are right my friend, if we want to be respected, let us also do actions for people to respect us.There is no problem eating much if you are not high blood hehehe because the more the blood will be triggered by other matters added to their location.That is also true that sometimes we lack discipline in eating despite stomach full we still desire to eat more and that is already beyond the control, thus body expands more hehe.I do not eat burgers. I read about them, bad for the body and creates bad cholesterol. It is advisable to cook our own food for we know well the contents of what we cook. But we lack time hehehe, so eating outside is unavoidable.

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    cely started the topic Why not share your blogs to some affiliated media or net sites? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    It will be nice and wise of you to share your blog to some media sites where you are a member to help others know about the benefits they can get from your blog. I am telling you this because our intention to write is primarily  to have some extra dollars and the next is to let others know about your feeling and thinking about the particular blog…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic Be the first to comment on your blog so others follow in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    It will be better for you to begin commenting on your own blog so others follow,What they do is just to back up your words especially if the blog is too long, no reader sustains to read for many minutes, for in their mind  they better write for their own that reading a so long blog. What can you say?

    You might have noticed my blog. I am the…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Medical Marijuana Best Remedy for Those Sick of Parkinson's Disease in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Shavkat, Our country is so beyond in some natural medicine. There is medical marijuana and best to cure sicknesses.My cousin no longer has asthma after she successively puffed two years ago. She is now in Saipan and never again had her asthma came back to harass her life,lol.

    If only the government agencies in the past do their jobs religiously,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Plant A Tree To Save Yourself 7 years, 9 months ago

    There is a very strong evidence to prove that trees evade torrential flood or shall we say slower the flooding of water caused by strong rain due to storm or even natural rain if continuous, flood follows to […]

    • If there is extra space at the back of your home, try to plant small trees. There are small trees but roots so numerous. You may goggle search those kind of trees so that you can utilize that space by planting few trees to escape from torrential flood. Flood water absorbs, and stocks in the roots delaying its flow to the flat or main land.Do not plant mango tree for it makes your home darker. There are trees that do not reach to a tallest height. You may go to your plant garden and inquire about the tree sapling that does not grow at a higher height.It could also be disgusting to keep sweeping the leaves, but leaves can serve as fertilizer to other plants that bear fruits.

    • If you sense the place where you live has no trees, you may suggest to your local official to have tree planting so that your place will not experience flash flood.It is a deadly flood. No one will be saved in carried away by torrential flood.There should be trees planted along the road and in any street in your locality, there should be trees. There is a place here far from the city, never had experienced flood because that locality is surround with vast forest, You cannot avoid to say wow.It is simply because trees give us oxygen; they provide clean and green ambiance, so nice, so cool and we cannot feel a hot day if live in forested place. How I like too to have our place full of trees.Thanks for reading.

    • That is why for those places with hills that are denuded because of illegal logging also have landslides when it rains non-stop.
      Trees prevent landslides and floods.

    • @dina I totally agree but i see that you forgot to mention something about air quality. After all not only do trees stop floodings and lanslides but they also improve our air quality. By improving our air quality people are able to live longer and healthier. So yes SAVE LIVES by PLANTING TREES.

    • @Dina, Hi freind? How have you been? Don’t you have flood there in Legaspi city? Our skies here are getting darker and harder and soon rain surely falls again, so horrible feeling. I always look up the skies. About your comment in my blog, yes, true that trees prevent flash flood for the roots absorb water coming towards the sea passing the flat land or surface.There are forested areas that suffered landslide because of mining abuses. The soils are eroded thus making a way for a flash flood to get into and make a show down in the nearby flat p;laces, so horror!

    • @Itre , Hi? Thanks for your wonderful and truthful addendum to the post. Yes, trees are like blockbusters for they save lives. The process in itself called photosynthesis help people breath well, but despite this grace if people abuse through polluting, the air the deadly air could make us inhalers of bad air sick, different sickness may affect humans.Human beings must respect the laws of nature for everything humans do to nature go back to them.Thanks for sharing your precious thoughts.

    • Flood is the main topic anywhere in the world and it is a proof of man’s abuses to have what we have now the Climate change. To plant at least one tree a day saves lives.

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    cely wrote a new post, Acura NSX: One Of The Latest Cars In 2017 7 years, 9 months ago

    In countries abroad, owning a car is a necessity. You cannot go to places without a car of your own. It is also very tiring to know to have an appointment with a taxi driver, plus the fare is beyond reasonable […]

    • I have a crush on this car. I hope someday I can buy this car even if it is too late for me to acquire this so nice car. My car is Toyota Corolla model 2013. I bought is in case, it is not second hand. That was cheaper during that year.But Toyota company does bot retain a model.They always manufacture latest design so customers will be attracted, There are so many cars this time causing traffic problem. It becomes congested now in our city and also in other cities in Ph. It should be better for our government to control the number of car purchasers. The roads here cannot anymore carry the numerous cars. There are so many roads created even in the river bridges were constructed almost 10 new bridges constructed crossing the river just to stop traffic problem in our place. In my case, I wake up 4 in the morning so I can escape heavy traffic and in the afternoon, I leave my work place right away. It is so sickening traffic that lasts almost 30 to 2 hours. In other countries where I went, traffic there were all organized Drivers are well- disciplines.That is what many drivers lack, discipline and what many Filipinos lack, discipline.

    • Those who can afford should start buying. Maybe i will oneday use horse or donkey. i will not worry about the beauty and the fuel to buy. These animals used to be means of transport many years ago so while others are running after new, slick metals and plastic wheels i will go back for the 4 legs which does not need artificial fuel to move.
      This metals comes with beauty but within a year they become old vesion.

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    cely wrote a new post, Visual Arts : Painting , Sculpture and Other Related Arts 7 years, 9 months ago

    We all like arts despite no talent but we can still acquire it through practice like painting. In the past , there was no direct medium the artists used , so they rely on organic pigments from trees, fruits, […]

    • I cannot believe that my students could come with this result.At their young minds usually ages 17 and 18m they are already talented, that is why despite we cannot draw and paint m but we could acquire this through constant practice using our imagination.Imagination is very important in the acquisition of talents and skills.

    • Art is surely appreciated by all; non-artist and the artist themselves. Art can come in many ways, like painting, architecture, dancing, and others. As they said, it is an expression of feelings. That is why as you have said, your young students came up with a good output, which is in fact, is really true. I can see in those photos how artistic they are.

    • Youngsters nowadays is said to be discoverers, that is why their knowledge about things like arts are non-limited despite their young age.
      As being observed, young people are more expressive when it comes to art than the old ones. I said it so because old folks commonly follows the early form of art while young ones follows what the trend of art is.

    • That is true, they can discover their potential through the help of their teacher. These students are also the students of my co-teacher in English 54 Arts m, Culture and Literature subject. Young people may only discover their hidden potential in a classroom where there is a chance for them to exhaust their hidden talent in painting. I cannot even believe they can have this kind of output. Thanks Nemzie for sharing your nice thoughts.Happy Easter God Is Risen.

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    cely replied to the topic Medical Marijuana Best Remedy for Those Sick of Parkinson's Disease in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 9 months ago

    Abroad , like United Sates, there are some States there that legalized marijuana. They can buy it over the counter in the pharmacy. There are restrictions to follow to avoid penalty.Their medical doctors there, also prescribed their patient medical marijuana,This medicinal plant has been on series of research and test as to its accuracy of healing…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Goodnews: Message from @Support in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, Yes, you are lucky when you joined here because of the latest platform introduced by the site owner.That was because in the past there were so many spammers here, and others using two names, others submitting plagiarized contents. Yes, their works were published, but the time, they redeemed, they cannot redeem simply because, of course, the…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Stop Animal Cruelty, If Not The World Will Be Your Enemy 7 years, 9 months ago

    What do you think of those animals you always abuse by kicking, and pouring their body with boiling water? Are they not like you that feel afraid and feel the terrible fear? They are like you. They are also […]

    • And thanks to social media that these animal cruelties are exposed. I may not like cuddling those pets but I love looking at them.

      Surely when I see someone treating her pet or any domestic animal cruelly,I would report her/him to the barangay captain.

    • I cannot describe the treatment of other people to their pet and to animals not their pets.The kill dogs despite they see the tears falling from the dog’s eyes.What f they are the one killed.They will surely feel the same way the dog feels when they kill him. love my pets. I have pets when I was a teenager 4 dogs and 2 cats.This time 5 adopted,My sister who hates cats , no longer hate for they see how these cats are dong.Theyjust sleep and eat.They play no harm to people. They are kind and behave, so no reason why hurt them. We are now in good terms of my sister once cruel to cats. I am so happy to know you are so active here,Good luck my friend to your destiny here.

    • It is so heart-breaking to see a pet owner pouring boiling water on her cat! She should be punished for it. Good thing you were there to rescue the cat. You did a very good act.

    • I hate to see people killing a dog to consume the meat, very bad humans. I hope they will be dealt by law accordingly. Dogs are family members why shouldn’t they feel what the animals feel? Animal cruelty is condemned by animal welfare laws and those involved with this crime should pay the crime in jail.

      Just imagine a home without a dog, cat or horse, you will be surrounded with fatal lonelines; whereas, if they are with you, you can speak to thm and express your feelings,They heal your woes.

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    cely wrote a new post, The Bad Side Of Shrimps, Crabs , And Small Fishes 7 years, 9 months ago

    There are so many people who like to eat shrimps, crabs and small fishes. Like me, they are my favorite. I like the taste of shrimps coated with egg, or onions, garlic, and chili, wow I can consume many especially […]

    • I actually seldom eat them my friend because they are all expensive. ha ha ha

      But I also love shrimps specially when it’s made into tempura or cooked in Sprite or cooked with a sweet and spicy sauce. Oh my, I am actually salivating now.

      As t small fishes, I like it cooked like Torta or omelette and dipped in sweet and spicy vinegar.

      But as to getting the toxic mercury, I think ,we only get little of them because we only eat them specially the shrimps , once in a while.

    • Actually, small fishes only contain few metal and mercury that is why when big fishes eat them and accumulate in the fish body and eaten that fish by humans, that is the worst tendency for big fishes contain high metal and mercury. At home, my 5 year old nephew kid has eaten big fish called ‘ malasugue, big fish. I bought 1/ 4 a kilo for I am the only one at home that eats big fish,others not. But the kid lies to try and after eating that fish cooked in deep fry, his skin swells. He was brought to the doctor and doctor said allergy, but told my sister the fish the boy eats has mercury. We were so terrified and from that time on, we all never eat big fishes at home.Better the small fishes, but they are not also advisable to dine by young children.It seems we can no longer find safe foods this time.We better plant our own vegetables for they will surely be natural and organic. than in malls full of toxic pesticides.

    • @Dina, hahaha, actually, they are my favorite and yes, expensive so we only eat them once in awhile,plus I am the only one eating these stuffs. My sisters have arthritis and they are afraid because one time they eat shrimps they cannot walk. They were brought to doctor to be prescribed with medicine, so expensive medicine for 7 days take almost 5,000 and it was my money hehehe. We have to love our family. Family first before others else.

    • Shrimp and crab if eaten everyday will surely disables you. You can eat them but not all the time or not every meal time. Please pity yourself for there are research studies in our university by some researchers that finished their doctorate in the University of Harvard.They had found our that these fishes are having high profile of mercury and metal. The chemical elements once enter the human body can never be destroyed. They will stock to your nerves, in the limbs and the soft tissues, then little by little you experience entry of arthritis to your body. That was the result of the research study of some local experts or researchers.

    • shrimps are super nice and if they cause a disease its fats like obesity or high cholesterol but not diabetes or so, sure you are able to eat it daily but in small amount or small pieces only, other wise your health is bad, i like shripms alot but still eat it only once or twice a month not for any reason but to eat it when we feel we really like to eat it, they are awesome and good for health if eaten in average amount, so shrimps lovers eat eat eat but in average amount so you dont get sick or unhealthy

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    cely replied to the topic Papaya, melon and apple are among best fruits to cure diabetes in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, I researched all that I blogged and discussed here. I have  many doctor friends on line , and  they are foreigners,they are famous doctors in United States. They always send me updates of their research,They usually travel to Africa just to gather data on the best medicine that derived from trees, fruits and vegetables .

    Organic medicine d…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Medical Marijuana Best Remedy for Those Sick of Parkinson's Disease in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, There are many users of medical marijuana in the Philippines, but they are taking it secretly for it is not yet legalized in Philippines or else, PNP Chief Bato will jail them hehehehe. Actually, I saw a YouTube with a doctor curing his patient sick of PD through smoking a very small portion of marijuana.It was in a pipe, then after five…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Aspire To Become Somebody, Not A Nobody 7 years, 9 months ago

    This does not take years for you to become somebody. You can have it in your life during your younger years in school or at home. In school, you can become somebody by showing your potentials to class or to the […]

    • It is not easy to become somebody if you are not sincere of your words and actions. This could happen to everyone’s life if willing by just dong good to others, willing to help others, be kind to others and be resourceful.All these would surely meet the requirements to become somebody, Just show or share the potential you have so others will appreciate you and follow your footsteps m rather than do nothing for the happiness of others and family. Even yourself will be pleased too if make others happy and satisfied with your deeds.

    • Your advice is fine. It’s your post title that bothers me. Everybody is somebody. Nobody should ever be called “nobody”.

    • Treathyl FOX, hahahaha, you are funny , that word is metaphoric which means lack recognition, had not done anything to give aspiration to others. that person lacks the capacity to change the world and so with his own self for he has no skill and never had he.she aspired to acquire such for his / her mind is different.

      Actually I got that line from a bill board kn our city. Every time I drive, I always read some caricatures and announcements in billboards to get a source of my blog title. I am busy in the day teaching Mathematics, Physics and chemistry in the university, so in the evening I have to spend some hours to perform my duty and responsibility to myself to write and submit whet i write here.Thank you my dear for your nice thought on this matter.

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    cely replied to the topic Omega 3 is so essential for human body in the forum Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina,Why is it that not all like fish oil? Fish oil derives from big fishes, and big fishes are rich of metal and mercury .They are chemicals that if taken they no longer be removed from our nerves Their target final stay is our nerves.Big fishes eat small fishes and gradually accumulate much metal and mercury to the body of the bog fishes. It is…[Read more]

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