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    save money life joined the group Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

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    save money life became a registered member 7 years, 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina posted an update in the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 8 months ago

    From my observation , men tend to cheat more. A lot of my friends and acquaintances have husband who cheated on them. I think it is so true that men are polygamous by nature. Though I hate it that when a man cheats it seems it is not a sin to do so, but a common thing to do for men. But when a woman cheats, society looks at her so low.…[Read more]

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    Dina joined the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    You got a funny picture . A dog washing the dishes . ha ha ha

    Seriously, I am happy that your nieces are also into earning online. How nice because they know at an early age how to earn their own money. How did they get to have those online earning sites?

    Anyway, as for you, I am happy that you really are so determined in hitting your goal.…[Read more]

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    Dina joined the group Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, “IF YOU WANT PLEASE , YOU CAN LEAVE THEM AND GET THEM TOMORROW “ 7 years, 8 months ago

    Yes, that was what the clerk told me when I gave him the assessments of our company’s gross incomes for our businesses , together with the checks as payments for the taxes and licenses .

    After 8 persons a […]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar posted an update in the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hello friends,

    Hope all of you are busy and having a good time. Each day throws up new events, news and information. Some of them may be repeating a bit differently compared to the last time it happened while some of them are new and will be interesting material for a writer to write a article with his perspective added while we are bombarded…[Read more]

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    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of RAJURAJU are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Cookery: Carrot Halwa – Sweet Dish in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the feed back adding up to the information value in the article. Even I have had beetroot halwa too. One more variety which is described by you even that variety I have consumed. But it seems somewhat like payasam or kheer and some houses also steam them in the pressure cooker before preparing starting the process of preparing and they…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Emele AugustineEmele Augustine are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina and Profile picture of Emele AugustineEmele Augustine are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, No One Stood To Give A Seat To a Girl Inside The Jeepney 7 years, 8 months ago

    Actually, this is a throwback from months ago, when I was still commuting to work.

    Now, I seldom commute because my gay brother-in-law is already assigned at our place, so he now stays full time at my […]

    • Generation now a days is getting worst.Ladies or elderly are even standing on public transportation’s. This kind of attitudes are often observed to younger generations.They do not offer seat to ladies even they see them standing,specially on trains where lot of people are rushing to work.But of-course take some considerations for those who do not feel well that they need to sit.

      • Are you from the Philippines Kath? Yes, specially at the LRT which I take also when I was working in Manila almost 16 years ago.

        Though, there is already a cabin specially for the women and elderly. Besides, there is a place of the PWDs. That is nice.

        But in jeepneys, no one offers the seat indeed anymore. Though, there are some nice teenagers who would offer their seats and they just hold on the back railings and ride at the back.

    • Fortunately , we still have gentlemen in our city. In fact yesterday, there was a guy who stood up and let the lady sit in lieu of him The worst scenario was, the lady did not even thank the teenager who sacrificed to stand for the sake of the old lady. I told the lady, no ore seat, but she insisted and the guy beside me stood up and offered his seat. I commuted yesterday for my car is in shop for cleaning. That case, I was so thankful for we still have gentlemen in our city, if there are gentlemen ; sad there are also hypocrites hard for them to say than you for the seat offered.

      • That’s also the problem of some ladies offered a seat. They forget or maybe don’t really want to say thank you to whoever offered a seat.

        The sweetest word that can motivate someone doing good for others are the two magic words “thank You”. I wonder, why some people find it so difficult to utter.

        My hubby is like that, he doesn’t ever say thank you, but would just hug me. he he he

        Well, there are still gentlemen on jeepneys.Though, on rush hour nobody wants to be a gentleman. ha ha ha

    • many of the new and old generation dont bother to stand i saw old and young men also dont care for woman old and young while the are standing the men are setting, how shame is that, i can not beleive it really what to expect worse than that? non that is the worst thing not to respect women, but i saw women supporting women and im so happy to see them like this, i do also support any woman in any situation as we have to support each other and not to be bullied at for any reason it is, way to go to the girls who support other women too, God bless

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Modern Level of Rudeness 7 years, 8 months ago

    I was raised to see people, say “Good Day”, (or something like that) and maybe a sentence or so.  I was not raised to pass people and not see them.

    I was raised to tell the person on the phone to ‘hold on’, and […]

    • I must say I so agree with you on this. Even just attending mass and hearing a phone ringing is one rudeness to the high level, because at the start of the mass everyone is told to turn off their cellphones. Not only did you disrespect the mass and the clergy but also God himself, when you didn’t turn off that phone.

    • There are so many and mean people this time regardless of age and gender all over the world.In school where I teach , so many students who no longer greet a teacher meet anywhere in the campus especially those whose grades are not better,of course, they are the one creating their grade.Teachers only teach and give them grades.Gone are those days when we always witness polite and respectful young and old.

      • I think, making these children good mannered is also up to the teachers they interact with. The teachers should initiate in teaching them good manners and be inculcating within them what the teachers teach.

      • We were taught, when I was in school, to stand if the Principal entered, to be polite to our teachers. This has gone away. Manners are not being taught and people bobble about in their own little worlds

        • Yes, we are taught that too. And it means the teacher should be strict that this is being followed by the students. Sometimes, the teacher is to blame because they are lenient.

          Rudeness should be corrected at the instance that a teacher observed a student does it.

          • You are correct. How else would someone learn if they aren’t taught? How would a child know about manners if they were taught at home? The school has to insure this.

            • The teacher should see to it that the students are well mannered. They are the authority in school and they should be followed.
              Or maybe the school should impose good manners in every student make a strict implementation as to the violation being sanctioned if ever done by a student or even by the teachers.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Annoying Ways of Husband or Partner , How Do You Deal With Them? 7 years, 8 months ago

    My husband isn’t much of a church person . He only comes with me in going to church when there is an occasion or whenever he feels like it .

    And the other Sunday , was one of those “no occasion” Sunday , yet […]

    • A good topic. Just a happy experience and memory between the couple. After getting married 10 years, I just ignore it and forget all these issue, move on and sleep , haha!

      • Actually, when we were younger , I would always give him a cold shoulder whenever I am angry or annoyed at him. Over the years and have proven that he is incorrigible , I just would take it as it is , confront him and be done with it because anyway at the end of the day, we will be side by side on bed. ha ha ha

        26 years of his annoying ways has made me numb already , somehow. ha ha ha

    • I seized a moment, several years ago, to teach one of my daughters what marriage relationships are about. She mentioned something my husband (her dad) does and asked me how and why I put with it since it was so annoying. I responded: “Yeah. He does do that. But it’s nothing I would get a divorce over.” She smiled back because she clearly understood the “lesson”. 🙂

      Of course our partners have habits that annoy us. In the same way, we have habits that annoy them too! But we overlook or tolerate them because, if we weigh them on a scale, we realize that our mates have many more good qualities than they have annoying habits. Those qualities are why you stay together. The habits you talk about and change if you can. If not, you learn to ignore them. 🙂

      • That is so true. They may have their annoying ways but we also have ours. That’s why we just have to accustom ourselves to them so each time that they commit it we won’t be annoyed.

        They too have been accustomed to our annoying ways besides when we married one another we promised to we love each other unconditionally, which means even with our flaws.

    • Men can be the most annoying beings in earth then kids. The things they do sometimes you may find yourself asking so many questions that only you can answer. I don’t know why they feel that they can say stiff all the time and make it look like it’s no big deal.
      For me my biggest problem is when my fiancee visits. When I am busy working in the house, moving from one corner to another, all he will do is just sit on the couch and flip through the channels. The next thing I know he expects me to cook, serve him and clear the kitchen, yes i don’t refuse that it is my duty to do that, but if I could only get some kind of help i would appreciate. Men have oftenly believed that the house belongs to the women and so she is the one in charge of keeping it in order. He’s only contribution is to have the rent paid that’s it no, that’s not right, he needs to also engage himself and help around the house. Another annoying thing is when he gets too loud around the visitors or friends. It can get so annoying that you actually feel like putting him off and asking him to keep quiet. Another thing when you would go out together with your friends, and that are busy drinking and making merry, so it would get to that point you feel he has had enough and so you should leave, but guess what, instead he now gets into the fun even more, and decides that he doesn’t want to leave just yet and that we should wait a little longer. That really posses me off, and sometimes you can’t really do anything about it.

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    Dina and Profile picture of sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanamsivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Why Bother to Argue with People? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Years ago, I suppose I felt it was my duty to insure that people did not deceive themselves or proceed along a path without all the information.   If I knew something and someone did not, I felt it was my […]

    • Silence is Gold as the saying goes. But, how long one should allow such people who bark in loud and stick to their own ideas without any reason. This is the ego problem. They can not be convinced. They do not accept. Even if one shows the proof with documentary evidence or practical proof they attributing the reason for some other thing and do not accept the mistake with their opinion or idea.
      How to calm them down? This is one of the problems we come across in a society either with the people or in a group of friends.
      The only way is to avoid them as the people say. But, just by avoiding these people we are allowing them to become made as they can not be in the company of anybody and
      may suffer from mental illness which is not advisable.
      What is the remedy then? The remedy lies in giving a patient hearing to such people reserving and analyzing our own views as sometimes the mistake lies with us also. In between the discussion try to ask him to give his opinion on the observation you have made after he stops speaking. This is the best way I have tried in a dynamic organization.

      • The response is… silence and removal. I don’t need to argue with people who hold to a unsupported opinion which they become rabid about. They don’t want to discuss they want to expel their views.

    • I won’t bother again to tell those people I have warned before over something that they insist they know better. These people knows that you are right but won’t budge to heed you because it would appear that you are better than them. They are arrogant and incorrigible , so why bother again , anyway.

    • Even me,I will not bother to argue with people,Its a waste of time.You will never win specially if you are dealing with bipolar or close minded people.Right they are arrogant and uncontrollable.They will never give you the chance to speak up,because they know that you now better than them.Just ignore and leave them. This is the right thing to do with this kind of people.

    • LOL. I love that Jamaican expression! 🙂 I remember one of my brothers once said: “You know you can learn a lot from watching a fool. You can learn how not to be a fool!” 🙂 Similar to the point of your post.

      Sometimes though, it’s hard not to argue back. It takes a great deal of self-control. But over the years I have learned how to restrain myself. That’s not to say I don’t let an outburst slip, every now and then. But if a person is worked up about something that they are to the point of arguing over it … try to listen to them. Their words may be harsh. They may be abrasive. But they might also be saying something that make sense! If they are just talking crap, then you can dump it from your brain. No point retaining it, if it’s useless! 🙂

      • A friend of mine who had been under pressure suddenly went insane when discussing an international issue which did not effect us at all. I said nothing. When he finished I said nothing. My expression had not changed.

        There is a difference in a discussion and an argument.

    • What’s the point of arguing when you are never going come to a resolution. Don’t waste your time

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar started the topic Company – Tata Steel – J.N.Tata, J.R.D.Tata-Relations With National Leaders in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 8 months ago

     Steel can only reflect the shining spirit  that it sees. Given below are some of the shining spirits who have touched lives at the Tata Steel Company. They inspired the company and its people to seek excellence in business and in all that the company wanted to be known for, without these National Leaders and many others, names of a few have b…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, How Mind Control Actually Operates 7 years, 8 months ago

    In the Book, 1984 by George Orwell, (which is required reading if you want to know what is happening) the protagonist worked at the Ministry of Truth, which was the propaganda arm of the Government.  He was […]

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    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of AyoAyo are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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