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    Vivian Sudhir voted up to a reply by bestwriter in the topic i do not see 'Arrays' any more 8 years, 3 months ago

  • Profile picture of Vivian Sudhir

    Vivian Sudhir voted up to a reply by bestwriter in the topic i do not see 'Arrays' any more 8 years, 3 months ago

  • Profile picture of Vivian Sudhir

    Vivian Sudhir voted up to a reply by bestwriter in the topic i do not see 'Arrays' any more 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir voted up to the topic I like crows. Do you? by bestwriter 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir wrote a new post, Are we all at sea or are we headed for the sun? 8 years, 3 months ago

    Our population will reach 9 or 10 billion by 2050. With increasing levels of pollution, dwindling forest cover and population bulging at its seam, the future does not seem bright. Add the expansive all-protective […]

    • Wow, and finally, I see your post published. I am your fan in your writing.I appreciate your versatility. Regarding this post, unless God wants to reduce the worldly people, it may not reach to 50 billion.Of course, my friend, very impossible to dwell under the sea,unless build a very strong foundation that costs billion dollars, but I want to live on land for I can see the beauty of the world and breath the air God given us.Congrats.

      • Thanks Cely. I followed your advice and went and got some old posts from Wiki. I know you are thinking that construction will be of mortar and concrete. I think it will be all anti-particle displacement…it is simple, we need to figure it out. Yes, we can breathe air underneath the sea too. There will be plenty of life by way of fish and other marine creatures. There are lots of technical things you can do down there Cely.

    • Rather than looking for more resources if we conserve what is already there that would be more than enough. Looking at how an individual goes about wasting be it water, energy, money or whatever it just takes a moment to set back the clock if only that waste is contained.

      • True bestwriter, if only all of us would do that! Maybe in the future, we will have an effective monitoring system that will record how much we waste. After all, what we haven’t done remains in our memory for use perhaps in our next life.

    • Nature has a way of balancing itself.
      If memory serves, we are near to 100 years of Spanish Flu.
      If the same flu bug hits the world, the population will be lower by 10% to 20%.
      There is no doubt that an epidemic is just ahead of us, but we do not know what kind and how it will kill or who will die.

    • Not sure here too. After Ebola and Zika a new threat could spring a surprise. But we don’t know what form it will take.

    • Yes indeed. Meeting and befriending mermaids and other exotic marine creatures will make things exciting. We can build a temple for the goddess once we get together there under the sea.

    • @Vivian Sudhir, How nice to have power so I can build a mansion under the sea hehehehe.Then, I will always catch fish.LOL.

      • Yes, I will catch mermaids. I believe they have hypnotic powers. So, I must not listen to their songs. After all, the trip to mars has gathered speed. Soon, we will have underwater dromes. See you there Cely.

        • @Vivian Sudhir, yes see you there hehehe.How nice to stay under water so cool and amazing.The heart beat might be different it could be slower, so no more hyper to those hyper hehehe.I am happy to know you got your article there in wiki,I also plan to get mine.They are plentiful. What I cannot get almost 700 articles are in the site Triond.

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    Vivian Sudhir joined the group Group logo of Honesty Still WorksHonesty Still Works 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir wrote a new post, Breaking the trend 8 years, 3 months ago

    Yet, if we think of walking, we do spend a good deal of our life doing just that. Surprisingly, we walk 111,000 miles in our lifespan of 70 years. This assumes that you walk an average of 7,777 steps a day. This […]

    • totaly nice post and well posted, i agree that this trend is gone nwo with online stores and shops and fast shippment too. that is our trend today

    • and i guess in the future some one will break this online trend and do their ear trend also, that is life, is not that true gals and guys

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    Vivian Sudhir wrote a new post, Flowers in the garden 8 years, 3 months ago

    Some of the best things happen every morning in my garden. The garden itself is not too big. You can hop-step-and-jump from the front door to the gate leading to the road without any trouble, or seeing anything of […]

    • Good to hear of your family adventure. The garden makes the house so pretty. Good luck with your Farmville. Try some fruits if you have the space.

    • Growing flowers in the garden is a very complicated job because very flower is pretty and sure but the best choice is difficult for the person who is growing the best flowers in his garden.

      Flower gardens can turn an ordinary area into a colorful showcase or create a border that pops. Whether you choose an easy to manage perennial or a particularly touchy annual, growing flowers is a rewarding addition to any yard or landscape.

      Perennial plants come back year after year, growing in stature and size until they reach maturity. Some perennials lose their vigor after 3-4 years and may need to be replaced. One advantage to perennial flowers — beyond the fact that they do not require replanting every year — is that they can be divided and planted throughout the garden.

      When starting plants from seed, be sure that your soil has been adequately prepared. Dig a small hole in the ground according to the directions on the seed packet (usually about twice the depth of the seed) and drop in a couple of seeds. Cover with soil and water gently, but thoroughly. Be sure to keep the soil moist as the seed sprouts. If you have trouble getting seeds to grow, check out “Why Seeds Won’t Grow.”

      Many flowers are started in a greenhouse before moving to the garden. Whether you grow your own seedlings or purchase them from a garden store.

      Caring For Cut Flowers

      You may want to use some of your flowers for arrangements in the house. There are several techniques for keeping cut flowers that prolong their life — and enjoyment!

      Cut the stems under water to avoid letting air into the delicate plant cells. This can be done by cutting flowers in the garden, and immediately taking them inside to cut them again under a running faucet or in a bucket of water.
      Use a knife and cut the stem on an angle. This will open the veins and allow more water to be taken up. Scissors can seal off the stem by pushing the outside of the stem toward the middle.
      Immediately place the cut flowers in a clean vase filled with warm water. Remove all the leaves that are below the water line; they will quickly rot and pollute the water.
      Keep the vase in a cool spot for the first hour or two while the flowers recover from shock. Then display the arrangement away from cool or warm drafts and fruit (apples, for instance, emit ethylene gas — a hormone that promotes aging in flowers).
      Change the water in the vase daily to keep it fresh.

  • Profile picture of Vivian Sudhir

    Vivian Sudhir posted an update in the group Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years, 3 months ago

    I am happy to join this group. I look forward to interacting with you all.

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    Vivian Sudhir joined the group Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir posted an update in the group Group logo of GardeningGardening 8 years, 3 months ago

    I love gardens and we used to do a lot in my previous house. Now we have moved to an apartment and we do not have the space. Still I like reading and commenting about gardening.

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    Vivian Sudhir joined the group Group logo of GardeningGardening 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Smasheroo! Where is my kangaroo? Feeling peppy this Sunday morning, maybe because i skipped church.

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    Vivian Sudhir and Profile picture of sam kalsam kal are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir and Profile picture of ThinkerThinker are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir and Profile picture of Tanikka PaulkTanikka Paulk are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir and Profile picture of SHOHANASHOHANA are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir wrote a new post, Why cats meow 8 years, 3 months ago

    My mornings invariably begin like yours, with the newspaper and morning coffee. My cat does not meow! It maintains a stoic silence and does not communicate until breakfast time. Then it keeps hitting all the legs […]

    • Yes, you have a kind heart. I also like my cat very, very much. But at times, I get the feeling…

    • I love this animals I wish I could enough money to buy one and set it free

    • @Vivian Sudhir A stray cat visits us and we never hear it meow. He comes twice – once in the morning for his milk and once at lunch time when we feed him.

    • It depends on the situation why the cat meows. Meowing is a form of cat’s way of communicating with its master, with its fellow cats. They meow for several reasons. As far as I know, I may base it on my experience. And these are they as follows when:

      1. They want to ask for food.
      2. They are mating.
      3. They are hurt.

      But in reality, we have a lot of domesticated cats at home. They are stray cats who stayed at the house for their foods. And we are compelled to adopt them. As of now, we have three of them. They seldom make any noise. They are reserved type of feline creature.

      We couldn’t sleep at night when it is their mating period. They are too noisy. We keep on shouting them to keep quite, but they still continue. So we drive them out from the house and they do their thing there. I don’t know if they comfortable there.

      • Yes, they do make terrible noises when they mate. But in the ordinary situation, they make very adorable meows. A house with cats is always lively. Are they females? You can get plenty of kittens then.

        • Why are they noisy and they are displaying a violent reaction? I notice that it is the female cat who is reacting, who is fighting back the male. I try to observe on how they are doing their act on the way they behave. I would take a video next time when I happen to be around when they mate.

          Is there another animal besides cat that is too violent and very noisy when they are mating? Only the cats for we are raising them. What about the tigers for they belong to the feline family? Well, I don’t think if they do for they never meow. Don’t they? Only animals that meow are creating loud noise when they are mating. Aren’t?

          This would be our homework to search for another animal that makes us irritable when they are doing their thing. They are producing sounds of violence when they do that. Would it be agreeable? I am just curious if there are.

          • I think it is like this. When the animal belongs to our group, we do not hear the noise or the noise is pleasant. But when they are in the opposite group, the noise makes us angry and we get violent.
            So, when we hear the noise, we turn in our sleep and ‘get rid’ of that group. That is a mild explanation.
            I too would like to hear if there are any other species that make noise.

    • Reading a cats language or even a babies language is always difficult and maybe frustrating at first but eventually by paying attention you will catch on to what it wants, you will learn what certain tones of meows mean just like a baby or any other animal.

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    Vivian Sudhir and Profile picture of peachpurplepeachpurple are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Vivian Sudhir and Profile picture of cessy08cessy08 are now friends 8 years, 3 months ago

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