• Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Thou Shall Not Kill: So Many Killings This Time in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    I think that 16 year old is mentally deranged. No one in his right mind would kill a teacher for no reason , in front of his classmates. It could be that he had a bad experience with his mother while growing up that he has that kind of hatred whenever he sees his teacher.

    Though, a deranged mind finds no reason at all to kill.

    ALthough,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Thou Shall Not Kill: So Many Killings This Time in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    I think that 16 year old is mentally deranged. No one in his right mind would kill a teacher for no reason , in front of his classmates. It could be that he had a bad experience with his mother while growing up that he has that kind of hatred whenever he sees his teacher.

    Though, a deranged mind finds no reason at all to kill.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic So what foods are we to eat? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 8 months ago

    That is one good question because of thosenews about this and that food that is with toxins etc.

    Actually, we can eat them, though we should see to it that they are well washed and cooked and we eat in moderation and occasionally. This is true with delicious foods, that are said to be unhealthy. THe only secret is we eat them in moderation and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Spotlight on Veggies: Eggplant in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 8 months ago

    Maybe you just don’t know how to make the eggplants so palatable. Have you known how to cook the eggplant omelet? It’s one recipe of eggplant that hubby and my daughter likes so much and of course my favorite too.

    It can also just be sliced in lengthwise half and fried. Then dip it in a soy sauce with lemon drops dip. Us, we put chopped Thai…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of DawnwriterDawnwriter are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina and Profile picture of DawnwriterDawnwriter are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, Disco Dancing and Videoke Singing , The Fun Way to Relax and Be Entertained 7 years, 8 months ago

    In my college days before late 80’s until I got married, I was a disco goer along with my group of 5 girls.
    It was the craze during those times until about the 1990’s.
    My group of friends and I would go dis […]

    • Wow you were really a party girl according to your story. Partying the whole week or three times in a week may sound like a lot of time out, but it’s underatandable given that you were still young and in college.
      During my days I also used to go out but not as much. Mine was kind of limited, I would go like twice in a month. But it was not a given that I would go. But I can remember December was the month of having all this fun, because most kids were on holiday, celebrations are going on from every corner, parties are the in thing during this time. Me and some two friends of mine created a dancing group that used to perform routine dances, around the estates. We would have people from different places come to ask us to go and perform for them, and Mark you it was all for fun no one paid anyone we would do it for free and really enjoy ourselves in the long run.
      Going to the disco was a Saturday event. We would hang out the who night until the next morning at 6pm. We did this because if you left at midnight or at 2am in the morning, you would not get means to go home. Those are the days when you would not get taxis that easy they were mostly for the rich and quite expensive.
      Anyway I loved those days they were the most enjoyable and memorable days of my life. I wish I would go back to those days but am all grown now and taking life slow. Some of this things don’t excite me much nowadays. Am more quiet and reserved and just enjoying my quiet time at home.

      • So you too shared my penchant of having fun during our days when we were young and carefree.

        That was nice that you formed a dancing group that can perform randomly for other people to watch you. I guess , it’s the happiness of being able to give in to your passion of dancing and being watched and admired by people that made you enjoy it, just as I enjoyed the fun also of just being with my friends dancing the night away.

        We both have happy growing up days, that we can share with our children.

        I guess, my growing up years was lots of fun compared to my daughter’s who was always studying . ha ha ha But then, she’s now a doctor and we are so proud of her,

    • I enjoy watching disco dancing. It a lot of entertainment. But actually I enjoy all dancing. It relaxes me and even clears my mind. I even enjoy dancing myself every since I was a little girl. As I grew older I begin to pole dance. It wasn’t about the money. I just really enjoyed it. Dancing was a big activity for me.

      • Really you pole dance! Wow, that is difficult compared to disco dancing .

        Either way, bith is beneficial to our health. It helps us get a toned and healthy body.

        And I suppose you have a sexy body because of pole dancing?

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, It Started with Merkel’s Policies 7 years, 8 months ago

    Every viable country has a certain amount of chauvinism.  There is a certain pride, a sense of being special.

    The refugee crisis required some kind of intervention, but not the kind that Angela Merkel decided to […]

    • In the International Relations, decisions are taken in regard to certain issues with broad perspective keeping the analysis reports and reactions received from various countries. Before making open a decision a country should see the reactions, effects, and its consequences of it on other countries and at least on the neighboring countries.

      The decision of the German Chancellor to open the gates liberally with a human touch for the Syrian refugees might have gained popularity and made the country ‘more-safe-to-stay’ on the planet Earth if the rest of the EU countries accepted and welcomed the decision with a philanthropic approach. But, the situation was not congenial for other EU Nations to accept such decision.
      There were continuous terrorist attacks and bombing in many EU Nations. The reason for such attack starting from Charlie Hebido were all, it seems, directed towards terrorizing the EU Nations not to allow the Syrian Refugees into their respective countries which were countered by the Germany by liberally allowing entry to Syrian Refugees in millions. The Germany took a decision quite contrary and unacceptable to the other E.U. Nations. It should have studied the situation and would have obtained the opinion of the other EU Nations.
      But, the U.S from the beginning has viewed the entire situation with a suspicion and started delaying the draft guidelines in allowing the immigrants which never took any final shape and gave an opportunity to Mr. Trump to cash upon during the U.S Presidential elections. He made his statements quite in line with those of the remaining EU Nations which assured the safety of the Europe if he is elected as the President of the U.S.
      Mrs. Clinton could not see the effect of the statements of Mr. Donald and totally avoided the issue without any firm stand on such important issue.

      • When one doesn’t ‘read’ the population they are to represent, difficulties arise. Allowing immigration without any plan, just opening gates is not sensible.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    It’s hard to0 maintain your own blogging site. It will be frustrating when the views are dismal.
    I am happy for you that you found a site that you enjoy and gets to showcase your talent in writing. How I wish I have many extra time to clog actually.
    At night, I would watch from iwanttv my favorite teleserye, The Greatest Love , which I cannot…[Read more]

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    Iwan changed their profile picture 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Iwan posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    Good Night …

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    Dina and Profile picture of Edsel CoronadoEdsel Coronado are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Result of Sitting on Your Vote 7 years, 8 months ago

    It has become clear, since the elections in the United States in November, 2016, that many people did not vote.   Only Fifty Seven point Nine Percent, (57.9%) voted.   Any number below 75% is a bad number, b […]

    • “… the fact that people did not vote for means their vote counted against.” We have had this discussion before and I still respectfully disagree with you on this. 🙂

      My first reason for disagreeing is: Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. So when you say vote, which vote are you talking about? The electoral vote or the popular vote? Because if you’re referring to the popular vote, Hillary Clinton should be POTUS. If the people who did not vote had voted for her and she had not gotten the electoral vote she still wouldn’t be president.

      My second reason for disagreeing and this is much more important than my first reason: Voting is not the ONLY THING that a citizen can do! It’s as if you believe a person who does not vote is somehow “unpatriotic” and that it’s because of their “non-vote” that a person is now in office who should not be there.

      I don’t buy that! Because I have not voted for years. Sometimes the candidate I was in favor of won the election. Sometimes they didn’t! Not voting didn’t me make any less of a patriot. I have survived all of these presidents. Without my vote, America is still standing!

      No I did not vote. But I did do and still do my part as an American citizen. I have been an American all my life and a patriot ever since I came to know and understand what it means to an American. So I don’t vote! That doesn’t mean I don’t serve my country.

      I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Amen!

      * In my lifetime of living in America, I have never seen that many people protesting the results of a presidential election. OK! Protest. Protest. Protest. Trump is still the President. Also, with respect to the “electors” that you say “sat on their vote”, I totally understand and respect their right to choose to sit on it! They voted or rather did not vote, according to their conscience.

      * * Last question: Who is the Orange Monster? I’ve never heard that expression.

    • You didn’t vote… your vote went to Trump. It is as simple as that. Suppose there are ten people on this site. The choice; limit to three posts a day or not. You don’t vote. I and Cely are the only ones to vote to limit. We ‘win’.

      A lot of people say, my vote is not important. If you were in politics you’d understand how important it is to prevent voting. In one election a particular area with over 25k voters ‘elected’ a representative who received 3,635 votes and the other, 3,300. Where were the votes? The Police had scraped up thousands of people and held them in custody beginning the night before until polls closed.

      A few months later, during local, where the police were inactive, two counselors from a particular party garnered 15k and 12k each. The other party split the 3,635 votes.

      So you, whether you want to appreciate or not. got Trump elected.

      • OK. Following your logic: If by NOT voting, my vote went to Trump. Let’s say that’s correct.

        Then … what I’m trying to say is that in other previous elections when I also DID NOT VOTE, then my vote also went to whoever won the election.

        So since by not voting, somebody became president … and sometimes it was the candidate I thought would make a good president and sometimes it wasn’t … then by not voting … it still mattered what I did! Or rather … what I did NOT do.

        I have lived through all the presidencies where I did not vote. None of those president stopped me from being an American. None of them made me want to leave my country. Every last one of them made decisions I did not agree with, even if it was a candidate I favored!! Hey! Can’t please everybody.

        For all of that, America did not crumble like the Roman Empire (which is always predicted because of how sinful a people we are). I’m confident that I will survive Trump’s presidency too! (If God spares my life.)

        I don’t have any high expectations of Trump making America great again. But I also don’t feel desperation, doom and despair and envision a future where Trump has ripped the fabric of America and torn the country apart, dividing US and causing another Civil War!

        Oh please! It’s just Donald Trump. Who do people think he is? Thor, the thunder god or Zeus or something? Respectfully … back to you.

        • In Jamaica, we sat on our votes, the JLP came into office. There was a very low turn out. In America it is clear the non-voters who ‘would have’ voted for Clinton but didn’t, thinking that their vote ‘didn’t matter’ proved it did.

          Most people do not yet appreciate the Trump Presidency. For example, it is beyond question that at least 3x the crowd was at Obama’s inauguration, yet Trump and his troop can look straight in the camera and turn it obverse.

          That a ‘spokeswoman’ can talk about ‘Alternative Facts’.

          Of course Presidents have lied, but not so boldly. And of course there has always been attempts at mind control, but not as powerfully as today.

          The attacks on the Press are especially scary.

          The world is reassessing its relationship with America. It really is not business as usual.

          • Of course, it’s just speculation on my part, but I’m not at all certain that the non-voters would have voted for Hillary Clinton. There were other candidates on the ballot.

            Appreciate the Trump Presidency? At the rate things are going, I think “most people” are going to spend their time either arguing about it, protesting it – physically and “symbolically”, filing lawsuits about it, on and on and on. Whew! We are in for a rough 4 years.

            Regards lies and mind control? Lying is one thing. Signing a lie into law is another. I say Trump can’t so easily do that! Mind control? What’s he gonna do? Hypnotize US?

            That Trump ‘spokeswoman’ is unbelievable, isn’t she? And you know what? I actually think she believes the words that come out of her mouth! (O.o)

            The attacks on the Press? From what I’ve seen of our American Press, they can take care of themselves. Don’t even think you’re going to shut them up! We have dedicated investigative reporters and journalists that are worth ten times their weight in gold. Historical note: It was our Press that broke the Watergate Scandal. Freedom of the Press is a very strong thread in our country’s tapestry.

            The world is reassessing its relationship with America? Our allies ain’t going nowhere. They’re going to sweat out the next 4 years, right along with the citizens of this nation.

            OK! I’m an optimist. Sue me! 🙂 😀 🙂

            (Thanks for continuing to engage me in this conversation. I really need some place to get this off my chest.)

            • I agree… that spokes woman and her ‘alternative facts’… that knocked me across the room. If there is a ‘vote’ to be taken, whether at the dining room table, or in a national election and you ‘abstain’, then whatever the majority choses, even if the ‘majority’ of voters is a minority, wins.

              Now he’s stepping on the native Americans with the pipeline because he’s getting his kick back.
              People want this to happen. They can’t shake their heads and say not me…

    • During recent US Presidential elections, only 57.9% have voted and the remaining have not voted does not mean that the remaining are 42.1% are against Mr. Trump. So much so it is also not true that they are in favor of Hillary. This is the percentage of people who evinced little interest in the Elections.

      Choosing a candidate for the post of President became a challenge for the U.S voters. They did not want to vote as a protest against Mr. Trump does not carry any meaning. In a Democracy, each and every voter is expected to avail the opportunity of voting. If he does not, it only disappoints the result of the Election. The Voter should be aware of it. If he is not, he must be made to known of the consequences it will have on the Election Result. The Government should educate the people in this aspect and try to see that as many voters exercise their voting rights as possible for a transparent result.

      This clearly shows that the Government has not enlightened the U.S voters on this aspect and took any measures and was watching the campaigns and kept itself busy with the remarks and statements in the Newspapers.

      The sector wise result will make result but not the number of votes. It is always there. Mrs. Hillary might have got number of votes than Mr. Trump but this is not the deciding factor. It is only the number of Segments that they have won in a sector that decides the winning candidate. So, it is not appropriate to say that Mr. Trump is not having any supporters and the election process itself is wrong.
      Finally, it is not appropriate to say that many of the voters did not vote and were carried away by the remarks against Mrs. Hillary it implies that they are not favoring Mrs. Hillary and want to give an opportunity to Mr. Trump.
      Even if it is not so, did anybody stop them from voting against Mr. Trump?

    • When you don’t vote; unless it is a Tweedledee/Tweedledum then you effectively deny a vote to a candidate. When the voting is below 75% every vote not cast matters. It is a very simple equation.

    • Looks like I’ve run out of space for additional remarks. Let’s finish this discussion in the group “Anything Over Coffee”. Have a humorous look at a humorous link I’d like to share with you. Started a discussion called “Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion”. It’s serious but I hope it makes you laugh too. 🙂

    • Meant to start the discussion in one group (“Anything Over Coffee”) but noticed that it is in another group “Making Money Online” (a group that I don’t normally start discussions in). I would have preferred to have it in the group I mentioned. Nevertheless, since it’s there in that group, I am noting it here, just in case somebody comes here, then goes to the WRONG GROUP and can’t find the continuation of our discussion.

      • I did find it odd it was in the wrong place… but did find it

        • It’s my work habit. I am constantly clicking stuff and working in between tabs. You think you’re at one spot but you’re on another tab or in a new window in another spot. I sometimes have 10 to 12 tabs open at a time. My browser usually freezes all the screens and stops responding. Then I have close everything and start all over!

          • I downloaded a little monitor which is at the top of my screen and when it goes to red I clear memory and shut windows.

    • The end of the matter is: Mr Trump fought and won fair and square. Next time for the Liberal leftists, fight harder (within the Law) and vote.

      • Let’s face it; the Lowest Common Denominator rules. The stupidest kid in the class controls the lesson, the slowest guy on the work floor controls the output, and Trump controls the minds of his supporters. People didn’t vote, and they got what the duck got.

        We, in the rest of the world, are enjoying the show.

        • Nice words. Quite entertaining. The mainstream media that has gone totalitarian with the far Left liberal-democrats are panicking. Their control of the “production of unaware and compliant citizenry” (Podesta’s exchanging words with Clinton camp)is quite revealing for an exposed ‘Master Plan’.

          Yes, stupidity has really gotten out of hand with the Left.

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    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of CalebCaleb are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina and Profile picture of Francine LabelleFrancine Labelle are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic History – World – Engraved Plaque Of Jade – Mayan – Central America in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 8 months ago

    It will be interesting to study the history of the Mayans, Aztec’s and the Incas and many other kingdoms which flourished in the South American continent. These details will be well documented in the history books but not much of details are known to the common man in India or in other parts of the world which are differentiated by geography and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, What’s Hard In Saying That Magic Two Words , Thank You? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Last Saturday, my husband helped me cooked for lunch.

    He fried the fishes, while I cooked “pakbet”, my favorite vegetable dish of mixed slices of squash, okra, eggplant, string beans and some white beans we cal […]

    • Lolzzz.. From your writeup, its obvious you made a delicious meal. Perhaps they were carried away by the tasty meal you made them. So no hard feeling ok.

      “I was a bit disappointed, because I want to hear it. But I guess, I just have to be contented of seeing them eating the pakbet, as if they have no tomorrow anymore. Lol” and thats all that matters. Because their actions have shown you how much they appreciated your efforts.

      We learned them as children, but no mater your age these essential words are effortless to say and convey a wealth of meaning to others. They have a powerful ability to create positive interactions.
      But we sometimes fail to recognize and show appreciation for the everyday courtesies that come our way. And also sometimes when we don’t hear the two magic words from those we would like to hear them from, doesn’t mean we’re not appreciated.Most people know to express their thanks for gifts, favors, awards, and the like.

      I’m hoping you share your recipes with me in the future…

    • Well actually, I have known them, including my husband to be like that, no saying of Thank You. You will just know from the way the gobble up the viand and the perspiration in their heads, that they really liked what I cook.

      And at the bedroom, i would ask my husband if he liked what I cooked, he would joke NO! and hugs me.

      But then I still would like to hear it or even just a plain “It is so delicious!” .

      As you said these two words can really create a positive reaction from the recipient. Makes us wanna cook more delicious foods. ha ha ha

      Recipes ? I only cook simple foods. Or from what are the ingredients inside the refrigerator that is available. I call it cooking by chance.

    • Uuhhhhhh so sweet of your husband..*smiles* then you also telling him jokingly. “Honey I’ll like to hear you say it.it makes me feel better”lolzzz..

      You must be a very good cook for using the available ingredients in the refrigerator to do perform the magic they enjoy so much. Thumbs up.Continue keeping your family happy.

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