• Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Politics is not Only Tricky but can be Damaging 7 years, 3 months ago

    There are some great politicians who really do care about the well being of others. However there are some who have no business being in politics. Not offering any solutions but creating chaos. Some politicians […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Can any Person even Imagine 7 years, 3 months ago

    How many can imagine being harassed everyday of their lives? Not too many. Not even criminals receive the treatment in which is projected towards me=Tanikka Paulk. Never, ever, ever have I Tanikka Paulk […]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo‘s profile was updated 7 years, 3 months ago

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Through Determination and seeking I’m Going to get There 7 years, 3 months ago

    It really does take determination in order to get to one point to another. With all the adversity most would probably stop trying to pursue in anyway. I’m not through yet. There’s a lot to discover and although so […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, How to Stay Focused When Dealing Annoyances 7 years, 3 months ago

    Yes there’s a lot of annoying “situations” which one may have to deal with. In order to continue to stay on the right track one would need to block out the annoying things which will add no value. If there’s lots […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Mission to Seek and Find 7 years, 3 months ago

    Matthew 7:8 which mentions to seek and find. Seek and you shall find. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will open. Ask and you shall receive.

    @Teep11 (6151)
    United States
    Joined myLot 5 y […]

    • Not speaking from a racist point of view..but as people of color..we started as kings and queens. Sister we are the energy of this world. Our people took it upon themselves to do the same thing that some whites choose to do in this time. Even though there are still some of us with this mentality, we still know what is predominant.but needless to say god gave us dominion over everything besides one another..the riches of this planet belong to us anyway. Once our true obligations are individually fulfilled these things are added abunduntly. Our only obligafjons are to take care of the planet in which we have been given.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Oh yes too Determined to Turn Back 7 years, 3 months ago

    No matter how many try to discourage a person from living their dreams. It’s up the person whether to stop or not. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who may become envious of others trying to live their […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Hi To All? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 3 months ago

    Your Seldom, Hi? No chnace, site dead.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Should Dwyane Wade go Into Retirement 7 years, 3 months ago

    There will come a time when every NBA player will have to make the decision to retire from the NBA. Some prepared to do so and others may not be ready but all other areas point towards the need for the retirement. […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, No Person can Save the World 7 years, 3 months ago

    There are some people who are so use to be so called hero’s and may think that they’re in a position to do all things. Impossible. No person can help all people, no person can take on everyone’s problems, there is […]

    • Lovely blog

    • I feel u on that because I’ve found myself being a people pleaser. And you know what it stressed me up something crazy. I became depressed. But its hard nowadays to help anybody because people in todays world are selfish, greedy and just plan self-centered. They will take advantage of u and anybody else willing to help them. So i say do what u can if u can’t u can’t .God knows the heart so as long as u ok with him u cool. thank u for your post.

    • I’m with you on this everything so messed up

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic For Two Days Now @Support Is Active Yet Heard No Words in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 3 months ago

    @PEEUSH TRIKHA , Nomupdate and there will never be update.This site does not anymore operate.Should you want a site that pays better just message me in my private inbox.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic Hi To All? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 3 months ago

    I am wondering why until now you are expecting for something to this site.It no longer pays people.The site management ran away. Yes, this site is opened for it uses Cloud…I forgot the partner of this word. I was told when I opened this site and when pops up said, ERROR 404, meaning despite we can still get access, but the site no longer…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic Hi To All? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 3 months ago

    I am wondering why until now you are expecting for something to this site.It no longer pasy people.The site mangement ran away. Yes, this site is open for it uses Cloud…I forgot the partner of this word. I was told when I opened this site and when pops up said, ERROR 404, meaning despite we can still get access, but the site no longer functions…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, No pay no Promoting Noway. People Stopped a Writer’s Earnings 7 years, 3 months ago

    Dealing with a bunch mad wolves. That’s right. A bunch of people who tried and still tries to be deceptive. Stopping my earnings and refusing to allow me=Tanikka Paulk to receive monies from websites. I’ve worked […]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Who Is the True Giver? Are You One of Them? 7 years, 3 months ago

    Who Is the True Giver?

    This question may be answered objectively or subjectively depending on the situation or outlook of an individual. Are you amendable for that?

    Let’s illustrate this in three different […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Stay in Control Within Destructive Environments 7 years, 3 months ago

    There are so many who may be quick tempered. Any action could make the persons lose control. When dealing with individuals, especially difficult individuals one will need to keep their thinking caps on, there are […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Importance of Staying Mentally Focused While on a Journey 7 years, 3 months ago

    Being on a journey or mission isn’t an easy task. There will certainly be lots of adversity and not to mention the distractions. Some may choose to journey with others while there are some will journey alone. […]

    • It is highly imperative that u don’t loose your focus mentally while on a journey because, if u do: It affects every other thing in you which includes your peace of mind, joy, confidence and self esteem.
      Life is all about sacrifices. So u have to persevere when necessary until you achieve your desired goal

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Advocacy is the Desire to Fight for Causes and Rights 7 years, 3 months ago

    Advocates can come across some of the toughest battles. When it comes to fighting for the ones of self and others, there may be a lot of resistance, some continuously fighting against the person or persons. No […]

    • I love your post and you are right on track with the advocacy theory. Some people choose not to fight for a cause or a right to do anything and that is their choice and opinion. There are days that I hope many of us become on the same side. This world needs people that can fight together and love each other, but easier said than done.

    • Yes, I agree with Lakeyia. And also advocacy is fighting for what you believe is right, no matter if the whole world becomes hostile to your ideas. This world and the people in it may or may not agree with you or your ideas all the time. But the right things need to be rooted on for. And I’m rooting on you. Thanks for posting. Please keep posting and uplifting us.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Don’t Take my Name Please 7 years, 3 months ago

    My name is Tanikka Paulk and my Passion is writing and I’m blogger. “Advocate” and Founder of :The Remarkable Person Project.” Life Experiences VP (Visionary With a Purpose). Have Blogs that go by the title […]

    • People can steal your article, even your art, but they can never steal your creativity that resides deep inside your mind. They can steal your identify or may even try to forge it, but they cannot steal the ‘you’ in you, the real you. They can earn by cheating but they will never have peace and contentment in their minds. They will never earn respect for themselves which is very important if they ought to call themselves human at all.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Transitioning From one Stage to Another 7 years, 3 months ago

    There’s plenty of unexpected moments in life. One may never know when there will be a turn of events. There will be times when there are decisions to be made in order to develop further or to be apart of “better […]

    • Transitioning can be painful at times. It requires hope and courage that while we may transition from one phase of life to another, we may or may not altogether leave the fragments of the previous life behind. And if we can painlessly leave behind those fragments then we can say that that transition was a success. If you cannot move on with the little of what you have but constantly look behind, your past, I mean, then you’re in for a loss. You will never expect yourself to improve or change. You will never remain in your present but in your past.

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