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    cely joined the group Group logo of Diy home projectsDiy home projects 7 years, 9 months ago

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    cely replied to the topic Where are the chickbook girls now? in the forum Group logo of A look into Nigeria and Boko haramA look into Nigeria and Boko haram 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Edidiong Joseph, They are terrorists so they do not want religion in their lives, in fact, they hate religion and killed many religious places and people.Those kidnapped  girls are made slaves and wives by those ISIS. They do not have love in their hearts so they never pity those victims they beheaded and raped.

    They are devils walking on earth.

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    cely wrote a new post, Global Crises Shake And Panic The World 7 years, 9 months ago

    There are so many multi- national companies shut down because of global crises. Because of that, there were so many employees became jobless. There were also many insurance companies and pre-need companies shut […]

    • Never pray for global crisis….its the most miserable thing that has ever happened to the existence of man kind.

    • A Global crises is not good at all, there’s already many states in united states that had been busting their tales to build the place up and get more jobs. The employment is crazy the world is changing in good and bad but its only going to continue growing bad over the good.

    • Crisis are inevitable in human affairs. It’s a natural phenomenon that has existed with man since creation and as such can not be curbed completely.
      It has reduced the world to an agonizing state, thereby making life difficult for people and governments.

      Global crises has been an issue of great concern globally as it disrupts the political, economic, social, environmental lives of man.
      And the effects of these crisis are enormous but then governments, individuals, orgs.etc., will keep strategizing, creating reforms in order to lighten up these problems and to help dealing with the future ones if not to prevent them but to reduce them.

    • @EdidiongJoseph, Ho? The world had started to suffer and face Global rises 7 or 8 years ago.That time the world was in extreme disaster. Mayne you know the biggest insurance umbrella of all the insurance Comanches in the world the AMERICAN INSURANCE GROUP OF COMPANIES(AIG) I knew AIG because I am also an insurance license broker.The year when many banks shut down, the reason for that was the global crises that affect the business world.

    • @Miranda Hunt, You are right , all great nations in the world are trying hard to save the global crises of the world all face. Gradually all that shake every in fear may be paved by hopes and chances are great for people also help the nation where they belong to restore back progress and development, thus everyone may enjoy life to the fullest again, That is why we have to be thankful to the world for it is technology that lets each nation rise again, and one help the technology introduces that helps the many is this, online jobs hehehe. That is why no matter what, we still strive to have extra income to fight back global crises.Let us thank to our technology and the investors.

    • @Anita, Thanks girl for you nice and appreciative comment to my blog. Every nation had rebuilt the causes of global crises that is within the area of its own concern, though a nation that is not superior must seek alliance to superior countries to avoid extreme hunger its people may experience. Those superior countries are also affected by global crises, but they know much how to make their country the greatest again compared to countries int he third world, can never stand alone. They need assistance from superior countries like United States. This time, there is a promise of sustainability of a country because of technology. Technology truly changes lives, so we are here now experiencing another extra income because of it.Thanks.

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    cely wrote a new post, Poem: Am I That Easy To Forget? 7 years, 9 months ago

    A Poem That Needs Your Answer: Am I That Easy To Forget?

    Am I that easy to forget now that you are like a golden sun

    That shows its crown amidst hot days in the afternoon

    Though your cap turns blue when there […]

    • The feeling is bad seeing your ex with another woman, oh life, we have to accept the destiny bestowed by us, though that said destiny many not be the supposed destiny should we only be wise enough to choose the right man, the supposed life with joys to be with in our life ,It should be the right one so both could withstand hardships and trials without turning back to escape any crucial experiences. Love should always be the strongest weapon to conquer whatever will happen along the way.

    • Yes, can’t agree more, totally will feel bad when seeing the ex with another one. Anyway, we should move on no matter how’s and who betrayed who at first.
      Once left it behind, everything would be fine, and do remember never turning back..no point and will further harm each other.
      Love ourselves is the strongest weapon, for move on for better future. We deserve it, for sure!

    • Ceci Chow , Thank you for your nice thought on this post, yes true, we have to move on and leave the past behind until it rots to the wilderness of broken dreams.We have ourselves to take good care of for if we are sick of the past, it is hard to cure.Acceptance is the best cure of all the had happened in the past. Thank you so much .

    • @Tiada, thanks, very nice thoughts abut this poem very much reiterated.Life is always that way and sometimes hard to understand life, yet we have ti fight everything for we are part of this world as inheritance of God’s creation.

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    cely replied to the topic So what foods are we to eat? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, hehehehe, there is no such delicious and unhealthy foods.Unhealthy foods are those like unwashed and full of toxic acids that are labelled as MSG .Foods labelled as having one chemical content MSG are bad for the health foods. They cause cancer , so those are the foods we avoid to eat bad for our health.

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    cely replied to the topic There is a thief in this site named Sharad Ghimire in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, the site thief was already removed the site Support messaged me. That thief also joned here just to recruit people. That was what I learned after I opened her account. There are photos she use that I also used taken from Pixabay, meaning she does not like to labor.

    My photo was taken in Cornwall Park, of course how many people her ealready…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Thou Shall Not Kill: So Many Killings This Time in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, That student is a rugby boy since age 6, just imagine the number of years as taking rugby that he got addicted to it. Constant use or smell of rugby can damage some tissues in the brain .What we smell if toxic travels to the brain that leads to disruption of some nerve tissues, so that would become disorganized and the foreign smell will be…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, I am also present here every evening. I can post blogs because when I arrived home, I immediately write them first in the word , save them and copied them back when ready to submit to this site. Sometimes, I can only submit 2 blogs if feeling so exhausted. Next week, will be our midterm exam, so there will be many papers to check and grades…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Family Reunions Make Strong Bond and Reconciliation Of Affairs 7 years, 9 months ago

    A family reunion is a gathering of families that belong to the same clan that is composed of parents, children, grand children, and great- grandchildren. The reasons for those whose reunion is active are unity, […]

    • Addendum: I am so happy to tell you that a reunion is a union of happy feelings .It is where we can see big smiles and loud laughters of our relatives. It brings back good relationship.Through it, we would know some strengths and weaknesses of the family members and relatives. It is also the right time knowing our relatives never seen before.Once having this, you always aspire to have it next time.There is a great advantage having a family reunion for it time of joys and sorrows, our loved ones will always share their supports.You will always feel you are not alone.We need to get closer to each other in our family or in a great clan. Happy are those doing this yearly. In our family, we too have this once a year with 600 members , family members and relatives.

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    cely wrote a new post, Technology Is Made Ugly By Some IT Experts 7 years, 9 months ago

    We cannot understand the mind set of others; they have skills in the manipulations of gadgets and other technology related activities using the internet, but they used what they learned in school in the wrong way. […]

    • Addendum : Let us be responsible for our actions in the net sites this time. Anyway, we already have some hints how to detect scam.Before a scam was not detected, there were so numerous victims. In fact, me too, encountered many scams on line. There were 6 foreigners wanting to scam me hahahaha, I told them you can never scam me, you die fist. At first they lured us and they seem real. If we do not know from others experience of scam, most probably, many would have been victimized by the thieves on line. There are so many of them this time especially i a dating site and other sites that assure everyone business genuine and how do we know they are not genuine? When they ask money like membership fee, free trial with a fee? Nonsense business then, that is only a mere fabrication of the fervid imagination of the scammers on line we have to get rid off.

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    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @ PEEUSH TRIKHA, Hi? I am always active here posting blogs because we had one week suspension of classes due to flood in our campus. The flood height reached the  2nd floor of the school buildings. Our university campus is so muddy until this time, but there are workers this evening working over time to do the cleaning hired by our university…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Connecting People Through Media Sites Is Inevitable This Time 7 years, 9 months ago

    We cannot anymore back out to refuse the present scenario of the world, and have the past come back should you want not to adhere to the new era of the technology world. Technology , though others consider a havoc […]

    • Indeed technology made each and everyone be addicted to it. Most people now, can’t seem to live without internet even fr a day. It has become their bloodline, so much so that they have more time being on internet than conversing with their love ones.
      People should see to it that these social media , online earning site and other things done through te internet shouldn’t hinder the quality time each one shoud be having with ter family.

    • Good article. I can see how technology can be a blessing or a curse. We have a great tool that is available to us in many ways but wise use of it is the key. Another side of technology that I wanted to mention is the ability to work from home. Many companies are hiring people to do work at home. I, personally, work from home. It has it’s pros and cons. For a person to work at home, discipline is a strong factor because the comforts of home can distract anyone. Yes, Thank God for technology but count the cost in the long run. Thanks for sharing.

    • @Dina, yes true, there are so many addicts of technology through the access of gadgets like netbooks, cellular phones, computers, lap tops, plus those that access us like Twitter, Viber, Skype, Instagram, Facebook, Line and more that makes life interesting and promoting for we always feel happy seeing and connecting with our relatives, friends and the supposed friends abroad.There is no boring moment when we are in Facebook. We know what is happening to our loved ones who are working in other countries. Media sites are so useful and helpful others never experience because they still like the backward life and never aspire to learn .

    • @Caleb, Hi? It is a pleasure meeting you here and sharing your valuable time to share your very nice comment. I really appreciate it. Yes, very well said, technology helps many earn some at home through on line work at home.It is also true that our family members are not sometimes felt their presence because we focus on our work on line.Let us only spend some hours for our family is the first priority, Somehow, the need to earn extra is useful to us because there is always something we can turn to in time of need.Though the earning may not be big, but at least, it is considered a hard earned money worth to spend wisely too.

      Thanks for dropping by very much appreciated.

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    cely wrote a new post, Poem To Ponder: The Shadow Of Your Dream Has Finally Come To An End 7 years, 9 months ago

    The Shadow Of Your Dream Has Finally Come To An End

    For so many years now you keep on waiting, searching

    For the lost love you keep without complaining

    You are so certain somehow the shadow of your dream

    That […]

    • So many got sick of love and I am one among them.Right love is hard to find, yet love remains beautiful and even worth to die for only those stupid hehehe.Why? It is simply because many committed a suicide because of love. They cannot control their sorrows and loneliness caused by their lost love and dream. yes, it is not easy to feel the betrayal. It seeks like killing you instantly. You even want to kill just to have your rage find remedy to see the person who cheated you perished and never lie to you again. There are so many instances lover kills his love, that is why many agree , and I, too agree that : LOVE KILLS.

    • Love is the answer

    • Yes, true it is love itself to heal man’s misery. Love inspires one’s heart and it gives us reason to wake up for the next day.Love gives long tolerance , but when it is fed up, it will fly away forever and never come back. Love is the greatest feeling of all the feelings human has. There is no room for sadness when we are in love, but when love betrays, its impact almost kill the self and willing to fight for revenge,that is why love is labeled as killer to man hehehe.Those who like to kill themselves because of love are cowards. They should give themselves to love again though not so instantly but later in a year to distance from the broken dream and heart.

    • I agree with the author when she concludes we must find love back again and heal from every pain we shall have had in the past.

      Love is not bad at all, on the contrary, love is the best thing on Earth that is worth living for! Sometimes we get hurt, but not because of love itself, but because of our own choices and love has nothing to do with it. Love is there to guide and inspire, and unite the world in only one breathe and heart beat!

      Thanks for the blog Cely! That was wonderful!

    • @Manoel Fernández Neto ,Hi? Thank you so cu for your nice comment,very much appreciated. Yes, love is not at fault for man’s failure of love.It is destiny itself or choice itself for love is what we make it to happen. There are those serious in love , giving all their trust never thinking about life that may break the feeling and if not ready because f too much trust, then tears and pain will happen.It is man himself that makes love ugly or not.

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    cely wrote a new post, Stop Tolerance Of Wrong Doings 7 years, 9 months ago

    Man, you are the owner of yourself while you are still in this wide world. You also have complete faculties that guide you to the right path. You are the only person who can cure yourselves wrong doings. There is […]

    • At least I have this chance to voice out some experiences I meet every day in my life. there are so many times I meet people texting and driving, texting and reading, texting and eating, and texting and watching TV unmindful of the call of someone.In the classroom for example in the university were I teach. I keep of telling my students whoever is caught will be charged 20 pints deduction, Despite this, still they text and have their hands inside their bag hahaha, so stupid people, That is why every meeting short quiz to remedy the problem. There are also many students in our campus doing selfies and they never afraid to do selfie even at the top of the mountain, What can we call to them? Stupid and stubborn , right. So the youths now are the products of the technology and sooner or later many bad things would happen to them like health problems and mental

      • Some drivers would warn passengers when they are to pass a certain place known for snatching cellphones from jeepneys who slowly traverses the road. Yet, students most specially would keep texting or playing a game on their phone , exposing them to the snatchers.

        Actually, there have been reports of cellphones being snatched from a texting passenger , yet some people are stubborn , thus their cellphones got snatched too. he he he

        As to those taking selfies, I can tolerate one or two selfie, though not everyday, posted at FB , but not everyday posting a selfie . Oh my, some people can be so feeling beautiful of themselves. ha ha ha Whenever I get a friend at FB who is like that, I skip her post. ha ha ha

    • @Dina, hahahahaha I am laughing here, yeah you are right those who always take selfie think that they are beautiful. I noticed that those who take selfies are women not men except for gays hehehe. It will be awkward to see a boy for exam taking a selfie of himself,LOL.

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    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Dina, hehehehe yeah  the doh here is so helpful. She is a trained dog. I want to get in touch with the trainer of this dog so we can have a dog helper at home hehehe.Tat is right my dear, my salary  is higher in the university as an associate professor and Ph.D. I also have tow Masters Degree courses, yet these cannot stop my longings to write f…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    @Edidiong Joseph, Yay, I am happy there is someone like you having the same interest as mine, that is lover of writing anything under the sun. Are you an American? Asian? May I know your nationality, I am from Philippines, the Land of Promise and Land Of Beautiful ladies hehehe.

    Well, at least you got the chance by getting out from yourself and…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    I sensed only few present here this evening.Maybe they are so active here in the day. Yes, the same feeling, despite feeling all alone here, I feel happy because I can share and talk to my own mind and have what the flashes on my mind taken out and developed it here.

    In this way, I am not alone .It is the same way as in your case having you and…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Love And Relationship, A Poem That Inspires You And Me 7 years, 9 months ago

    Love sounds nothing to those whose relationship broken

    The feeling keeps on repeating despite years of accepting the reality

    You seem in vain wanting to show your brutal ways to exhaust the pain

    Yet somehow […]

    • Love is so beautiful yet others ignore it. They just want to experience love without feeling it in their heart.they just have it felt that way just for the sake off calling having in a relationship, but in reality no feeling called love. That is one reason to f]be hurt when yours is true and the opposite is fake. It is hard to detect if the feeling of your love is real or fake. there are so many great pretenders in the world, they just want to abuse your kind and honest ways. Never allow them to come into your life. Destroy that feeling if sense the love of the opposite is fake in the earliest time.

    • Love conquers all.If you found your real love,Embrace and never let go.True love is hard to find.In this generation,People take advantage to ones weaknesses. They often come and go.So if you have a good and strong relationship today.Do something to keep it working and never give up.
      Find more ways how to deal with the ups and downs,Sit back and talk to each other sometimes.This way you will find your self growing old together till the end.

    • Kath , Hi? This poem is for someone else not from my own experience. I just wonder why he cannot forget hie past. All the things he has all in color blues. I told him why are you that way all in blue. Never be blue, cheer up, Do not look back, look at yourself. You are alive and having life you have to exhaust for life is too short you to be wasted by feeling life miserable. Yes, true, we cannot trust anyone as true to his / her feeling. Lucky are those whose loves of life are genuine.
      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings, very much appreciated.

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    cely started the topic There is a thief in this site named Sharad Ghimire in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    I consider this person thief in this site. She used the my own photos I personally took in Auckland, plus, I noticed that she also stole the images I used in my blogs credited from Pixabay. I am mad by the way. I hate to see the photo of mine displayed in her/ his blog. I do not know the gender of this person.

    I reported this matter to @Support.…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic So lovely Cornwall Park in Auckland , New Zealand in the forum Group logo of Lovers Of BeautyLovers Of Beauty 7 years, 9 months ago

    Someone is stealing the photo image here which in took personally in Cornwall park, Auckland.So sad, this person dares to steal my photos. This person keeps on following my blogs and stole the images credited from Pixabay.

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